Great News

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"I think that's her," Max says, pointing to one of the many similar looking babies in the small windowed room. "Naw, the couple's last name is 'Smith', look for Smith,". It takes us about five minutes to find the baby even though she like, right in front of us. One of the after hours nurses holds the small bundle in front of the window so we can gawk at her. She's tiny... I mean... she's really tiny. Is it normal for a baby to be that small? Shit, I'm overthinking this again. "Are we really ready for this?" Max asks, voicing my thoughts. We've read all the books, we've taken all the best parenting classes, hell... we've even bought the safest, most expensive equipment; cribs, high chairs, toys, food; but nothing... nothing can prepare us for the real thing. "We wouldn't have gone through with this if we weren't ready, Max. You know that " I say, hugging her tightly. We're both scared, no matter how hard we try to hide it. She sighs and pulls away, "W-why don't you go call your parents... they should be the first to know about this,". "No," I say immediately, "Not right now anyways,". Max turns away, knowing what I'm getting at. "Will you at least try and call him?". "You don't think I've tried? Chloe... he refused to speak to me... apparently, his support only goes so far,". When we first announced that Max and I were planning on adopting a newborn, my parents were ecstatic since they'd always tease us about grandkids... guess they didn't think we'd actually give 'em any. Anyways, Max's parents... Ryan especially was against the idea of two women raising a child on their own."The kid would need male influences. Are you going to be able to provide that?" He had asked. And when Max and I replied that both him and David would play a major role in the child's life, he still said it wasn't enough. "I'm sorry, Maxine, but I don't think this is a good idea,". Ryan only ever calls Max 'Maxine' when his mind is completely made up. None that less, Max was pissed and she and her father got into a big argument. It didn't end well and neither of them has spoken since then... and that was what, almost two years ago now? Damn, I've been married to Max for two years. "Will, you be okay if I tried to call him?" I ask, watching as she pulls all her attention to the baby as the nurse lays her back in the see-through crib thingy. Max merely shrugs and ignores me. I sigh and join her, "He'll come around, Max. Just you watch... anything can happen". "If you says so," Max replies quietly, "Go ahead and call him if you want, Chloe. We'll be the better people and at least make an effort to keep in touch,". "I'll call a bit later... first I want to spend time with my wife and my daughter... my family,". "Family," Max repeats, "I'm 26 and I have a family... wowsers,".I giggle a bit, "Damn, haven't heard that one in a while,". "Well, we haven't had any 'Wowser' worthy moments in a while,". I nod in agreement and sigh, "So... what the hell are we going to name this kid?". That's the one thing Max and I hadn't planned on... a name. We figured it would be a spur of the moment kinda thing. "How about Jade?" Max suggests. "Eh...". "Jane, Roxy, Rose, Joey?". "Okay, now you're just listing off Homestuck characters," I say, poking her side. She giggles, "I know but you can never pass up an opportunity to reference Homestuck. But... uh, I did have an idea for a name but it's not that good". "Try me," I reply, leading her to a small sitting area, "We're gonna need a name before we can finish the paperwork,". "Well... I was thinking about something like Ellie, or... Eleanor... or even Elizabeth... something along those lines," Max replies timidly. I peer back at the baby and smile, "Ellie, huh... I like it, It suits her,". The only reason it works so well is because of a tiny tuft of reddish ginger hair that totally reminds me of the Ellie from The Last of Us. Plus, I'm a sucker for references. Max looks up and blinks a few times, "Really... y-you, like it?". I nod and kiss her cheeks, "I love it and I love you,". She giggles a bit and kisses me back, "Ellie it is then,". I smile and grab my wife's hand, feeling as our fingers intertwine. "We have a daughter, Chloe... we're moms". My heart flutters when I hear that word... Moms.... And suddenly, it hits me.... I'm a mom. I start breaking down in silent tears at this realization.... I can't help it. "Aww, don't cry, my love," Max says with a nervous laugh, leaning over and embracing me, stroking the back of my head. She's not used to seeing me cry... I guess she thinks I'm the strong one. Well, we're both strong... in our own ways. "*sniff*... ugh, I'm okay... just happy," I tell her with a smile. Now come on, let's finish up the paperwork so we can go home....this place still gives me the creeps,". Max nods and stands with me, stretching out like a cat. "Finally... *yawn* How long have we been here?". I look down at my watch, "Uh... almost 18 hours... shit that is a hella long time to pop out a kid,". Max shoots me a look and I raise my hands up in surrender, "But hey... totes worth it,".She smiles and nods in agreement, "So before anything... let's call Joyce and David. They should be the first to know". "What about your parents, we just gonna leave them out of the loop?". "I'll take care of it, Chloe... I promise.... Now go on and call them,". I sigh and grab my phone, speed-dialing my parents. "Mom? Dad? Great news,".

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