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I start feeling very uneasy, anxiety bubbling up in my gut. The Dark Room... something I promised myself never to think of, let alone talk about. Just the thought of Max being down there with that sick fucker makes me ill.

Even though Max told me what would've happened if we went to the Vortex Club party, she never went into very much detail... and that scares me absolutely shitless.

All I really know is that I got killed in the junkyard and Max had to jump through time in order to save me.

I didn't want to believe that Mark Jefferson; Max's Photography teacher; was me, Rachel, and Nathan's killer, but one look at the terror planted deep in her eyes told me that she was telling the truth.

I'd never seen her like that, just... so scared. Max had seen a lot during that week but... that whole experience in the dark room... changed her.

I look up at Max, who after a solid 5 minutes, sits silently on her bed, sniffling and little and avoiding my gaze. "You ok?" I ask, watching as she absently rubs the spot on her arm where the doctor gave her the shot.

She finally looks at me, eyes still red from the drugs and crying. "Yeah... I'm fine," she mutters, "Just thinking".

The doctor wasn't kidding when he said her voice would sound different, I hardly recognize it as her own.

"Do... you wanna talk about it? I know we never really have,".

I'm not even sure if I should be asking, but... Max smiles, seeming willing to share what's on her mind.

"There's a reason for that but... *sigh* I don't want to keep this from you anymore. You deserve to know," she says with a forced laugh. "I- I don't really know how to start... where to start or-".

"How about start from the beginning," I suggest, "Or at least the last thing you remember".

She sighs and shakes her head, "It's all so... fuzzy, and... I don't know what's real and what's not,". Max looks over at me, the familiar terror returning to her eyes.

I reach over and take both of her hands, holding them gently in mine, "It's okay... take your time,".

She takes a long deep breath before continuing on. "I... I remember the junkyard and getting drugged and you... getting...*gulp* shot. Mr. Jefferson... Mark...h- he, um, he was standing over me right before I blacked out. I... I remember... a few things after that. Sounds... s- sensations... feelings,".

As she speaks, I can feel her hands begin to quiver slightly.

"I remember... waking up, tied down and doped up with no idea where I was. I- I felt sick... not knowing what happened, or where you were or... *gulp*. Victoria was there... tied up and drugged next to me. I- I was able to talk to her... I promised her that I'd do everything I could to get us both out and... the only way I could do that was to... to... go back. I- I struggled in my restraints until I got my leg free and was able to drag a drug trolley closer to me. There were photos there... of me, drugged, high... completely out of it. I... I had to use them, I- I had no choice and even if it did save my life in the end... *gulp*. Going back was a mistake,".

Max pauses momentarily, taking a deep, shaky breath.

"When I came to, I couldn't move or think or... anything. He was there... standing over me, camera in hand... t- taking pictures of me. I... *gulp* I felt so helpless, so vulnerable and... I couldn't do anything. He just kept talking, and talking and talking, telling me that I was always his main target. That's why he wanted me to enter the Everyday Heroes contest, so he can do lord knows what to me in San Francisco. I was eventually able to gather up enough strength to kick the drug trolley he had nearby and spill stuff all over his precious photos. I... I hoped it was a big enough change, but... ruining the photos only pissed Jefferson off and he... he drugged me again. After I went through a few more photos and realities, I realized... Victoria wasn't there anymore. Jefferson... he... *gulp* killed her, Chloe," Max says as a visible shiver passes through her, "Right in front of me. I was in another reality when it happened so I shouldn't be able to remember that... but I do. Oh god... why do I remember that?".

I swallow hard... my grip on her hands getting noticeably tighter. I -I didn't know that. There is still so much that I don't know about what happened to Max, and I honestly doubt I'll ever find out but, I hate seeing the love of my life so distressed and scared.

She pulls her hands away from mine and rubbing at her wrists. I lean in and hug her, softly stroking her hair, hoping that that might help her relax a bit. It takes a few seconds but, after a while, she hugs me back, burying her face in my jacket.

"M- maybe if I hadn't warned her, she'd still be alive. M- Maybe Nathan would too".

"Listen to me, Max," I say, whispering softly, "I know you feel like all this is your fault, but it's not ok? You're a good person and you only wanted what was best for everyone. You did everything you could and that's all that matters. Now I promise I'm going to do whatever it takes to help you get through this. There isn't a thing in the world that I wouldn't do for you".

Pulling away, I gently grab Max by the shoulders and kiss her for the first time since the accident.

God... It feels so good to kiss her again. I almost don't want to let go, but I have to when Max pulls away a little, gasping for breath.

"Hey... *cough*... I'm fine" she tells me when I start to panic, "Just... not for so long".

I nod and decide to hug her instead.

"You could really use a shower" Max whispers with a slight giggle.

"Yeah, You too" I reply.

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