Back to the Bay

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_-October 3rd-

It feels like there's a pit in my stomach as we walk up the Blackwell dorms. 'Just focus on seeing Kate right now, Max' I tell myself, trying not to think about the fact that both Chloe and Kate almost/did die here. This whole side of town seems undamaged, but that's just this side of town. We still have to see what else I... I mean, the tornado... what else the tornado did to the rest of the town. The campus is oddly quiet for a Friday afternoon, giving it an almost ghost town vibe. "Are you sure you're up for this?" Chloe asks, sensing my hesitation as we head up the stairs to my floor. I don't reply because.... I honestly don't know. She grips my hand and , pulls me aside, "We don't have to do this right now, Max. We can always come back when you're ready". I shake my head, unable to do anything else. I literally can't say or do anything. "You do know you're shaking, right?". I blink a few time, suddenly aware that she's right, I am shaking. Shit. "I-I know, but I'm okay, Chloe. This is something I have to do" I mutter quietly, continuing to walk. I know Chloe can tell I'm trying hard to keep it together since the 7th is just 4 days away. I take a deep breath as we both walk up to Kate's dorm room door, trying desperately to calm myself down. 'You can do this, Max. Just get over yourself'. I give her door a light knock and immediately regret it. I panic, backing up into Chloe. She holds me by the shoulders and tells me to relax. "God, chill would you? It's just Kate,". I nod and swallow hard, watching as the door swings open. Kate looks exactly the same, well, except for a few streak of red dye in her hair. We stare at each other awkwardly before I completely lose my shit and throw my arms around her. "Oh, Kate... it's so good to see you again," I cry. She smiles and hugs me back, "It's good to see you too, Max... a-and you too, Chloe" Kate says, looking up at her former blue haired friend. She doesn't say anything, she just smiles and waves politely. "Come on in guys," Kate says as she opens her door wider to let us in. As we enter, I'm relieved to see that her room is much brighter and less dismal than it was the last time I was here. Chloe, Kate and I all sit down and start talking like old friends. You know, it's odd seeing a puck rocker and a religious girl being friends. I mean, Chloe and Kate seem like complete opposites, but I could see how they connect... sorta. Anyways, after a while, Kate turns to me, seeming anxious. "D-do you mind if I ask you something, Max?" she says. "Uh, s-sure, Kate. You can ask me anything, "I reply, pretty sure she's going to ask if there's something going on between me and Chloe. "What happened to you? I mean, the last time anyone saw or heard from you was at the Vortex Club party. Everyone thought the both of you were dead". "Wait... what do you mean, 'Everyone'?" I ask quickly, ignoring her initial question. "Oh, well... From what the others told me, most of the students were trapped in the dorms until the storm blew over and I guess you were one of the only ones not here". "So... everyone made it?" I say, praying to god that everyone did. Kate sighs deeply and shakes her head. "No, not everyone. Brooke... she... she was the only person on our floor who didn't make it". My heart sinks when I hear this. Why... why did I think that everyone would be okay? I killed a whole town to save one person. I look away and try hard not to get all emotional, but I do tear up a small bit. "A-anyways," Kate says, changing the subject in a heartbeat. "I thought you'd like to know that your dorm is still here. I mean, all your stuff is still inside. Me and a few other students pitch in every couple of months and pay to keep it occupied in the hopes that you might come back...". She reaches over and grabs my hand, smiling as she does so. "And you did".

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