Crime & Time

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I blink a few times and nod, keeping my eyes focus on Max's. "Um... Okay" I say, taking Max's small gift in my hands, feeling around the small square box.

She's avoiding something... can tell, I think to myself, tearing into the wrapping paper and revealing a.... Ring box?

My heartbeat speeds up at the sight of this.

Was... was she going to propose to me? Is that why she's been avoiding me?

I turn to Max, seeing her blushing face.

"Just open it," she urges.

I nod and flip open the small velvety box, seeing two rings inside. And that's all they are, just rings. No diamonds or jewels or anything like that, just two plain gold rings.

Taking a closer look I realize that each ring has an inscription written on them. One reads 'Partner in Crime' while the other reads 'Partner in Time'.

I smile, the whole Crime and Time thing means a lot more to us than you might think. Max used the phrase to ask me to be her girlfriend, and we use it as another way of saying 'I love you'.

I look over at Max, blinking in slight confusion, "What... what are these?".

"They're called promise rings," She explains shyly, rubbing at her elbow, "It means we vow ourselves to each other... so in a way, it's kinda like getting engaged".

"So is that a yes?" I ask eagerly.

She looks up at me and sighs, "Chloe...I- *sigh* Listen, I love you more than anything, but this is is a really big step for us and I'm not sure I'm ready to take it. We're only 18 and 19, we have our whole life ahead of us. Anyways, it's illegal in Oregon, you know that...".

I nod and blush, remembering the text I sent Max after she tried to shoot Frank. In the junkyard.

"We can-".

"We're not going to elope, Chloe. If we're going to get married, we're going to do it right".

I sigh, "Fine, but can I please get an answer? The suspense is killing me".

Max nods and takes my hands in hers, running her thumbs across my knuckles, "Chloe... I- I promise that once I'm ready, 'Yes' I will marry you,". She takes the 'Partner in Crime' ring and flips my hand over, "But for right now... I, Maxine Caulfield, hereby promise myself to you and only you, for as long as I live".

I sit there, absolutely speechless as she put the ring on my finger. She never uses her full name for anything, so I know this must mean a lot to her.

I look back up at her, searching her face for... something, but all I can see is a genuine smile at warms my heart.

I pick up the remaining ring and take Max's hand, "I, Chloe Elizabeth Price, hereby promise myself to you and only you till the end of time itself".

Once I put the ring on her finger, Max giggles a little and looks over at me, "I love you".

I smile, "I love you more".

Leaning in, Max and I kiss, our lips lightly brushing up against each other.

"Cute," I snicker, knowing she's just teasing.

She giggles and kisses me again, this time holding there for longer, gently leaning her weight down on me until I'm basically lying back on the couch.

"Wowza..." I mutter once we break away.

I note the deep blush on her face, half hiding the anxious look in her eyes.

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