I've Got You, Babe

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It's almost midnight by the time my Dad leaves, and by then both Chloe and I are both emotionally and physically exhausted. We talked some more, briefly mentioning what happened with the accident while excluding the part about the whole proposal thing.

"I'll call you two in the morning okay?" Dad says as Chloe walks him to the door.

She nods, "Yeah, 'corse. Max gave you our new cell numbers too, right?".

"Yep, so don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily".

Chloe snickers a little, "I wouldn't dream of it. It... it was really nice seeing you again... despite all the bullshit, ya know?".

Dad sighs and pats her on the shoulder, "Unfortunately this isn't the first time Vanessa's been like this".

Chloe nods knowingly, "You two gonna be okay?".

He sighs again and shrugs, "Let's hope, okay? Anyways, let me get out of your hair, Looks like Max there's gonna fall asleep any second".

I blink and grumble a bit, "Hey! I *yawn* I am not gonna fall asleep".

"Max, you've been nodding off for the past hour," Chloe says with a light laugh, "Go ahead and sleep if you're tired. I'll be there in a sec, okay?".

I scoff and snuggle deeper into the couch, my leg preventing me from actually putting my feet up.

"It's just two months, Max" I mutter to myself, drumming my fingers on the hard cast.

-thump- -thump-.

"A month in a cast and a possible lifetime of knee and back problems,".

-thump- -thump-.


I close my eyes and shake my head a little, trying to get all the muddled angry and negative thoughts out of my mind.

Lighten up, Max. Quit trying to blame the world for your misfortunes. You're turning into a mini Chloe.

I snicker at that thought, of a miniature version of the tall punk running around and causing havoc.

Chloe and Dad talk for a while longer until final goodbyes are said and the door closes.

"I forget how well you and my dad get along," I say, keeping my eyes closed, listening as she walks over and sits beside me, "Kinda brought me back to when we were kids... like, in a good way for once".

The air is silent except for Chloe's soft breathing and the occasional sniffle.

I open my eyes and look at her with a raised eyebrow, watching her anxiously rub at her hand.


She looks at me with tear-rimmed eyes, her lower lip quivering slightly.

"Are... are you okay?".

Chloe stares at me for a moment before shaking her head, allowing herself to shed a few tears.

I sit up a little and lean in to comfort her, but before I get too close she breaks down in sobs.

"I thought I was going to lose you," she says weakly, "I- I just got like... flashbacks to when you first left and I panicked and... I- I wanted to balls up and tell your mom to fuck off b- but... *sniff* I was just so scared, Max!".

I blink, feeling tears fill my own eyes, "Chloe...".

"I know I act all tough and shit but *sniff* I'm fucking terrified of losing you again, so much so that I get nightmares too!".

That's true.

Even if it doesn't happen often, Chloe gets waking nightmares too.

I hear her get up in the middle of the night, short of breath and clearly panicked. Sometimes she'll roll out of bed and wander around the apartment for a while, trying to calm herself, but most nights she'll curl up beside me, wrapping her arms tightly around me as if trying to prove to herself that I'm here and not leaving again.

I sit there like an anxious idiot while she cries.

"Chloe..." I whisper, slightly hesitant to touch her as I lean in again, slowly rubbing her back.

She shudders a little before reaching over and embracing me, burying her tear-stained face in my chest.

"I love you so much, Max. I don't know what I'd do without you...".

It's no secret that Chloe has both abandonment issues and separation anxiety but... I never really stopped to think about how badly these traits have affected her life.

And I was a major contributor to both.

For a long time, I thought it was me who depended on her, but... no.

She needs me just as much as I need her.

"I'm so sorry, Chloe... I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry I was a horrible friend, I should have done more... I'm sorry," I whisper, running my fingers through her faded blue hair.

"D- don't be okay? Shit happened for a reason and it brought us closer... b- be thankful for that..." Chloe mutters through her tears, "We were meant to be, Max".

I nod and sniffle again, wiping at tears of my own. "I love you so fucking much, Chloe. And I swear, no matter what happens, no matter what shit life throws at us... I will always be with you. I'm with you till the end, babe,".


Where the hell did that come from? Chloe and I never call each other anything but our actual names and the occasional nickname.

But... for some reason, I like the way it feels when I say it... Babe.

I don't know if my saying this makes her feel any better, but Chloe hugs me tighter, deepening our embrace.

I sigh a little, my breath shaking slightly.

It really hurts me to see Chloe like this, My beautiful bad-ass punk rock hero seems so sad, like a lost puppy... so... vulnerable.

"Please don't cry, Chloe..." I beg, my voice cracking a small bit, "Please".

God, if I could trade my bullshit powers for anything in the world, anything at all. it would be to take away all the pain I caused Chloe during those 5 years apart. But those 5 years brought us closer than we ever have before.

She changed me.

She changed the books I read, the music I listen to.

She changed the way I walk and the way I talk.

She changed the way I look at the world.

The night sky, the moon, and every star.

She changed the way my heart could feel.

She showed me a love so deep I never thought even existed.

She changed me, into me.

That is a debt I can never repay.

After about 10 minutes, Chloe's cries soften as she falls asleep with her head in my lap.

I continue to stroke her hair, leaning in and kiss her softly on the cheek.

"I got you, babe, I whisper before leaning back up against the couch and closing my eyes.

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