The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

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'Well, it would seem we'll be meeting each other sooner than I had expected'.

I sit up alarmed, the voice in my head sounding louder and more real than ever. I don't know where I am or why. All I remember is panicking because the fucking voice took over again, I'm not even aware of it... it just happens. I-I think I ended up passing out so this must be a dream. I look around at my surroundings. I'm in some sort of field...but the sky is an odd blue-ish black-ish color. The grass underneath me feels sorta familiar. 'Have I been here before' I ask myself, 'Yes...I have'. I remember being here before when I was in the hospital, and again during the whole lighthouse thing.

'Are you even listening Maxine? ' says the voice again. It sounds really annoyed and angry. "W-why are you being so mean to me?" I ask aloud.

'Do you think you action warrant kindness? Do you think you are above consequence? This is your punishment, Max. You deserve this'.

"W-who or... or 'what' are you? I don't get why I'm here," I say, getting to my feet, "What are you doing this to me?".

'You still haven't found that out yet... huh, I guess you really are an idiot. Just think for a second, when was the very first time you heard my voice?' it says. "In my dorm", I answer quietly, remembering how it was the first day Chloe and I were back in Arcadia Bay since the tornado. 'What were we talking about?' it says.

I take a step back and shake my head, "No... t-that's impossible". The voice chuckles in an almost feminine tone. 'Clever girl... I underestimated you. Now I see what Chloe saw in you. Speaking of, I guess I should reveal myself so we can get acquainted'. Suddenly there's a blinding flash of light as a translucent figure appears out of nowhere. Features begin to form, a red plaid shirt and torn black jeans. Long blond hair falls like rain upon 'Her' shoulders, piercing hazel eyes focus upon mine.

"Rachael" I whisper as I stumble back, falling into the cool damp grass. "B-but why you? What did I do to you to deserve this? I don't even know you".

'This is true,' she says, 'but I know you very well. For example, Your favorite color has always been blue, when you were 6 you swallowed your favorite teddy bear's eye and had to go to the E.R. Chloe was your first kiss... even before all this happened. She was the one who gave you your very first camera, and you've always wanted to travel the world together and take pictures. Hmm... touching'.

I'm completely taken aback. "How the fuck do you know all that?" I say in a high, squeaky voice, watching as she comes closer.

'How do you think? Chloe told me. I was her "Girlfriend", remember? She told me everything about you; in fact, she wouldn't talk about anything else. It didn't take long to figure out that the only reason she 'Loved' me, was because you and I are basically the same person. Can you imagine how used I felt? How betrayed? So, I decided to return the favor by leading her into thinking that I loved her. Poor naïve Chloe, she fell head first into that act. I had already known Frank for almost three years by then... and I had to break it to her slowly without breaking her heart... too much. Everything was going according to plan until... well until I was killed, but you know all about that don't you little miss detective. You can't seem to keep your big mouth shut, can you Caulfield?'.

I want to tear my ears off; I don't want to hear anything more. "That isn't true... C-Chloe really loved you" I say. I know it's true, no matter how much I try to deny it, no matter how much it hurts. Chloe was in love with another person before me. I never allowed myself to admit that but it's true. "I was just trying to help her find you. I- I didn't.... I didn't know you were... dead". My internal torment seems to please Rachael. She walks up and kneels down before me. She smiles.

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