To Make Amends

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"First off, we want to apologize for... not allowing you two to meet your grandchild," Max says, clutching my hand from under the table we're all sitting at. We'd decided to move to the enclosed dining room to get a bit more privacy. "Ellie is my only grandchild and you're my only daughter... I had every right to see her," Ryan says spitefully. Max sighs in annoyance and I pat her thigh, letting her know she's got this. "I know, dad, but things were said that hurt... that still hurt now. I wasn't going to introduce my daughter to a grandfather who wouldn't appreciate and love her back,". "I never said I wouldn't love her," he says defensively. "Well, you sure as hell didn't want a granddaughter. Dad, I've wanted children for a long time and even ," Max pauses and grips my hand again, "And even if they're not really mine... I'd think you'd be happy for us,". I turn to Ryan, "You've been so supportive of us for so long, and for you to, and I quote 'Two woman shouldn't raise children on their own...'. You saying that... really hurt, okay... not gonna lie. But... that's what made us come to the conclusion of not allowing you to see Ellie,". "I wasn't about to put my Children through the same thing you and Vanessa put me through," Max adds. Her father looks shocked, like it was a big secret that my wife didn't exactly have the best childhood growing up. "We understand that this was hard on you two, but I've finally made a life of my own... I wasn't going to up and jeopardize my children's happiness for you. I-". "Wait... why do you keep saying children? You only have one... right?". Max looks up at me will fear in her eyes. I don't blame her for not wanting to tell her dad, he's the kind of guy you don't wanna piss off. "Well," I say, "That's another reason why we asked you to come today. Max and I... *sigh* we adopted another child... a little boy,". Misty is the only one who smiles, but it's short lived because Ryan shoots her a look. "Do you think it's funny keeping secrets like this from your parents, Maxine?". She laughs a little, "Oh my god... are you actually playing the guilt card on me?! Huh, you're the one who should be feeling guilty. I tried to contact you again... you and Vanessa, trying to make amends for things that were said in the past... and you know what, I forgave her... and she forgave me. You're the one who refused to talk to me, so I just gave up. I made an effort and you shut me down,". Ryan sighs, combing his fingers through his greying hair, "Let's just meet the kid so we can be through with this,". Max groans irritably and stands up, leaving the room without another word. Once she's gone, all of Ryan's anger is forced down on me, "You two are unbelievable! How long have you two kept this one from us, huh? How long?!". "Keep your voice down, would ya... sheesh.Our son's name is Joel and he's six,". "Now what do you do for him? Does her have any male influences, do you take him out for sports?". "First off, 'he' has a name...Joel, and yes, he spends every other weekend with my dad so he can take him out to the park and play baseball, soccer, basketball... you name it," i say confidently. "And what do you do with him?". "I take him paintballing, go-karting... fun stuff,". "And Maxine?". "She mostly takes him to the library of museums... ya know, enriching stuff," I reply, so in other words... I'm the fun Mom, "and we do the same with Ellie," I add, but still... Ryan looks down at me with disappointment. I sigh, what more does he want? After a few more minutes of intense staring, Max returns with Joel in tow. He shyly hides behind her legs until she coaxes him out, "Come on, Joely... say hi to grandmama and grandpapa,". "Hi grandpapa," Joel repeats with a smile. He turns to Misty and greets her the same, "Hi, grandmama,". "Hello there young one," Misty says, gesturing for him to come forward. Joel looks up at me and Max as if asking us for permission, we both nod and tell him it's okay. He giggles and runs into her arms. "Dad, say hi," Max instructs... well, demands more like, and when Ryan doesn't comply the look she gives him could kill. "Hey, bucko," he says, rubbing the top of Joel's head. Joel smiles and begins to play with the plastic dinosaur he'd brought with him. "Do you like dinosaurs grandpapa? I like dinosaurs, this one's my favorite. RWWAR!" he says, shoving the toy in Ryan's face. "Yes, yes, that's very nice," he says, pushing the thing away. "Mommy took me to go see the real dinosaurs the other day. They were big! As big as a house! Bigger even! I wanna have a pet dinosaur when I grow up, a big green one with lotsa teeth!". I smile, glad that my son is at a very very talkative age. He's currently hooked on dinosaurs (as you can clearly tell) and can talk about them for hours and it never gets old. We all listen to him, setting our differences aside for a moment. Ellie eventually finds her way into the room, draw to the sound of her brother's voice. They talk, talk about the things they've done, the things they wish to do. They tell Ryan and Misty all about themselves, their interests, hobbies, friends, their dreams and desires. They share the things we've taught them, core values, respect, love, faith and hope. Max and I are awestruck, we didn't put them up to this, yet, our children somehow sensed that this is what the visit was for... that this is what we wanted but couldn't ask for. "Grandpa, is it true that mama uses to have a puppy?" Ellie asks, unbraiding and re-braiding her barbies hair. Ryan nods a bit and clears his throat, "Yes... she did. You know, I might have a picture in my wallet,". He digs the leather strip out of his pocket and flips it open. I smile again, glad that my father-in-law is making an effort to connect. "He's opening up a little," Max whispers in my ear, "That's a start,". "Here we go, 'Max and Blue'." Ryan says, handing Ellie; who's sitting in Max's lap; the picture from across the table. Then he starts handing out all sorts of pictures, some of when we were kids, a few baby pictures of Max. Some from Seattle, our wedding and Christmas. "Gosh, dad... I- I didn't know you kept all these," Max mumbles, tears forming in her eyes. Father and daughter remain silent until it becomes apparent that they both need to talk in private. "Come on you two. Let's go out to the backyard and show grandma your tree fort," I say, scooping Ellie up, "Yay! Treefort, Treefort!" she chants. Misty takes hold of Joel's hand and leads him out of the room. As I close the door behind me, I smile... knowing that somehow... things were going to get better.

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