Real Talk

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I open my eyes to see I'm laying on the couch in the living room. I slowly sit up and start looking around. It's about 5 or 6 in the morning and the sun is just starting to peak over the horizon. My head is pounding rhythmically to the beat of my heart and a rancid taste fills my mouth. "Chloe?" I mutter, looking around for her. "I'm over here," She whispers back. I sit up more, looking back over the couch and seeing her at the kitchen table, holding a coffee cup. "You okay?", she asks. I nod and watch as she comes over and sits beside me. "Yeah, I'm fine... but... why does my head hurt? You didn't die or anything, did you? Y-you're okay, right? Right?!" I say, suddenly starting to panic. Chloe grabs me by the shoulders and forces me to look at her, "Calm down, I'm alright. Nothing happened... you've just got a hangover... remember?". "No... not really. I mean, I remember our date but not much else after that. I didn't do or say anything weird... did I?" I ask. She shakes her head, "Not really, mostly just random shit, nothing too embarrassing. Well, there was one thing. You were saying something about what we were going to do after we got married ... but you kinda passed out before you could finish," Chloe replies. I turn away refusing to look at her. "Umm... I-I think I remember that actually," I admit. "...Do... do you want to talk about it?". "*sigh* Kinda but... It's sorta crazy". She smiles warmly, already knowing what I was going to say. "You want to have kids, don't you?". I nod again and bury my face in my blanket, "Told you it was crazy"." Come on, Max... look at me,". Chloe pulls the blanket away from me and continues to smile. "If you ask me... I kinda like the idea of a mini 'us' running around". I look up at her despite my face frying with embarrassment, "You're not just saying that, are you?". She shakes her head. "No... to be honest, though, I've sorta been thinking about the same thing... I was just too chicken shit to say anything... I mean, we've barely been dating for a year" Chloe says, rubbing the back of her neck. "Me too... huh, I guess a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts," I reply, smiling back at her. "I love you so much, Chloe". "Me too, and I think you'll make an amazing mother, Max", she says, kissing me. "Would it be absolutely ludicrous if we just started making out right now?". "With your parents right upstairs... absolutely," I reply, kissing her again with equal passion. Suddenly, Blue pops out of fucking nowhere (she was asleep on the floor beside me) and jumps between us, sniffing our faces. "Ha ha, Blue! Way to kill the mood," Chloe giggles as the dog licks her uncontrollably. I start laughing too, that is until Blue starts licking me, "Ha Blue, Come on girl," I say, starting to rub her belly. She immediately rolls over and moans with pleasure when Chloe and I both start patting her soft underside. "Let's not rush into things too, fast, okay?" Chloe says, resting her head on my shoulder, "Like you said before, We have our whole lives ahead of us"


Yes, That just happened. So, for a possible future chapter, I'm going to need some kids names. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments

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