Passenger Seat

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We're only an hour or two away from being back in Arcadia Bay and we're both quiet, but it's obvious that we're both scared shitless of setting foot in the town we deserted a year ago. "How are you holding up, Maximus?" I ask, brushing my fingers over her knuckles as we hold hands, the radio playing softly in the background. She

shrugs and sighs, staring out the window into the black darkness that surrounds the truck."I'm okay, I guess," she says, "Nervous about seeing Kate again, but other than that, I'm fine".

I know that's a lie... I can feel her hands trembling but I don't pry.

"It'll be fine. We're just meeting her for coffee then going to Blackwell to get your papers 'n' shit. You need them if you want to go back to school,".

I hear her swallow hard at the mention of Blackwell and school, feeling her grip tighten ever so slightly around mine.


I know that returning to Blackwell is a big deal, for both of us, but for Max... it must feel like the equivalent of returning to ground zero.

She still dreams about me getting shot in the bathroom at Nathan's hand, but that's one of the only dreams she'll tell me about. But the one she continuously has, the recurring one, she refuses to tell me, so I know it's something bad.

"What about you?".

"What about me?".

Max fidgits around a little, "How are you feeling... about being back in town?".

I shrug and tense my shoulders up, "I'm fine... a bit nervous about seeing mom again... and... and David".

"I am too," Max admits.

We're both quiet after that, the radio still playing in the background. I run my thumb over her knuckles, hearing Max sigh with content.

"I love you," she whispers, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"Me too," I reply, leaning my head against hers.

"We'll be okay... won't we?".

I nod even though I'm not sure, life for us has taught me to always expect the unexpected.

"I know we will".

"Okay..." she sighs, nuzzling into me, reaching out and turning up the volume on the radio ever so slightly.

It's a song we both recognize, and a band we both love.

As I drive, I can hear Max singing along to the soft sounds of the radio:

"I roll the window down

And then begin to breathe in

The darkest country road

And the strong scent of evergreen

From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.

Then looking upwards

I strain my eyes and try

To tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites

From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.

'do they collide?'

I ask and you smile.

With my feet on the dash

The world doesn't matter.

When you feel embarrassed then I'll be your pride

When you need directions then I'll be the guide

For all time.

For all time"

Once the song ends, Max turns to me and smiles, sliding her hand in mine.

"I love you, Chloe," she says, "For all time".


OOC: So, this is the last chapter I've rewritten thus far. The rest of the chapter in this fic is part of the original story. Now... since this is a rewrite, no much is going to change at this point, so go ahead a read the rest, but if you wanna read the complete, fully re-written fic, check me out on Ao3 and These are slow to update, but progress is being made... slowly.

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