Be Prepared

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"Moms! Joel keeps hitting me!" Ellie calls from across the house. "I am not!" My son replies. Chloe rolls her eyes and slides off the bed, "I still can't believe you talked me into naming both our children after video game characters," I snicker a bit, "Oh, come on, you know you love it,". She giggles a bit and winks, "You know I do,". I watch as she walks over to the door and leans up against the frame, "You two better behave or I'll tell Grandpa and Grandma not to come," she calls. The bickering stops and footsteps come thundering down the hallway, "We'll stop, we'll stop!" Joel and Ellie say in unison as they try to get past Chloe and jump into bed with me, but Chloe's too quick. She snatches Joel up in one arm and Ellie in the other. I smile, despite being 36, my wife still loves to cause mischief. "Hey, check it out, Max! I found some mini monkeys,". "I'm not a monkey!" Ellie protests, blowing her long reddish ginger hair out of her eyes. "Yes you are," Joel says with a devilish grin when Chloe sets them both down. "You stink!" she wails, sticking her tongue out at him. "Hey!" I snap quietly, getting up and bending down in front of my black haired, hazel eyed son, "Joel, be nice to your big sister,". "Aww, do I have to?". I nod and kiss his forehead, turning to Ellie next. She tries to avoid my gaze but fails, "Ellie..." I say softly. "Yes, mama?" She mutters. "What did we say about calling each other names?". She frowns shyly and kicks at the carpet, "To not to,". "Good, now please apologize to your brother,". Ellie sighs and turns to Joel, "Sorry Joely,". "Now, make-up and hug it out,". The siblings close in awkwardly and hugs each other. "I forgive you... wanna go play dinosaurs?" Joel asks excitedly. She nods and allows her younger brother to lead her out of the room. Once they're gone I let out a little sigh and realize that Chloe is staring at me completely dumbfounded. "What?". "I told you," she says with a slight smile. "Told me what?" I ask again, lost on the topic. "That you'd be an amazing mother... I mean, you just got an 8-year-old to apologize and hug her 6-year-old brother,". I blush and look away, "It wasn't that amazing,". "Aww, come on. Don't put yourself down like that. You. Are. Amazing," Chloe says, coming up and nuzzling me behind the ear. I shiver with pleasure and giggle, "Come on, we have to get ready... I have to get ready,". She stops and pulls away, "You want me to tell them?" She asks. I shake my head, " Let them think it's your parents...". Chloe sighs and hugs me again, "Sure you're ready?". I nod again, "10 years is too long... I have to be ready,". I can't believe I'm doing this... as much as I don't want to do this, Joel and Ellie need to know my family... my parents. It's going to be hard... especially since Dad doesn't know we have a son. Chloe and I just couldn't handle all the drama again, so when he was born we only told Joyce and David. They didn't necessarily agree with our decision... but they respected it. I hug my wife back and enjoy her warm tender embrace. "I love you, she whispers, stroking my short pixie style hair. "Me too," I reply quietly. "I'm gonna be right there next to you the whole time, okay? I'm with you all the way... I promise,". "Okay,".

"Why do I have to stay in my room?" Joel whines, disappointed that we're forcing him to stay in his room. "I know, baby, but *sigh* it isn't grandpa David that's coming over,". He cocks his head to the side, "Then who is it?". I sigh again, trying to steady my slightly panicked breathing, "It's my dad... your grandpa". "Is he nice?". "Y-yeah... but... he doesn't know that we have a son yet so we're all gonna surprise 'em,". I say kissing his small forehead again. "Does he know 'bout Ellie?" Joel asks, looking around me for his sister who waits downstairs with Chloe. "Yes... he just hasn't met her yet,". Joel looks down at his shoes, seeming too shy to say what's on his mind. "Talk to me, my love," I say, sitting him on my lap. "Are you scared of him?" Joel finally mutters. I can't help but take in a sharp breath, the kids got a point.... Am I scared of my father? Yes, of course, I am,... but I'll never admit it. "No... it's just... we don't get along that well," I say calmly. "Is it because of us? Because we have two mommies?". Pain seizes my heart when he says this and I shake my head to avoid tears, "No... no. never think this is your fault, okay? Ever,". I pull him in for a big bear hug and just hold my son and pray for the best. I hear Chloe enter the room and rest a hand on my shoulder, "It's time,". I shiver a bit, those words bringing back an unpleasant memory. "Okay...". I say, plastering Joel's face in kisses. "Just stay quiet until we call you, okay Champ?", Chloe says, closing the door behind us. I sniffle a bit, desperately trying to cry and allow my wife to lead me downstairs. "Come on, he'll be her in about 10 minutes. I swallow hard and nod, "L- let's do this,". Ellie rushes up to me when she sees me, "Mama, is it true? Are we gonna meet your papa?". I nod timidly but remain quiet, unable to get any words out. Chloe kneels down in front of her and sighs, "Now, remember what we said. No talking about Joel until we say so, Okay? Wouldn't wanna ruin the surprise,". She nods, her single ponytail bobbing up and down with the motion of her head. The doorbell rings suddenly and I jump, snapping my focus on Chloe, "I thought you said 10 minutes?!" I say through gritted teeth. She shrugs, clearly as surprised as I am. Chloe comes up to me and holds me by the shoulders, kissing me as she does so. "I'm right here," she whispers. I nod and take a deep breath, "Okay... okay. *sigh* let's do this,". I basically hold my breath until Chloe opens the door and my dad steps inside, followed by Misty. Dad looks at me and frowns, "Maxine," he turns to my wife, "Chloe,". I mutter a hello that's so pathetic and quiet that it doesn't even register to anyone except Chloe. "Hi, Ryan, Misty. Thank You for coming on such short notice... we really appreciate it," she says, sticking her hand out to greet my folks. No one takes it except Ellie, who'd been hiding behind us. Ryan's gaze softens when he sees the child, "Hello, I don't believe we've met".   

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