Till The End Of Time

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-Later That Year-

"Merry Christmas, Mom... Dad," I say, shaking my parents hands then hugging them. "Good to see y'all here, come on in," Mom says, inviting me, Max, Joel and Ellie inside. The kids are running around, hyped up on adrenaline and sugar. "Grandma, Grandma! Look at what my mommies bought me," Ellie squeals, showing Joyce her blue cat-eared beanie. Joel comes up and pushes it out of the way, "No! Look at my dinosaur, Grandma! It really RWWARS!". Mom laughs and carefully bends down in front of each of them, "Now, now. You two be nice to each other or you won't get any more presents,". They both look down and apologize in unison. "They're getting big," Mom says, standing up and facing Max. "Yup, feels like yesterday they were just chubby little babies," she says as they hug. "Time flies when you have kids. One minute they're small and helpless and the next they're out there starting families of their own," Mom replies. That makes me a little sad... knowing that one day my children won't need me or Max any more, but, thankfully, that won't be for a long time. I'm hoping at least one of them will live in our basement for a few years. I smile at the thought. "So, we the first one's here?" Max asks. "Yup, your father just called, Max. They're at the airport pickin' up your step-brother". Max nods and allows me to take off her coat, "Well, at least he's coming". "So, how did the meet up go?". My wife turns to me with a half smile, as if telling me to talk about it, "Uh... It actually went a lot better than expected," I say, looking back at Max, wondering if I said the right thing. She nods pleasantly. "Good, I'm glad to hear it," Joyce says as we all make our way into the living room. David, who'd been silently following us, finally speaks up, "Uh, so is everything cool between you guys now?". Max nods, "Let's hope it stays that way,". "We all hope that sweetie," Mom says, knowing how difficult the lack of communication between her and Ryan has been. "*Ahem* Enough about that," David says, lifting the somber mood, "We all came down here to see the grandkids, not dig up the past,". I giggle a bit, "But isn't that a woman's job?". Max playfully punches me in the arm and laughs, "You're a handful,". "I know but I'm you're and you love it," I reply, pulling my wife to my side. "And these are our handfuls," she says as Joel and Ellie come running around the corner and jump into our arms. "Mommies!" they squeal with delight. "When are Tess and Robbie coming?" Joel asks excitedly. I smile, even though he's never met his twin cousins, my son is very eager met them. "Soon Kiddo," I tell him, smothering his face in kisses. He giggles and kisses me back, "I love you, mama". "I love you too, Joely. I love all of you,". I lean over and kiss Max and Ellie, then my parents. A warm feeling fills my chest... making me feel even more happy. I look around me and see a strong, healthy family, something I would have killed for as a teen. But I guess that saying is right... good thing do come to those who wait. "Let's let the grown-ups talk for a bit, okay?" Max says, setting Ellie back down, "Once Grandpapa gets here, We'll all go open gifts,". Ellie nods and takes hold of her little brother's hand, leading him over to the living room to watch TV. I smile inwardly and turn back to my parents who smile stupidly at me. "What?". "Hmm, you've grown up so much, Chloe," Mom says, "You've been an amazing friend, girlfriend, and partner to Max... and you're an absolutely amazing mother to your children. We couldn't have asked for a better daughter". I tear up a bit, "Wowser, Mom... th- that was.. Really?". Mom and David nod and hug me tightly, "Of course, we're proud of both of ya,". We all hug again before heading off to the kitchen to help out with Christmas dinner. While Mom and David gets everything ready, Max and I sit at the table and tell David about the time Max got so drunk, she went on and on about how much she loved me that she actually brought herself to tears. "It was adorable," I say. "It was embarrassing," Max protests, "Especially when you showed me the video,". Dad raises an eyebrow, "You recorded her?". "Yeah, she didn't believe that she'll rant about something until she cries,". Max giggles a bit, "Okay. I have to admit it was kinda cute,". David continues to look at us, "Do you still have the video?". "David!" Mom snaps, whipping him in the ass with a rolled up dish towel. I desperately try not to bust up in laughter but fail miserably, "Jeez, Mom, he was only kidding,". "I know but... you remember what happened to poor Kate Marsh? I couldn't bare the thought of something like that happening to one of you girls,". That shuts me up... hell, that shut everybody up. Everything is so quiet all you can hear is the quiet din of the TV and a light knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Max says, jumping to her feet, clearly looking for an escape. I get up with her and follow her to the door. God, mom... you just had to bring that up. You see, the book, the I got in trouble for leaving out? Well, Max had just gotten back from a book signing in California with Kate. They'd been working on a book about their 'Dark Room' experiences and needless to say it opened up a lot of old wounds. Thankfully, max has handled it well, better than expected actually, especially when more women came forward with their 'Dark Room' stories. That sick bastard got to girls all over the state and country. I guess that's why Jeffer-dick never stayed in one place for long... ugh. Anyways, Joel and Ellie are immediately at our side the moment we've got the door open, "Grandmama! Grandpapa! They chant, throwing themselves into Max's parent's arms. "Hey, kiddos!" Ryan says, kissing Ellie's cheek, "How are y'all doing?". "We're good Dad, glad you could make it," Max says as she hugs her father. Misty smothers Joel in kisses until he squirms out of her grasp and drags his shirt sleeve across his face, "EWW! Girls have cooties!" he cries. We all laugh and turn back to the door as Derek and his family enter the room. "Oh my god, you two are so big!" Max exclaims, hugging Tess and Robbie who are 14 and a lot taller than her. They both reluctantly hug us and return to their phones, "Good to see you too, aunties," they say in unison. "Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up you two," Derek says, grabbing his kids by the shoulders to stop them from progressing further into the house, " I believe you aunts have someone they'd like us to meet,". I blink, not all that surprised at Derek's kind behavior. Kids change you, they open your heart to new and wonderful things. "Oh... yeah, *ahem* This is Elizabeth... 'Ellie' for short," Max says, brushing her fingers through our daughter's red hair, "Ellie, this is your uncle". "Hi," she mutters shyly, hugging Max's leg. "Hiya, Kid. I'm Derek ... this is Jennie and my children" Derek says warmly, gesturing back to his family. He looks down at Joel and smiles, "Well, I beg your pardon, sir. I don't believe we've met,". Joel giggles and waves, "Hehe, you're funny. I like you,". Derek rubs his hand over the top of his head and smiles, "I like you too, kid. Now come on, let's all get inside... it's cold". So, I usher everyone inside and after we have dinner and everyone has said hi and commented on how our hair looks and how big our kids have gotten, we all sit in the living room and watch as the kids open their gifts. "Oooh! Mommies, look!" Joel squeals, showing us a big bucket of dinosaurs. "Aww, that's awesome dude, what'd you say to grandma?". "Thank you grandma!" he replies, dumping the contents of the bucket on the ground. "Sweet, a Hifly evo B400 retro drone! This things are nearly impossible to fine. Thanks pops," Robbie says, thanking Ryan. He nods, "No prob kid,". As Tess and Ellie play together with the Barbies they got, I feel Max elbow me in the side, "Hmm?". "Take off the beanie, Chloe. It's like... 80゜in here," She says, running her fingers around the collar of my shirt. I giggle a bit, "As you wish," I say mischievously, giving my partner a quick peck on the lips. She eyes me curiously then gasps lightly when I remove my trademark beanie, "Oh my gosh... Chloe,". I smile and wrap my arms around her shoulders, kissing her again, "Merry Christmas, my love,". Ellie and Joel look up at me in complete surprise, "Mom, your hair! It's blue!" my daughter exclaims. Joel thinks it's the funniest this on earth, "Mommy look like a smurf,". That gets everybody laughing, but Max... she just continues to stare at me, eyes full of love. It's been almost 10 years since I dyed my hair and I know how much my wife digs it. We kiss a few times, letting the last one linger before pulling away. "I love you," Max whispers softly. "I love you more," I reply. "Ha *ahem* so... we have one more gift for the kids," David says to me as he stands up and looks towards us. I blink a few times, snapping back into reality, "Oh.. right. Go ahead, Dad" I say with a sly smile. He nods and slips off upstairs. Max elbows me again, "My 'special' gift is coming later," she whispers seductively, making me wish later would come sooner, "You're bad,". She giggles, "You have no idea how bad I can be,". We snicker to ourselves as Mom and the others roll their eyes, "You two are so cute, it's sickening," Derek says in a jerky brother kinda way. "We get that a lot," Max replies pridefully. Jennie giggles and kisses her husband a few times. "Now, now. There's no need to have a 'Who loves who more' competition in front of the children," Mom says. Robbie and Joel look away and make gagging sounds, grossed out by all the romance while Tess and Ellie place their hands over their hearts and sigh wistfully. I sigh in mock disappointment and look back when David comes up behind me. "You got the goods?" I whisper. He nods and hands me a large, heavy box then goes back to sit next to Joyce, "Hey, guys," I say, placing the gift box on the ground and holding down the lid with my hands. "Mama and I got you a little something,". Ellie and Joel both abandon their new toys and scoot closer to me and the box. I lift my hands and the box moves. Joel gasps a bit and hugs his sister, "W-what is it, Ellie?". She shrugs and moves in, investigating the now whimpering box. he eyes light up at the sudden realization at what's inside, "A puppy!". Ellie lifts the lid and picks up the tiny little puppy. The whole room awws when the pup starts licking at her face. Joel hangs back but allows the puppy to sniff and lick at his hand. "Thank you, mommies, thank you! Hello puppy... hello," Ellie coos, rubbing the pups fluffy ears, "Let's name her Riley!". "No! I wanna name 'em Arlo!" Joel protests. Max giggles a bit, "Well, it's a little boy dog, so you'll both have to come up with a boy dog name,". "Dino!" Joel offers. "Ray?". "What about Little John?" Dad says. "Zeus? Apollo?" Mom suggests, "Or what about Tom?". "No, I like Dino," Joel says again, petting the dog as he sits in his lap. "How about Nate? Like Nathan Drake?" Derek asks, "You both were named after video game characters so...". Ellie raises an eyebrow, "We were?!". I nod and pat the top of her head, "Yes, you were. You have your mother to thank for your name and me for your brothers,". Joel tugs on my pant leg, "Mommy, I wanna name him Dino,". "Like the dinosaur from the Flintstones?". He shrugs, lost on the reference, "Ellie gets to do everything, it's my turn!". "I do not," Ellie says bitterly. "Well, he does have a point there, kid. You do have a lot more privileges than Joel does," I say, resting my hand on my daughter's shoulder, "Let him have this one,". She groans irritably and turns to the pup, "Okay... You can call him Dino". Joel claps his hands, "Thank you, Ellie!". She fails to mask her smile and joins Tess, Robbie, and Joel as they pet and chant the newly named pups name, "Dino, Dino, Dino!". "Let's show him how to play fetch!" Robbie says, crumbling a scrap of wrapping paper and tossing it across the room. Dino chases it and pounces on the ball, yipping excitedly. "What breed is he," Ryan asks, watching as the dog abandons the ball and starts messing with Joel' untied shoe laces. Max shrugs, "Some sort of shepherd mix I think. The papers weren't specific,". "Whatever he is, he's hyper," I point out, picking the little guy up bu the scruff. Dino struggles for a bit but submits to my authority. "Here," I say, handing him off to Joel, "Go play for a little bit, we're going to be leaving soon". He nods and gathers up his cousins and sister, leading them upstairs to play. "You two went all out this yeah, didn't you?" Joyce asks. I nod, "Yeah, the kids have been begging us for a dog and well... I didn't see why they couldn't have one". Max rolls her eyes and chuckles, "oh, come on. You're the one who was begging me for a dog,". I blush, "Uh.. t-that's not true... not entirely. Everyone laughs and continues to talk, remembering when life was simpler. Hours pass until It's just me, Max and the kids. Joyce and David help load up our car with the gifts before we leave. "Okay, everybody got everything?" Max asks as she sets a sleepy Joel in his car seat. He nods absently and allows his mother to buckle him in. Ellie jumps in and holds Dino in her arms, "Ready!". I nod and say goodbye to my parents before pulling out of the snowy driveway. All is silent, the light snow ticks softly against the windows as we drive. tick tick tick. The radio plays softly in the background, lulling Joel, Ellie and surprisingly Dino, to sleep. All is calm. Suddenly, I'm aware of a small hand resting on my lap. I turn and see Max, watching me closely. She smiles... a genuine smile. I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly, feeling out fingers intertwine. Max leans up against me, resting her head against my shoulder, "I love you," she whispers. I smile and rest my head on hers, "Till the end of time".

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