A Day in The Life of

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Max and I decided to take a break from life and spend the week at her parents lakeside cabin upstate. Maybe being away from everyday stresses will help Max clear her head and focus on more important things... like us. I've noticed over the past few months that she's still keeping her feelings distant from me. I can't shake the feeling that one of these days she's going to reach a breaking point and I'm not going to be able to help her. *sigh* Anyways, we unpack and start planning on what to do. "So I was thinking I could treat you to a nice candlelit dinner tonight down by the lake... what'd you say?" I ask watching as Max stares blankly out the window. "Hello... is anyone home? Earth to Max". She blinks a few times, my voice snapping her back into reality. "Hmm, what?". I sigh and shake my head, "You keep zoning out... are you sure you're okay?". "Yeah, sorry. Uh, you were saying something about dinner down by the lake? That sounds really cool". I smile inwardly, 'Well at least she heard me', "And perhaps we can go for a midnight swim afterwards," I add somewhat seductively. Max turns to me and blushes a bit, "Hmm, we'll see... okay?". I nod and wink at her, "I'll start dinner then," I say as I make my way through the small wooden house. Blue seems to have made herself at home since she sprawled out on the couch, her legs spread out behind her. "Damn, you are one spoiled dog," I say, slapping my legs. Her ears shoot up as she leaps off the couch and tries to throw herself into my arms like she was a lap dog when in reality she's 120 lbs of pure muscle. You know, for a dog, Blue is pretty cool and I kinda see why she spends most of her time with Max. Anyways I give the dog a treat and start dinner which is some tasty lookin' steaks. Huh, who knew I'd be a natural born chef, yet another talent I can thank my mom for. After a while, Max comes out of the bedroom and watches as I prepare our meal. "Did it hurt?" She asks randomly. I roll my eyes, "Oh god, please don't say 'When you fell from heaven' or 'When I fell for you' I say sarcastically. "No smartass, I was talking about your tattoos. Did it hurt when you got them?". "Yeah, it kinda does hurt the first few times but you get used to it after a while," I reply, "Why, you thinking of getting one?". She nods, "Well it's a thought". "You, Max Caulfield... getting a tattoo? Huh, that'll be the day" I say with a light laugh. "What, you don't think I will?" Max says challengingly. "No, it's just... you don't seem like the type". " I'll do it then". "Seriously?" I ask, still a bit unconvinced. "Why the fuck not? It'll be fun," Max says as she hugs me from behind. "Are you sure? I mean, there are needles involved and I know how you are with that sorta thing". "I know... but I have to get over that sooner or later, anyways, I already know what I want," she says as she turns and grabs a napkin, which she doodles on. I watch as she sketches a simplistic spiral pattern and... oddly enough, I feel like she's shown me this before. Wait... this is the exact design I saw in her journal the day we got back from Arcadia Bay. "Uh, that's really cool," I say sorta plainly, "It mean anything?". "No, I don't think it does. But whenever I see it, I sorta think of my rewind," Max mutters, crumpling the paper up. "Anyways, I'll let you finish cooking. I think I'll go take Blue for a walk". She leans up and kisses me, holding there for a bit, "See you in a bit" she says, grabbing the keys from my back pocket. "I love you". "Love you too, babe" I reply, watching as Max leashes Blue and leads her outside. Once she's gone, I let out a long sigh and continue to prepare the food, trying to wrap my head around that symbol, It has to mean something... right? Anyways, I finish marinating the steaks fairly quick and wait for my partner to return. Eventually I get bored with waiting and start rummaging through the cabinets trying to find something of interest, but all I can find are some canned foods and cracker boxes. In the very back, however, I find a bottle of champagne hidden from sight. Well, this night just got a whole lot more interesting... for me that is since I'm finally the legal age to drink. I set my findings on the counter just as Max and Blue walk through the door. "So much for a short walk," I say with a sly smile, "You've been gone for almost an hour". She nods but doesn't reply... that when I realize how out of breath she is. "You alright?" I ask walking up to her. "Yeah... just a bit winded," Max finally says as she unclips the dog's leash, "I had to chase to chase Blue around after she say a squirrel". I smile and scratch Blue behind the ears as she passes by. "I see you've found the champagne," Max says, gesturing towards the pink bottle. "You bet I did, " I reply mischievously. "That impish look scares me... what are you up to chè?" Max asks as she comes up and runs her finger around the collar of my shirt. "What do you say we take a raincheck on dinner and head straight to the lake" I suggest as we proceed to make out. "Hmm, as you wish, Price, but you owe me big time" she replies, pulling away for a moment, "I'll go get dressed, meantime... you can go grab the towels, m'kay?". I nod and kiss her one last time before gathering up some towels, candles and the champagne... you know, just in case. "I'm glad we came here, Chloe... It's nice out here" Max calls from the other room. "Me too, babe, but hurry up before it gets too late" I reply. She giggles a bit, "I like it when you're bossy, but don't worry... I'm done". Max opens the door and steps out in her swimsuit. I blink a few times, once again in complete awe of the woman I see before me. "Are you coming, or are you just going to keep staring at me like a goon?" She says, snapping me back into reality. "Shit.... I wasn't staring was I?" I ask, my face frying with embarrassment. " A bit, but I like the attention," Max says in a flirty voice. Damn, Caulfield... you have no Idea what you're doing to me. I dress as fast as humanly possible and join Max who waits for me at the sliding glass door the lead to the pier. Blue trots up to us, ready to follow. "Should we take her with us or..." I ask keeping the dog from running outside "Let's keep her in here... I wouldn't want her to run off or anything" Max says, gesturing for Blue to go wait in her dog bed. She gruffs irritably but, none the less, follows her owner's command. "You got everything right? Towels, candles...". "Champagne," I add, pulling the bottle out of the folds in the blanket. Max rolls her eyes, "And the champagne. Huh, you do know I'm underage right?". I nod and smile mischievously, "That didn't stop you from getting drunk the first time,". " First of all, that was a dare, secondly... fuck you" she says warmly as we walk down to the pier, hand in hand. The night is warm and clear, the moon illuminates the world around us. I set the towels and the champagne down on the ground and light the candles. Then I get ready to jump into the cold water, I take a running start and cannon ball into the frigid waters. "Max giggles a bit and sits on the edge of the pier, "Only you can make cannon balls seem kinda sexy," she says, watching as I swim towards her. "Well, are you coming in or am I going to freeze my ass off alone, out here?" I say, trying to keep my head above water. "Oh, come on... It's the middle of June. The water can't be that cold". "Wanna make a bet?" I say, making a big wave with my hands and splashing her with it. She squeals with delight, "Ha, okay, okay... It's cold. I get your point," she says as she jumps in beside me without a care. I smile mischievously. "What's that look for?" Max asks as she flails around, trying to get used to the chilly waters. "I don't know... wanna make out again? Might help you warm up" I say coolly. She blushes, but ultimately smiles, "Okay" she whispers, swimming closer and wrapping her arms around my shoulders. She kisses me.




We break away a few minutes later, completely breathless. "Holy... shit" I mutter between the last few kisses, "That was... wowsers". Max giggles a bit and kisses me again, running her hands through my hair. "Max...," I say, suddenly alarmed when I she pulls away. "Your nose is bleeding". She blinks a few times, seeming startled and puts her hand under her nose. Blood pools onto it and drips into the water. "O-oh no," she mutters, swimming past me, heading towards the pier. I can hear here whispering to herself anxiously. 'Is... is she talking to herself again?' I think to myself as I follow her out of the lake. The last time she was talking to herself like this was when the whole lighthouse thing went down and that was what... almost six months ago? "Max, wait up!". She doesn't stop, she just scrambles on the the pier, grabs a towel and basically books it to the cabin. "Max!" I cry again, and this time... she stops and allows me to catch up. "Hey, what happened back there?" I ask, grabbing her by the shoulders. She's shaking a bit, blood dripping from her nose. "I-I don't know... I-I just panicked" Max says, refusing to hold my gaze. I don't know why she panicked, but it looks like she just saw a ghost. "H-have I been acting... odd tonight?" she asks randomly. "Not particularly, I mean... you've literally been hitting on me all day, but I wouldn't consider that odd," I reply, "Why are you okay?". Max finally looks up at me, eyes full of tears, "No..." she says, "I'm not okay".

I suddenly get a sinking feeling in my stomach, "Please... tell me," I say quietly. She swallows hard, seeming to have trouble getting any words out. " I think I'm cracking up," Max finally mutters, "When we first went back to the bay, I started hearing this voice in my head. I-I didn't think much of it then, but after a while the Voice started taunting me, torturing me about all the choices I had to make 'that' week and the consequences that followed". "But none of that was your fault". "I know, but....*sigh* I know it's not". I nod along, slowly thing are starting to make sense... that's why Max would talk to herself, and that's why she's always on edge as if she's waiting for something bad to happen. 'The Calm Before the Storm' is how'd she'd put it. "When the whole lighthouse thing went down, I- I didn't really know why or how I got there but... now I do. S-stop me if I sound crazy b-but...*gulp* I think this Voice can possess me... like now" Max says, holding the edge of her towel up to her nose, which is still bleeding a bit. I give her a confused look, "What do you mean, 'Like now'?". She sighs, her breathing getting funny for a moment, "You said that I've been hitting on you all day... right?" I nod. "Was it kinda flirty or super flirty?". "I don't know, 'super flirty' I guess. Max, I don't get what this has to do with anything," I say. "That wasn't me, *sigh* The last thing I remember before now... was getting everything unpacked. Oh god, Chloe... what... what do I do? I- I... I can't keep doing this," Max says, suddenly beginning to panic, "I-I just can't,". She stumbles a bit, placing her hand on her head, "Fuck". "Hey, it's okay," I say, going to her side in a heartbeat. "I'm alright," she says, pushing me away a bit, "J- Just a little...light... headed...". Just as I'd predicted, Max falls limply into my arms a few moments later. I catch her as we both hit the ground, "I've got you, Max... I've got you".

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