Skip To The Good Part

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My dad always throws a big party for the first day of summer. My whole family (which now includes Chloe's) comes down to Oregon to celebrate, so the house is always full of life. Anyways, a bunch of our younger cousins are running around in and out of the house, Blue chasing gleefully after them. "Settle down girl," I say, watching as the dog skitters across the hardwood floors and almost crashing into the walls. "Come on, let her play. She never gets this much attention at home" Chloe replies, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. The older kids sitting at the table with us make gagging sound and turn away. I giggle a bit and kiss her back, making them cringe even more. "What do you say you go take your 'Gayness' somewhere else." My jackass soon-to-be step-brother Derek says, covering his three-year-old daughter's eyes. "And what do you say you go screw yourself" Chloe snaps back angrily. "Babe... relax, it's not worth it" I say, holding her back by the shoulder. She gives him the death glare and takes a deep breath, gripping my hand from under the table. If it isn't already obvious, she really doesn't like my future step-brother and frankly, I don't either. Derek has made it very clear that he doesn't want anything to do with us, especially after he found out Chloe is my girlfriend. "I hope you two aren't fighting again," my dad says as he comes inside, taking a break from grilling, "You can argue later, for now, let's all go outside and eat". Derek rolls his eyes and stands up, giving Tess; his daughter; a piggyback ride out to the yard, "Come on, baby girl, Let's go". We wait until everyone else leaves before heading out ourselves. "What is his problem..." Chloe mutters irritably. " Don't let him get to you, okay... he's just being an asshole" I reply, grabbing her hand. She nods and sighs a bit, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. Blue breaks off from the crowd of kids (who keep sneaking her treats) and trots up to us as we make our way over to where Joyce and David are sitting. "Hello, ladies," He says with a genuine smile, "How are you doing on this fine evening?". "Alright, I guess," Chloe says as she pulls out a chair for me, "Douche-bag Derek is being his mean self". Joyce shakes her head angrily, "Just ignore him. The bastard will get what's coming to him one of these days". I nod in agreement, "Karma is indeed a bitch, but at least he's a good father to the twins". I gesture towards Tess and Robbie who sit quietly with their parents across the yard. "Yeah, I guess he's a good dad," Chloe admits as she sits beside me, "But he's still a dick". "I think that's something we can all agree on," David says with a light laugh. We all chuckle and start talking, remembering the good times. "Dude, I can't believe we've known each other for almost 15 years," Chloe says, taking a sip of her champagne, "and we've been together for 6". Holy Shit... she's right. It's been six years since we were reunited. Six years since I discovered my powers, six years since I made the biggest decision of my life... wowsers. I'm torn from my thoughts when Chloe stands up and prepares to make a toast, "Tonight, all that changes" she whispers. The yard falls silent when she taps against her glass, "Maxine Caulfield," She says, "You and me... We've been through everything together. You are my partner in crime and my partner in time... you are my all. I didn't have a life until I met you, and Now, I don't have a life without you,". Chloe gets down on one knee and takes out the same little black box out of her pocket. "I know we've done this before, but... Max, Will you marry me?". I sit there stunned, warm tears rolling down my cheeks,"Y-yes! Yes, of course, I'll marry you!" I finally say, allowing Chloe to replace my promise ring with the engagement ring. We stare at each other for a moment before I lose it and throw myself into her arms, kissing her as I do so. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to ask you that," Chloe says once we break away. "Just shut up and kiss me you big gay blueberry" I reply, kissing her again. Everyone is clapping and cheering for us, hell... some people are even crying. "Oh, I'm so happy for you both," Joyce says as she comes over to hug us, "William would be proud of you,". Chloe smiles and tears up at the sound of her father's name, "I hope so..." she says, turning to David who shakes our hands, his eyes gleaming with what I can only describe as pride. "I'm proud of you kids... you've both become strong independent young women despite all the shit you've been through". "Thanks, Dad,"   she says, giving him a big bear hug. Once Chloe's side of the family congratulates us, we turn to my family who awkwardly gives us their best wishes. Misty; my stepmother; and my dad come up and hug me, "We're so proud of you kiddo," he says, rubbing the top of my head. I squirm away and fix my hair. Huh, I'm 23 and my dad still treats me like I'm 8. "I can't believe my little girl is getting married". I blush because... holy shit... I'm getting married... I'm actually marrying Chloe... I have a fiance... wowsers. "I- I can't believe it either," I reply, looking up at Chloe with a big cheesy ass grin. She smiles back and holds my gaze as we look deeply into each one another's blue eyes. I'm barely aware of my parents walking off, leaving us in this perfect moment. "So, how does it feel to be engaged?" she asks, resting her forehead against mine. "I can't believe it's actually happening... Like, for reals" I say, sliding my hands into her jacket pockets. "Huh, I can't believe it took you this long to say 'yes'" Chloe replies, giving me a quick kiss. I giggle, "Well, I actually said yes the first time you asked, but I have to admit, I like this proposal way better". "Yeah, me too... It's way more romantic," She says warmly. I blink a few times, suddenly realizing that Jennie; Derek's wife; is standing beside us, both twins holding her hands. She seems genuinely happy for us, "We're so happy for you guys," she says with a smile. "Thanks, Jen, that means a lot to us" Chloe replies, pulling away from me so she can shake her hand. We've always liked Jennie (not in a gay way) She's always been nice and supportive of us, despite her husband's beliefs. You know, her and Derek are complete opposites, but they've stayed together to raise their children. I look down at Tess and Robbie... *sigh* They're so cute... a mini version of their parents. Tess has long blond hair and fair skin, just like her mother. Robbie has a darker complexion but his father, a mop of black shaggy hair covers the top of his head. Chloe taps me on the shoulder, snapping me back into reality, "You alright?" she asks. "Yeah... I'm fine, just thinking," I reply, straightening myself up. Jennie looks over at me, then at Chloe, then down at the twins. She smiles, "So do you two have plans for after you get married... anything special?" she asks. "Nothing too special... I mean, we might travel around for a bit... why do you ask?" Chloe says with a raised eyebrow. Jennie's smile grows, "Oh, come on... I'd know that look anywhere," she says, gesturing towards me, "You two want to have kids, don't you".  

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