Moving On

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We end up spending the night at my dorm after our date. We stayed up and talked, going through all my shit and wondering what to do with it all. So, this morning Chloe decided to go out and buy some boxes for us to pack all my things away. Joyce and David are so excited to see us again, but I can't help feeling a bit nervous about them finding out Chloe and me are in a relationship. I mean...they must have known Chloe was a bit... different since she sorta had a thing for Rachael, Right?

'Ever wonder if Chloe's staying with you simply because you remind her of her first love? From what she's told you; you and Rachael are basically the same person' a voice in my head says.

That thought had occurred to me, but I know it's not true. Chloe loves me... and only me. I sigh deeply and continue to pack. Pretty soon my dorm looks like it did when I first arrived at Blackwell. "You know," Chloe says as we lay back on the bare bed. "I've gotta admit... I sorta miss going to school. So, I've thought about maybe going back when we go home to Portland". I look up at her, surprised. "I was kinda wondering if you'd go with me".

'You can't say  "No", Max. You have to go and protect her from the big bad bullies!' teases the voice. 'Isn't that basically all you do now-a-days? Do thing against your wishes to keep your precious punk Happy? Ha, how pathetic'.

I smile and ignore the voice, for Chloe to actually want to go back to school is amazing. "That's awesome! Of course I'll go with you!" I've also been thinking about finishing my senior year... and, yeah, sometimes I do things that I don't necessarily want to do just so I can see Chloe happy... the things we do for love amirite? Anyways, she knows I do this but never really calls me out on it... until now. "I don't want you to come just because you think you need to protect me," Chloe says with all seriousness. I swallow hard, "I- I know... but what if something happens, what if you get hurt o-or worse?". "That's just it....'What if'. I'm not in danger all the time, and I can take care of myself, you know". I nod and look away, "I really do want to go back Chloe, believe me... I really do". "Then what's stopping you?" Chloe asks, resting her hand on my shoulder. I don't know... maybe I'm scared all my teacher will be fucking creeps and try and drug or kidnap me or worse..... "I don't know.... I'm always just so scared something bad is going to happen if I'm not with you. I'm scared that something bad might happen to both of us... I don't want to lose you again". "I don't want to lose you either, but like I said a million times before,'Whatever happens, We'll face it together'". Chloe leans over and kisses my cheek, whispering "I Love You". "I love you too," I say, returning the kiss and standing up. With a deep sigh I say, "Come on... let's get all this stuff loaded in the truck before it get any later". "Ay, Ay First Mate" Chloe says in her best pirate voice, gesturing to the photo of us in our pirate gear. Man, it's been so long since we called each other by our pirate names. Chloe, of course... is always the captain. I smile mischievously, "Damn Price, you could at least buy me dinner first". Her face goes completely red, "W-what?! T-that's totally not what I meant" She stammers, suddenly at a loss for words. I laugh and kiss her forehead, "I'm just kidding, Chloe. Now seriously, grab a couple of boxes and let's go". "Have I mentioned that I love it when you get bossy?" Chloe asks, grabbing three boxes at once. I nod," And have I mentioned that you're a bit of a show off?" I say pointing to the boxes. "Oh, come on. You know you love it" She says. I nod again, "You know I do".  

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