Feels Right

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'Date date date date date... *sigh* Okay just relax, Chloe. You can do this, I tell myself, It's just Max.

But it's not just Max, she's my girlfriend now.

I'm in another relationship... I'm scared... But that's okay... it's normal.

I can tell Max is scared too, or... that's just Max.

Nowadays, she always seems to be scared.

Maybe it's the nightmares.

Anyways, I take a deep breath and rip off my beanie, letting my blue hair down. It looks cleaner than it did a few days ago, but that's only because I actually managed to shower. You're fine Chloe... you've got this in the bag.

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom (which is where I've been hiding most of the morning) and see Max sitting on the bed, her head resting in her hands. She hops to her feet and blushes when she sees me, "Hi".

"Hi," I reply, my voice squeaky and high.

She looks pretty... really pretty.

We had gone out earlier in the week and got some decent clothes since all we had was the clothes on our backs. Now Max sports a blue button up blouse with white polka-dots, she looks like a total nerd... but god is this nerd hot.

I look down at my outfit with a small smile. My clothing of choice is still punk... but it's toned down. I ditched all the studded bracelets 'n' shit for just a simple watch, and my tank top has been replaced with a simple colored tee-shirt that fits snuggly over my body. My trusty leather jacket hangs over my shoulder, just waiting to be put on. The ratty jeans are gone too (but there's no way in hell that I'm losing my suspenders, those are special) so, relatively speaking... I almost look like I did when I was 16 and was just starting to find my style.

"Ready to go?".

She nods hesitantly, "Uh.. yeah. I'm ready"

I smile and grab her hand, leading her outside.

"So... which is more romantic? McDonalds or Hooters?" I say jokingly, trying desperately to break the awkward tension settling between us.

Max giggles a bit but remains silent.

"You okay?".

She stiffens up, "Yeah... j- just nervous,".

I smile softly and tighten my grip around hers, interlacing our fingers. I spot a small smile crawl itself onto her lips.

We walk down to the parking lot and up to the truck hand in hand, but Max pauses a few feet away, "Uh...w- why don't we walk. I think I saw a decent looking restaurant down the street... Looks good".

I shrug and say, "Why not, I could you the exercise".

When I flex my poor excuses for muscles, Max laughs a bit, "No way, you're in awesome shape".

I smile and wink at her, intertwining our fingers again as we make our way down the street.

It's mid-morning and the sky is still somewhat misty. There's moisture in the air, I can tell it's going to rain, which makes me wonder if the storm is going to follow us everywhere we go. What if we can never escape our past? What if everywhere we go, darkness follows. I- I don't think I'd be able to handle all that ... I don't think Max could. She's already been through so fucking much, she's seen things nobody should ever see. I mean, she's watched me die so many times. How can someone just... keep on living with all that shit forever seared in their head? I don't know how Max does it... She's so strong... I admire that. I admire her... I admire everything about her.

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