Let's Dance

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Okay... maybe hella ready, was a bit of a stretch.

Alright, it's a flat-out lie.

I'm not ready for this... I mean, I thought I was but...

The moment Chloe and I step through the doors of the small community center, it's like I've gone back in time.

And not in a good way.

It's the music that does it for me... it's loud and bumping. I can feel the beat reverberate in my chest.

It's just like the Vortex Club party...

There are a lot of people, more than I had anticipated.

Crowds have always made me uncomfortable, but now? After everything I've been through?

I hold in a whimper when Chloe looks down at me, making me realize that I've stopped dead in my tracks.

"You good?" she asks.

I nod and let her tug me along again, pushing through the crowd.

As long as you're with me... I'm fine.

I try assuming my calm, shy, hipster look even though I am anything but calm.

I've been good about hiding my panic and anxiety from Chloe, pushing the fears deep down until I forget about them. I don't want to add to her burden, I need her to know that I'm getting better, that the past is nothing more than that... the past.

I need her to know that I don't regret my choice, that I'm happy with the life we've created even if it's not the best.


I blink, "Yeah... sorry, just lost in thought".

"You do that a lot," Chloe points out, stopping us in front of the punch table. She picks up a cup of punch and holds it under her nose for a moment before handing it to me.

I give her a confused look to which she simply shrugs, "Force of habit".


She nods, "Yeah".

Even though she hasn't talked to me about it since that day at the lighthouse, I shudder at the knowledge that we've both been drugged, kidnapped, and photographed against our will.

The photo I found in Nathan's room is still seared in my head.

I shake my head a little, trying to get those thoughts out of my mind.

So we stand by the beverage table for a while, watching the couples around us enjoying their evening.

"Hey... will you be okay if I leave you here for a sec? One of my work friends said he was going to be here and I want you to meet him" Chloe says after a moment, looking down at me with a patient smile.

I swallow hard, dreading the mere thought of her leaving my side but... I nod anyway.

"Yeah... I'll stay right here".

"'kay. BRB" she says, shooting me a wink.

I sigh unevenly and watch as Chloe weaves through the crowd, disappearing in seconds.

I take a breath and close my eyes.

You can do this, Max... you don't need to be afraid. There's no storm or psycho teachers or students out to get you. You're safe. You can have a normal life again... and you get to have it with Chloe...

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