C'est la Vie, C'est la Mort

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"Chloe, you're back!", Max says as she jumps off the tailgate and almost throws herself into my arms. I can tell she's on edge, so I know something's up. "Uh...y-you remember my friend, Warren right?". I nod and put the boxes down, "Of course, any 'friend' of Max's is a 'friend' of mine". I emphasize the word 'Friend', knowing that this kid might still have a crush on her. "We're not 'Just Friends'" Warren says rather aggressively, "Right Max?". She nods but doesn't reply. "So... as I was saying; before we were rudely interrupted; do...do you wanna go catch a movie sometime? You know, like a date? We never did make it to the drive in". Shit, he's right. I forgot that Max had agreed to go on a date with this loser. "I- I know we didn't Warren but... I... I'm in a relationship already so I'm afraid I'll have to say no. I appreciate your offer," Max says calmly. The boy looks stunned and hurt but hides it with an innocent smile. "That's okay.... I guess. I didn't know you were seeing anyone, and uh.... sorry if I came on so strong... I just really like you. Umm, do you mind if I ask who he is?". She looks up at me, concerned, "Do you really want to know, Warren?" she asks. The boy nods, "Yeah... yeah! I can take it, go ahead and tell me". Max takes a long deep breath, searching for the best way to tell him she's gay. "Chloe," she finally mutters, seeming more confident than she was a moment ago. "Uh, what about her?" Warren says, confused. "Chloe is... *sigh*. Chloe is my girlfriend". "WHAT!?! You... you.... you're a...". He stammers, taking a few steps back. "Relax, Warren. I-I honestly didn't know you liked me like this. I thought you wanted to go to the drive-in to hang out... you know, like friends? I've know Chloe for most of my life," Max says, grabbing my hand, "It wasn't until recently that I was able to realize what this feeling I've had for her was. I love her Warren... I'm sorry if you don't like that". "Is that why you always blew me off? Because you're *ahem*", Warren says, his eyes glued to the ground. 'God, I wish this kid would just say it... SHE'S A LESBIAN! Get over it, and get over her' I think to myself. "M-Maybe," Max replies, "But that doesn't matter. I just...." she begins, but the boy cuts her off. "And the text? The one that said I'm out of the loop... that wasn't a joke... was it?" he asks. I feel guilty about that one... the text that I had sent Warren when Max took the dare and kissed me was actually meant to be a joke. But with how everything played out in the end... it makes sense. Max takes another deep breath and continues, "No... it wasn't. Warren, listen... I really don't want this to come between us. I still want to be friends if that's okay with you". She sticks out her hand, waiting for him to respond or at least do something. "No, it's not okay. Why would you even ask that? You flat out lied to me AND played me for a fool. Huh, Nathan was right when he called you a Dyke. I'm sorry, but you've already done your damage, Max. I don't need to be hurt any more than I already am. It's over". Warren aggressively shoves me aside as he makes his way to the school. "Warren! Please... Wait!" Max calls after him, but the boy ignores her. "Let him go, Max. It's his loss" I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. "I-I...I can fix this," she mumbles as she raises her right hand. I grab her by the wrist before she has a chance to rewind. "Don't," I say, "Don't waste your energy on stupid shit like this". Max looks up at me just as her nose begins to bleed. "I...I... I'm sorry, Chloe". I sigh, you know... I'm at the point where I don't care if Max uses her powers... all I do care about is what happens after she does. "How many times?" I ask, leading her to the passenger side of the truck. "I.. I'm not sure. Four of Five times, maybe. S-sorry". "It's fine... but why did you have to rewind? Did something happen?". She nods, "You tried to fight him, he tried to fight you... God, what didn't happen?". "Are you okay?" I ask, handing her a wad of tissues. "Just a bit shook up... but ...l-let's just go in case he comes back".

Even though my house is less than thirty minutes away from Blackwell, time seems to be dragging on and on. "Chloe... I-I'm still so sorry. It's just...*sigh*... Warren was the first friend I made when I came back to the Bay. It was hard to see him go like that" Max says. "You don't have to apologize or explain anything to me... I get it. I'm just glad you're okay. How do you feel, still have a headache?" I ask. She nods, "But I'll be okay. I'm just.... just... *sigh*... nevermind". I lean over and grab her hand, "if there's something bothering you... you can tell me," I say. "I'm just relieved I guess. People survived MY storm... I didn't kill everyone" she replies grimly. "Stop, It wasn't YOUR storm, Max. you have to stop guilt tripping yourself over this. Crazy shit happens, right? Like Dad used to say, 'C'est la vie, C'est la mort' remember?". "Huh, 'Such is life, such is death'. Yeah, I remember. What... what do you think William would say about... you know... us?". I smile, I've always wondered what my dad would say if he were here now. "You know," I say, "To be honest, I think he always knew we were going to get together eventually. I think he knew way before we did". Max giggles a bit and smiles, "Yeah, I think so too". 

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