Letters Not Sent

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The bus arrives a few minutes later, and as we board, I can't help but notice Max is limping a little more than usual. But then again, I guess that's normal... this is the most she walked around since the accident.

*Sigh* The accident.

I still feel responsible for causing the crash, for causing Max to almost lose her life.

As we sit in the back of the bus, watching the world roll by, she puts her hand on my lap.

"It's not your fault, Chloe," she whispers.

I turn to her with a slightly confused expression.

Seriously... do her powers include mind reading?

I don't know how, but... she can always tell what's on my mind.

"I know," I reply.

"Do you?" she asks softly, keeping her head resting against my chest.

I sigh and nod reassuringly, "Yeah... I do".

The accident may have not been my fault, but... my actions triggered it, or something.

Max cuddles up closer to me and sighs, "Thank you... for tonight, I mean. I know it didn't go exactly as planned but, thank you. Just thank you".

I chuckle a bit a worm my arm around her waist, pulling her even closer, "Well, it was my pleasure madam".

She giggles and rests her chin on my chest, looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you, Chloe Price".

I smile and lean in, pressing our foreheads together, "And I love you, Maxine Caulfield".

She giggles again, her warm breath spreading over my chest.

I shiver.

"You know... as much as I hate that name, I don't mind it as much when you say it. You make it sound pretty".

"Well, that's because it is! Max or Maxine, you are fucking beautiful, Caulfield".

"And you're a complete and hopeless romantic" she replies, giving me a light kiss on the nose.

I snicker a bit, "You're damn right I am. I am in love with the fact that I am in love with you,".

Max smiles dumbly at me and closes her eyes, snuggling up into my chest. "I love you, you dork".

"I love you too".

I kiss her forehead, holding there for a few seconds before pulling away.

We sit pressed up against each other until the bus rolls to a stop in front of our building.

We hop of the bus and stumble up the stairs to our apartment, acting in a complete love-drunk manner.

On the way up we run into one of our neighbors who smiles when she sees us.

"Hola, Max, Hola, Chloe".

"Hey, Ms. Martínez" I say, pausing for a moment to greet her.

Max waves shyly at her, "Hi".

Mrs. Martinez looks us up and down and claps her hands joyfully, "Mira qué tiernos son ustedes dos. ¿Tuviste una linda cita?".

"Uh... si, gracias," I say in slightly broken Spanish, "Fue una buena noche".

Ms. Martinez smiles again, walking up and giving my cheek a light pinch, "Estoy tan contento de escuchar eso. Bueno, los dejaré a ustedes dos ser ahora. cuídate y disfruta el resto de tu Noche. ¡adiós!".

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