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-September 25th-

Max and I plan to leave on the first of October and head down to Salem, spend a few days there then skip over to a few more small towns before finally driving all the way to sunny San Fransisco. It's not Santa Monica, but it's still California so it's better than nothing. It's weird, thinking that it's been an entire year since the tornado... it doesn't feel like it. But maybe that's because we both carry the weight of our choices on our shoulders every day. Max and I still don't talk about it, I don't think we really need to. A lot of it is stuff we've promised never to talk about, like the 'dark room' and Rachel. It's not that I'm opposed to telling Max about Rachel and me's antics as teens, it's just... odd considering that Max is my current girlfriend. I mean... it's not like Rachel and I weren't together... it's just weird considering I told Rachel a lot about Max and now I'm telling Max a lot about Rachel.


I'm getting off topic now.

Anyways, since we might be out of town and state for a while, Max called her father over for dinner so we can tell him about our trip and ask if he'll house sit for us.

"So... think he'll do it?" I ask Max as I set the small table.

She shrugs and stirs at something on the stove. "I don't see why he won't do it," she says, "I mean... it's not like he has anything better to do other than mope around an empty house all day"

I chuckle a bit but hold my tongue when Max gives me a stern look, "Sorry".

"S'fine... just. It's a lot for him to prosses. It's a lot for me to prosses,".

I nod solemnly and set the last few items down before walking over to the kitchen and embracing her from behind, making sure she sees me first of course. "I know... I don't mean to sound insensitive to the situation or anything".

She sighs softly and smiles when I nuzzle her neck, "No harm done, Chloe, now let me finish making this or dinner will be later than it already is".

"I can stand to go hungry if it means getting cuddles and kisses from you," I say, nipping at her neck softly.

She stiffens up a little and clears her throat, "I honestly don't think my dad would much appreciate finding us in a disheveled state again. I'm still recovering from the last incident".

"Alright, alright, fine," I say, pulling away slightly, "but can we at least cuddle after your dad leaves?".

Max turns to me with a deadpan expression for a moment before cracking a smile. "Fine. But only if you behave".


"Cool," I say, trying to rein in my internal excitement. What? Max's cuddles are the best!

"Can I go back to cooking now?" Max asks, turning back to the stove.

"If you can call that cooking," I tease, giving her one last peck on the cheek, scurrying over to the couch before she can smack my ass.

"I'm doing the best I can!" Max exclaims, failing to mask her amused chuckle, "You're the one who's better at cooking,".

"Says who?".

"Says the one who'd make pancakes every time I slept over".

I raise my hands in surrender, "Fine, you got me. Next time I'll try my hand at making something that doesn't have the word 'instant' in front of it".

With another light chuckle, Max raises her hand back to me and flips me off. "Fuck you".

"Love you too, Babe!" I call, getting her to chuckle again.

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