A Matter of Time

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I'm used to lying to adults to get out of certain situations, but... I honestly don't want to lie to Ryan about this, but I know we have to. There is absolutely no way... no way in hell that we can tell him what really happened to us during that week.

Either he won't believe us, or he'd think we're crazy.

Or both.

So, just like Rachel taught me, I use my badass improve skills to come up with something believable right on the spot.

"It's, um... heh, it's kinda a funny story actually, right, Max?" I say, nudging her in the side.

She gives me an odd stare before realizing what I'm trying to do.

"Oh! Yeah... it's totally a funny story. Chloe and I ran into each other at Joyce's diner and uh-" she says letting her voice trail off.

"I was working at the Two Whales that week and...".

"And Chloe was my waitress," Max says, hugging my arm.

"And Max here didn't recognize me, so she just kept talking and asking if I knew anyone named Chloe, and if she still lived in Arcadia Bay and shit like that,".

"I was so embarrassed. Chloe looked so different with her blue hair and tattoos..." Max says, letting her voice trail off again, getting lost in my eyes when she looks up at me.

"I totally knew it was you, why do you think I waited on your table?" I say, poking her in the side, making her giggle.

"I needed answers, Caulfield". Max's smile slowly disappears when I say this and she turns away to mask the hurt.

My heart sinks and I mentally kick myself for reopening a wound that's still pretty fresh between us.

"I-... I'm sorry," I mutter apologetically, "I shouldn't have said that".

Ryan looks at us, his eyes darting between me and his daughter, "I take it this is still a touchy subject?".

Max nods, "Understatement of the year".

"Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to use the little boys' room and I hope by the time I'm back, you two have settled your differences".

I nod smally and point to a door down the hall, "First door on your left".

"Thanks, kid".

We wait until the door click closed and Max sighs.

"Are you ever going to let that go? I thought you forgave me" She asks with a thin voice.

"Max, I... I didn't mean it like that. Of course, I forgive you for you know... not calling and shit, I'm just-".

"Still hurting, still... upset, still-".

"Stop it okay? Yes, it still hurts, and yes at times I'm still upset, but that's all in the past okay? I forgave you and I don't care what the reason why is... all that matters is that you're here with me".

"I never meant to not call, Chloe... things... things happened when I left and... I just... struggled to adjust and-".

"You don't have to explain, Max. I- I get it-".

"No, you don't... I just... I can't keep you out of the blue on this anymore!".

I raise an eyebrow, watching as she slips her small shaking hand in my own, "Okay... I'm listening".

She takes a slow shaky breath and closes her eyes for a moment.

"The move was... devastating for both of us," Max begins, "I mean... I- I lived in Arcadia Bay my whole life and to abruptly leave like that it... it ruined me".

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