Beer Date

935 30 6


-October 9-

Max and I decide to spend the remainder of this week out of the house, either going to old hideouts or new ones I've found over the years. "Alright, Mom. Max and I are heading out, we'll be back late so don't worry!" I call to my mom, closing the front door before she even has a chance to respond. "Mind telling me where we're going and why you have beer?" Max says as we both hop into the truck and pull out of the driveway. "We are going to have a picnic, and as for the beer...Do you remember our little dare?". A couple of months back, I had jokingly dared Max to have a beer, since she didn't seem like the type to willingly break the rules... but to my surprise, she actually took the dare, but ironically, never could find the time to do it. "Oh god, you're still going with that?". I nod, "Yup, you can't get out of a dare that easily Caulfield," I say, leaning over and kissing her. She giggles and takes my hand. "So, where are we going to have our picnic?". "It's sorta a surprise," I reply, continuing to drive. We pull onto a dirt road about an hour later, it leads to a little wooded off area by a lake. I had stumbled upon it a few years back, on my many treks to find Rachael. Anyways, I park and hop out, grabbing a spare blanket and spreading it out on the bed on the truck. Max follows close behind, carrying the two bottles of beer that I bought (stole) from David's stash and the picnic basket I had put together this morning. She hands me everything and hops up on the tailgate, curling herself up beside me. I pass her a sandwich and wrap my arm around her waist. I hear her sigh almost wistfully. It's been awhile since it was just us and nothing seemed wrong with the world. Max and I have to be extra crispy careful around my parents, making sure we don't do or say anything that might make them wonder if there is anything going between us. That seems to bug her, constantly having to stay hidden or 'In-The-Closet', and with what happened with Warren, Max seems almost... depressed. She cried that night, all the emotion she had held onto from both her mother and Warren came forward. I had to hold her until she fell asleep. "Chloe?" Max says, quietly picking bits of crust off her sandwich, "Did... did you ever get made fun of for being... gay?". I sigh, and pull her closer, "Yeah... sometimes I guess. I mean, I never formally told anybody that I was gay. People just... *sigh* people just put two and two together and started asking questions, teasing me, calling me names," I pause, deciding not to tell her about the time I got beat up, "But, people can think whatever the fuck they want, all that truly matters is what you feel in your heart, " I say, poking Max's chest. A small smile appears on her lips. "Warren doesn't know jack shit, okay? He's just an asshole who doesn't know a thing about love or how it works. Hell, the bastard wouldn't know what love was if he slept with it". Now that makes her laugh out loud, "Ha.. you're bad". I smile mischievously, "You have no idea". Max blushes, but ultimately smiles, leaning up and kissing me."Okay, Hot-Shot, let's get this over with before I change my mind". She gestures towards the beer. I hand her the bottle despite sensing her fear and hesitation. "We don't have to do this now, Max. I mean... we can do this at home". "I want to do this, Chloe... I'm just sorta worried something bad might happen and I won't be able to help," she admits. "I know. That's why I'm staying sober" I tell her with pride. "Really? That awesome, Chloe... I'm proud of you". I smile and kiss her cheek, "Someone has to drive your drunk ass home". I pop the cap off the bottle and hand it to her. "*sigh* alright, here goes nothing," Max says, taking a quick swig, spitting it out almost immediately. "Pfft... you okay?" I ask, trying hard not to burst into laughter. "Yeah, It's just not what I was expecting," She replies taking another decent sized swig. She manages to hold it down but makes a face like she just ate a whole lemon, "God, that's disgusting". "You can stop, Max, " I say, regretting the dare all together. She shakes her head, "A dare is a dare, Chloe. One whole bottle. You only live once so I'm going to make the most of it". Max then tries to chug the rest of the beer, she succeeds but falls over onto my lap right after. At first I think she's passed out, but after a moment I hear her muttering to herself. I giggle a bit and grab her by the shoulders, propping her up against my, "You alright there, Max?" I ask. Max nods slowly, "Yeah...yeah... I'm fine...*hic* I'm fine... I'm totally fine". "Oh, yeah? Well, to me you sound totally drunk". "I'm not drunk..*hic*... you're drunk" She replies, slurring her words. "Whatever you say, Max," I say, kissing her cheek again. She giggles and looks up at me, "Do that again". I smile and do as she say, but this time I kiss her on the lips. "I... *hic* I love you so much, Chloe. You so... *hic* beautiful... I don't tell you that enough, you're... *hic*... kinda hot". I blush, "I think you're hot too". We both slide back and lay down on the bed of the truck, staring up at the clear blue sky. "Chloe?" Max mutters a while later after going on and on about some webcomic she's reading about trolls and kids stuck at home or something, "Can I *hic* ask you something sorta crazy?". I sit up and turn to face her, "Sure, what's on your mind?". "I guess...*hic* I guess I'm just thinking about our future". "Well, what about our future?" I ask. She smiles warmly, "Like... w-what are we gonna do after we *hic* get married. That sorta thing... like are we gonna... gonna...*hic*...." Max pauses as if she's forgotten what she was gonna say, "*hic* What were we talking about again?".  

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