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Ryan bends down in front of Ellie, making her take a step back, seeming slightly intimidated. "Hi," She squeaks. I gesture for her to step forward, "Come on, kiddo... he doesn't bite," I say. She obeys and steps a bit closer. "You must be Elizabeth," Ryan says with a forced smile. She nods a bit, "I wanna be called Ellie, please...". He makes a weird sound that's a cross between a sigh and a groan, "Very well. Do you know who I am?". Ellie nods and points up at Max, "You're her papa... right?". "Yes, I am," Ryan replies plainly, "And this is your grandmother,". Misty bends down and embraces the girl in a heartbeat, which, for some reason, makes my blood boil. "OOOh, you're such a big girl! How old are ya?" She asks, releasing my daughter. She looks down at her hands and counts eight fingers, "I'm eight,". Misty oohs with joy and hugs her again. She looks up at me and Max with an almost confused look, like she can't believe these are her mother's parents. "So, tell me Elizab- ... Ellie, what grade are you in, what school do you go to, what classes are you taking?" Ryan asks, helping his wife get to her feet. "Uhh, " Ellie begins but Max cuts her off from having to answer the seemingly endless flow of questions. "Come on in you guys," she says, inviting them further into our home. The couple nods and closes the door behind them. Ellie follows wearily behind us, seeming to be trying to figure out whether or not she can trust these new strangers. I don't blame her, I'm doing the same thing... ten years can really change a person. So we continue showing off our home, telling Ryan and Misty about our daughter's schooling. "I see you're decided to write that book, Maxine," Ryan says, grabbing a book off the coffee table. Max nods and grabs the book from her father, "I helped write it... Kate did most of the research and got the interviews. I just took some pictures and gave a statement,". "The book must be selling very well if you can afford this place. This house is huge!" Misty exclaimed, "And it's just you three?". Max and I risk a glance at each other and nod in a silent agreement. "Ellie," Max says, "Why don't you go show grandmama and grandpapa to the living room. Mom and I need to talk for a second,". Ellie nods a little and gestures for the elders to follow. Once they're out of earshot, Max pulls me aside and sighs deeply, "What was the book doing out here?! God forbid Ellie or even...Joel got a hold of it... *sigh* I- I can't... I don't think... Ugh, they can't know about it okay?". I look down at my shoes and sigh in shame, "I'm sorry... I just... It's hard for me too and I guess it just helps knowing that you weren't the only victim,". Max shutters at that word... victim. "Let's not talk about this now... I'm freaking out as it is... I don't need to add to the pile,". "You gonna be okay?" I ask, looking up to Joel's room. Max nods and tries to steady her already shaky breath, "I'll be fine... just... yeah... I'll be fine,". "I'm right here, okay?". She nods again and starts up the stairs, "Okay,". I shake my head and make my way back into the living room, feeling as Ryan's cold brown eyes lock onto me. Ellie's showing Misty some of her favorite Barbies, giving them elaborate backstories. I cough and clear my throat, catching everyone's attention. "So uh, let's all sit-down and get situated, that way we can get to know each other a bit better. Y'all want something to drink?". Ellie drops what she's doing and comes running up to me, "Mom, can I have some apple juice?". "Didn't you already have some this morning?" I ask skeptically. "Noooo?" she replies. "Alright... just don't tell Mama I gave you any... I don't wanna get in trouble again," I say with a slight smile as I pick my daughter up and carry her to the kitchen. Ryan continues to stare at me... burning holes in the back of my head and making me extremely tense. Ellie seems to notice and hugs me as if to calm me down, it helps a lot but the feeling doesn't last long. Once I set her down and get her her juice, Ryan and Misty sit at the breakfast bar and continue to watch my every move. "H- how's things been going with you Ry- Mr. Caulfield," I say, remembering what Vanessa once said. "We've been doing just fine, thank you," he replies somewhat coldly, "You two seem to be getting by as well. Now tell me, Ellie,". She stops drinking and sets her cup down, looking up at her grandfather expectantly. "Do your mothers treat you well?". My blood continues to boil and I almost snap, but I hold my anger down and allow my daughter to answer... I too, curious to know If I'm a good parent. Ellie simply nods and says, "Of course, why wouldn't they? Outta a million other kids, my moms chose me,". Ha, that shut 'em up... I smile smugly and turn to my in-laws, "So... do you want a drink or not?". "I could really use a scotch right about now," Ryan says, looking at his wife with a smile. I almost laugh, "Sorry bud. None of that in this house,". "Any beer?". "Nope,". "Wine?". Max and I do have a bottle stashed away for special occasions but today... I don't feel like sharing. I shake my head, "Nada,". "Water then," he says irritably, clearly expecting to find that I'm still an alcoholic... which, I'm not... and haven't been for some time. "Good choice, and you Misty?". "Water's fine, sweetie,". I nod and grab two glasses and fill one up, handing it off to Misty. 'Ladies first,' I tell Ryan with my eyes. As I pour the second glass her pipes up, "So... Is Maxine still on medication?". I don't know why but I drop the glass, startled that he knew about my wife's meds. "Shit!" I mutter, jumping back as the glass shatters across the floor. Ellie giggles a bit, "That's a dollar for the swear jar!". I smile inwardly and grab my wallet, handing her a crisp single which she takes and runs off with. "Chloe, is everything alright?" Max calls from upstairs, "I heard something break,". "We're fine... just dropped something," I reply, thankful that the glass broke into large shards. Ryan and Misty watch smugly as I sweep up the debris. Great... now they know how to get under my skin... good think I know how to get under theirs. "You comin' down or what?" I say with a bit of urgency, "We're running out of things to say,". "Okay... I'ma comin'. Just... get ready,". Again, I feel Ryan's eyes burning holes in me. "Ellie, would you mind going to play in the living room for a bit? The grown-ups need to talk,". She nods and gathers her cup, "Okay, Mom". We watch with fake smiles as she scampers off to continue playing with her Barbies. I hear Max rush down stairs and come up beside me, "We ready?". I nod, "We're just getting started".   

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