All About Us

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"Are you ready?" Chloe asks just as the music begins to play.

I don't recognize the song, but its slow pace seems easy enough to dance to.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I reply as I place my hands on her shoulder and she wraps her arms around my waist.

"Take my hand
I'll teach you to Dance
I'll spin you around
Won't let you fall down

Would you let me lead?
You can step on my feet
Give it a try
It'll be alright"

Chloe takes a step forward, I take a step back.

She steps to the left, I step to the left and so on and so forth.

We dance like this for a while, not saying anything as a few other couples join us on the dance floor.

"The room's hush hush
And now is our moment
Take it in
Feel it all
And hold it
Eyes on you
Eyes on me
We're doin' this right

'Cause lovers dance when they're feelin' in love
Spotlight's shinin' it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt but
It's all about us"

We've been out like this in public before, hell Chloe and I full on made out in the fucking street and nobody so much as batted an eye, but this, for some reason, feels completely different.

"Hey," Chloe whispers, watching me as I eye the crowd watching us, "Just focus on me alright. Just imagine that it's just us, nobody else around and it's just me and you... dancing alone at home in our PJs".

I giggle, imagining that playing out in my head. "You're a dork,"

"Well, It takes one to know one".

I scoff playfully and give her a friendly punch on the shoulder.

She cringes in mock pain and laughs, "Ooh, that hurt".

"Shut up and dance with me you big softy," I say, leaning up against her chest.

Chloe smiles and rests her head on top of mine. "Sure thing, Maxie".


I'm feeling brave

I don't know what's got into me
Why I feel this way
Can we dance
Real slow?
Can I hold you

Can I hold you close?"

So we continue to dance, Chloe leading me in smooth movements.

I close my eyes and listen closely to the slightly upbeat song that wafts through the speakers.

"The room's hush hush
And now is our moment
Take it in
Feel it all
And hold it
Eyes on you
Eyes on me
We're doin' this right

'Cause lovers dance when they're feelin' in love
Spotlight's shinin' it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt but
It's all about us"

"You're way better at this that I am... w-where did you learn to dance like this," I say, realizing that I've stepped on her toes at least 6 times.

"Joyce used to make me take dance lessons during the summer. I always thought they were hella bullshit, but... I guess they paid off", Chloe says as she looks up at the ceiling and closes her eyes.

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