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Things have... changed. Max is always on edge, jumping at things that never used to scare her. I beg her to talk to me since I'm really the only one who knows what she's gone through. But, as always, she denies anything is wrong at all. It's almost as if she's not even aware of her own internal struggles. I think that the psychological strain of that week has finally caught up with her, "Max, are you sure you're okay?" I ask one day as we walk back to the apartment after taking Blue for a jog. "I'm fine, Chloe. I promise" Max says with a warm smile. I return her smile, trying to make it seem like I believe he, when in truth, I don't.. Like at all. Oh, Max and I have both returned to school, (Me, I'm at actually school and Max is at an online school) I just thought I'd mention that. Anyways, there is a sudden thud behind us as a store clerk drops a heavy crate on the ground. I can tell that Max is desperately trying not to react in fear, so she stops, turns and kisses me passionately. It's sorta become her coping mechanism, I totally don't mind it but... I just wish that the kiss was more intended as... an actual kiss. We pull away and look at each other smiling. "I'm okay" Max whispers. I'm not entirely sure if she's talking to me, or to herself, but I could hear a bit a doubt in her voice. "Why are you lying to yourself?" I ask quietly. She takes a step back, stunned, "What?! I'm not lying to myself, why would you even ask me that?". "Because you're not okay, Max... and you know it. You've barely let me out of your sight since we got back from the bay and that was what? Almost two months ago? You call me every hour while I'm at school and every thirty minutes when I'm a work. I don't get why you can't just tell me what's wrong," I reply, keeping my voice low "Nothing's wrong, Chloe, now just drop it!" She snaps. Blue whines a bit and looks up towards Max. "Please tell me, I want to help," I say again. "What is there to help with? Nothing's wrong!". "Max". "No!". "Max". "Stop!". "Max?" I say, watching as she places her hands on her head, shutting her eyes tightly, "I'm fine, Chloe. Nothing's wrong, now please, stop asking". I reach over to apologize for getting all pushy, but Max takes another step back, pushing my hands away, "You know what... no. I-I just need some space right now, okay?" She says as she grabs Blue's leash from me. I watch, completely dumbfounded, as Max walks down the street without me. Did... did we just have our first fight? I mean, sure we had our disagreements, we'd bicker and fight, but it never go to the point where one of us asked for space. I sigh sharply and turn around, walking in the other direction, knowing that it's the right thing to do... just walk away. God, dammit, Chloe, why must you be so fucking persistent? She said nothing was wrong... maybe... maybe nothing is. There doesn't need to be an explanation for everything. I get about two blocks between us before I realize I hear foot and paw step running up behind me. I barely turn around before Max throws herself into my arms, crying. "Chloe... I-I... sorry, I'm sorry, "She says, " I don't know why I got so worked up... I-I wasn't thinking straight... I'm sorry". I hug her tightly and stroke the back of her head, "I'm sorry, too... I-I'm just worried about you" I say. "I know you are but I'm okay, I'm okay," Max cries, "I'm okay... right?". I pull away again, taking her face in my hands, looking deep into her blue eyes. She waits for my response. I give none, I just kiss the bridge of her nose and wipe away her tears with my thumbs. Max smiles and hugs me again. "I love you" she whispers. "I love you, too... and I promise, we will make it through this... together".  

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