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It's quiet in the cab of the Ambulance, (aside from the load blaring sirens above me). I sigh anxiously and start twiddling my thumbs. It's my first night out on a call and... well, I'm fucking scared. I've trained so hard to get where I am now but... *sigh* nothing can prepare you for the real thing.

"Look, alive newbie," my boss says as he drives, a serious, almost emotionless expression covers his face.

I nod and sit up straighter, trying to copy his posture and mood. Yeah... it doesn't stick. "Fuck it," I mutter.

"Easy there, kid. We all get first day jitters but you've gotta stay on your toes. Be prepared for anything... even if it isn't pretty".

I swallow the lump in my throat, "So don't get my hopes up?".

He shakes his head and I sigh, "Thanks, Jeremy".

"Anytime, kid. Now, get ready... we should be coming up to the wreck now".

I nod and look out the passenger side window, seeing some damaged fencing along the side of the road, "There,".

Jeremy nods and pulls the ambulance off the main road and into the snowy clearing. We bump along the snowy ground, watching as the high beams illuminate the scene.

My stomach flips.

We both jump out of the cab and slowly take in the sight. The first thing I notice is the strong, sharp smell of blood in the air and I have to hold back a dry heave. Jeremy seems completely unbothered by it, or by the fact that there are two bodies lying in the snow a few feet away. I scan the area, my eyes landing on the mangled truck.

Shit... I doubt anyone survived that crash I tell myself, stepping even closer to one of the bodies.

"They look... so... young,".

Jeremy doesn't listen, he ignores me and talks into the radio on his shoulder.

I step even closer to the body, determining it to be female. She's lying on her stomach a few feet from the other body, also female, her blue hair drapes over her head like a curtain. Suddenly, the body moves and I jump back, startled. "Shit!".

Jeremy hears me for once and looks up, "What?".

I blink, "S- she's alive... Jeremy, she's alive!" I cry, running back up and rolling the blue haired girl onto her back, "Check the other one, Check the other one!".

Jeremy drops the radio and rushes over to the brunette who lies in a pool of her own blood. He hovers his ear over her mouth and listens with his eyes closed. I wait, my heart hammering in my chest. His eyes shoot open and he punches the air, "Yes! She's still alive -just barely-" He tells me as he quickly gets a mask with a bag at the end of it and presses over her mouth and nose.

"Come on, kid... stick with us".

I shake my head and focus on tending to the blue haired girl in front of me. She's unconscious but nothing seems to be severely wrong with her, aside from some cuts, bruises, and few broken bones. She groans a little as we get her onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, saying something the neither of us can hear.

"She's vocal and coherent, so that's a good," Jeremy says, pointing out that she must have just blacked out from the amount of pain she was in.

I sigh and look over at the other, younger brunette. She's in another stretcher beside me, a brace wrapped around her neck and an oxygen mask covering her face. I look her small fragile body up and down, realizing she has something clutched in her hand. It's a small black box, and as I pry it out of her small hands, I see that it's not just any box... it's a ring box. I open it and look inside at the beautiful piece of jewelry. It's expensive, to say the least, small and simple but still expensive.

My mind goes over the brief description of the phone call that sent me here. The caller was a woman (Obviously) and had apparently said something about a 'girlfriend' but we couldn't be sure. She was crying hysterically through most of the call.

I look down at the ring and then back at the two unconscious girls.

I smile a little, "You two make a cute couple".

My smile fades when I realize the severity of the smaller girl's injuries.

"Jeremy, Let's get these two to a hospital ASAP," I yell, slamming the doors to the back of the ambulance.

As Jeremy drives, I watch the young brunette curiously, her breathing is getting lighter and lighter with each passing second.

"Listen, kid," I tell her. "You can't leave just yet. She obviously loves you to bits. You have to fight for her" I start running my finger through her blood-soaked hair, "You've gotta keep fighting, okay? This is all up to you".

I settle back on the small cramped bench in the back of the ambulance, keeping an eye on the girl's vitals and watching as they drop to dangerously low levels.


One of the monitor starts beeping, notifying me of the drop in her blood pressure.

"Shit, shit, shit! No... no no no no, don't die. Please don't die!".

I'm just about to call out to Jeremy to step on it when the blue hair girl starts moving again, stretching her hand out, searching for her partner. The brunette, although still unconscious, also begins to stir, moving to grab the hand that's extended out to her. They hold hands for a moment each other giving the other a gentle squeeze before letting go.

I sit there completely dumbfounded, there is no way for her to have moved on her own like that. It's as if an otherworldly force possessed her for that small moment of time, just so she can hold her partner's hand.

I blink, suddenly realizing that the beeping has stopped. I jump to check the brunette's pulse... it's starting to steady, blood pressure is going back to normal and her breathing too, is growing stronger.

What the f-... what just happened? Either she's regaining consciousness, which isn't likely, or... I just witnessed a miracle.

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