The Promise

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I jump back as Chloe drops her coffee, the contents of the cup spilling out onto the sidewalk, "Shit!".

I look up at Chloe who's just... looking at me with her jaw dropped.

"I thought-... but you said-... the beach...the lighthouse, t- the passing you've... what?".

Blood immediately rushes to my face as I blush, realizing what I just told her.

"I um... What I meant to say was, I-".

"When, Max?" Chloe says, stepping up and holding me by the shoulders, "When did you really start having feelings for me?".

I swallow hard.

"Chloe, I- I've... I've had feelings for you since I was like... 11! I couldn't tell you back then, y- you were my only friend and I didn't want to scare you away. I didn't want to lose you! I- I figured the feelings would just go away, but they didn't. In Seattle, I- I had to live with the lingering sense of leaving half my heart in Arcadia Bay... with you. When I saw you again on that first day... I- I felt whole... I felt complete for the first time in 5 fucking years! I-".

I stop when Chloe suddenly and forcefully smashes her lips against mine, cutting my words off completely.

"I- I knew it," she mumbles breathlessly once she pulls away, leaving me completely disoriented and starstruck, "Max, I... I've always known we were meant to be together since the beginning," Chloe whispers, "The first time you touched my hand, the day I saved you from that bully. That's when I knew... I felt it... I fucking felt in in my heart and in my soul that... you, Maxine Caulfield. You were the reason I was put on this earth".

Tears fill my eyes when she says this, "Chloe, I-".

She reaches up and gently puts a finger to my lips, silencing me.

"I- I need you to promise me something okay? And... I know this is a lot to ask but-" she says, "Promise that you'll stay with me. Promise that whatever happens, whatever I do or say, you'll always love me. I know I'm not perfect, and I'm probably going to fuck up a lot, but I'll always love you,".

Chloe lowers her hand and we stare at each other for a moment, lost in the moment.

I can feel my heart racing wildly in my chest, "I'll promise only if you promise me something too," I say, "Promise that you'll be my Partner in Crime".

Chloe's eyes light up like sapphires, "As long as you're my Partner in Time ".

I smile and grab her by the collar of her jacket, pulling her down until her lips meet mine.

We kiss aggressively until Chloe backs me up against the brick wall of a random building and continues to make out with me.

I snicker inwardly, we're making out in the middle of the fucking sidewalk, people passing us left and right and nobody gives a shit.

Heh, I certainly don't.

I don't care who sees us, I want the whole world to know I'm in love with Chloe Price.

We both break away, completely out of breath and our faces bright red from embarrassment and pleasure.

Chloe and I just look at each other and smile, giggling a bit.

"So.... Uh, I guess this means we should go on a date then, huh?" Chloe says, pulling away so I can step back from the wall.

Me? On a date? With Chloe Price? As my Girlfriend? I think to myself as I start fantasizing what it would be like.

"I take your big derpy ass smile as a 'yes' then," she says with another giggle, her warm, bubbly voice snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yes! of course, I want to go on a date!" I reply a bit too eagerly.

Chloe snickers at my enthusiasm, "Keep your pants on Caulfield,".

I playfully punch her shoulder again and stick out my tongue.

She laughs again, "So, you ever been on a date?". I shake my head shyly.

"Well, then it will be a first for both of us," She says with a smile.

"What?! You've never been on a date?".

For some reason, I find that extremely hard to believe. "Not an official one, then again I've never had an actual girlfriend before,".

My heart flutters when I hear her say this... Chloe's my girlfriend...I have a girlfriend.... an actual girlfriend that I can kiss when and wherever I please.

"So," Chloe says, once again breaking me from my daydream. "Um, hows breakfast tomorrow morning sound?".

I smile dumbly and nod vigorously, "Yeah... yeah, that sounds good,".

"Heh, cool your jets, sista, we've barely made this official. Ya don't wanna take things too fast,".

I blush as nod again, slowly this time, "Sorry... I'm just.... Wowser this is really happening isn't it? This is really happening!".

Chloe giggles and grabs my shoulders again, "Settle down, Maxie. You're gonna give yourself a nosebleed".

I smile and take a deep breath, trying desperately to calm myself, but my heart is still hammering in my chest.

"I can't believe this is real,".

"Heh, you're such a dork... but, I guess you're my dork now so...".

I giggle when Chloe kisses the tip of my nose. I we look at each other and smile, "So uh... we should probably get some better-looking clothes, too... huh?".

I look down at myself for a moment, seeing how ratty I look.

My shirt and hoodie are disheveled and wrinkled beyond help.

I blush, suddenly feeling... less attractive than I already am.

"I... um... yeah. Probably," I say, hugging myself as if trying to cover up my dirty clothes.

"Well, we've literally got no other clothes to wear aside from these, so... guess we've gotta go shopping, eh?" Chloe suggests, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we continue to walk back to the hotel.

I nod, suddenly realizing that in order for us to make it out on our own, Chloe and I are probably going to have to get jobs.

The money from the 'Handicapped fund' isn't going to get us very far, especially if we have to use most of it to pay for the hotel room.

"Hey, don't think too far ahead, Max," Chloe says, realizing I'm completely lost in thought, a semi-panicked expression covering my face, "We'll worry about everything when it happens, alright? For now, let's just enjoy the day together".

I nod and take hold of her hand, "Together forever, right?".

She nods, "I promise"

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