Tick Tock

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Tick tock tick tock tick tock goes the clock. It's centered right above my head and its rhythmic sound is driving me completely insane. Chloe is sitting beside me, fidgeting nervously. I can hear her muttering herself, "Come on, keep it together... keep it together, keep it together,". I reach over and grab her hand, stroking her knuckles soothingly. "Keep it together," she continues. I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. In 2-3-4, out 2-3-4. "Max?", Chloe whispers, "Pinch me... there's no fucking way this is happening... t-this has got to be a dream, right?". I open my eyes and look up at her, "This is real, Chloe... trust me. Everything is going to be fine,". "But, what if,". "Nothing's going to happen," I say, cutting her off mid-sentence, "Now please, try and relax,". She nods and pulls all her attention onto the door in front of us. I sigh and close my eyes again. In 2-3-4, out 2-3-4...."Okay, but what if...". I shoot her a look and she blushes, "O-okay, *sigh* relax.... Relax," she mutters, "I'm relaxing,". I close my eyes, this time focusing on the steady ticks that the clock emits. Tick tick tick tock goes the clock. Time keeps on slipping. I start counting the minutes, each little tick of the hands. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. One minute passes... then another... and another and another and another. An hour passes, and then another. My intense concentration is broken by Chloe squeezing my hand, and fiddling with my wedding ring, "How can you stay so calm?" she asks. I can't help but let out a light laugh," Ha, you think I'm calm? Dude, I'm like, freaking out on the inside,". As if to prove my point I show her my hands, which are shaking. They're shaking a lot more than usual. Chloe notices almost immediately. Shit. "Did... did you take your meds this morning?" She asks almost reluctantly. I nod and turn away, somewhat ashamed that I need medication to get me through the day. I guess with everything that's happened to me, with the tornado, 'Dark Room', the car accident, and Rachael... I finally lost it. Well, not completely... it's just *sigh* my nerves have been shot to hell, I deal with frequent anxiety, panic attacks, emotional breakdowns... *ahem* in simpler terms, (as all the would doctors say) I have a very slight case of PTSD, and very slight is an understatement... it's just bad enough that the panic, flashback, and anxiety can be controlled with medication. "I- I'm sorry I asked," Chloe says, knowing that I'm not exactly keen on being reminded that I need medication to; in my mind; stay sane."It's okay... but I'm fine... I swear. You know I'd tell you if I wasn't,". "I know, " Chloe replies, continuing to fiddle with my ring, "Huh, is it crazy to say that I still can't believe you're my wife?". I turn and look up at her, smiling stupidly, "We've come a long way, from strangers to friends, to girlfriends, to partners. Hmm, Life is..." I pause, suddenly aware of movement coming from behind the closed door in front of us. My heart starts pounding wildly in my chest BA BOOM BA BOOM BA BOOM. The door knob jiggles a bit and a tall blond man steps out of his office with a smile. We both stand up and face him. "Well?" Chloe asks, her voice high, and squeaky. "Things went extremely well. Amelia is resting at the moment but you're welcome to go see the child," he replies, "The paperwork can wait... go see her,". "Her?" I repeat. The social worker nods, "6lbs 11oz". I look up at Chloe who's begun to cry, "This is really happening, Max.... we're parents".

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