Stubborn Love

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"Are you sure you got this?" I ask, looking at Max who sits in her wheelchair across the room.

She nods, "Yes, Chloe, I'm sure. It's just a walk across the room. It's not going to kill me,".

"You don't know that..." I mutter softly, crossing my arms stubbornly, "Can I help you up?".

Max shakes her head, clearly annoyed, "I got it".

"Will you at least use the cane the doctor gave you? I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself," I say, making one last comment before watching Max pull up the hand brakes on her wheelchair and struggles to get her feet.

She ignores my last statement and takes a small, cautious step forward. She wobbles a bit, still getting used to walking without the clunky cast holding her back.

"Please be careful, Max," I say, forcing myself to stay back and allowing her to do this on her own.

"I'm fine, okay? I got this" she says, slight skepticism in her voice.

I watch, and for a few steps, Max is doing pretty well on her own, getting about halfway across the living room before-


She falls hard to the ground, the wind getting audibly knocked out of her.

"Max!" I cry, rushing up to her, "Shit, are you okay?!".

She groans a bit and coughs, remaining still on the floor. "Oww...".

"Hey, hey... come on, talk to me, Max," I say, slightly scared to even touch her, "Are you okay?".

"Yeah... yeah *cough cough* just... gimme a sec," Max mutters weakly, her voice sounding thin and breathy.

"Are you hurt, where are you hurt?".

Dude, fucking relax... she's okay, she said she's okay.

"I said I was okay, Chloe. Now help me- fuck," Max cringes a bit as she tries to push herself up on her shaky arms, grabbing her side in the process.

"Max!" I cry again, grabbing her arms and pulling her up into a sitting position.

"Chloe, I'm fine," she mutters, shutting her eyes tight.

I look at her, watching her pained, panicked expression,"You're lying...".

Max groans and nods a little, "F- fine, I'm not exactly okay,".

I sigh and shake my head a little, "Did you hit your head or anything?" I ask, resting my hands on her cheeks, trying to examine her head.

She pulls away with a frustrated sigh, "N- no... I don't think so".

"Then what's wrong?" I continue, trying desperately to keep my cool.

"I- I just... *sigh* I want to be able to walk again". "

"I- I know... and you will. But forcing yourself like this isn't going to further the process".

"But... I... fuck, I don't know! I'm so fucking tired of being helpless... I want to be able to do things on my own again".

"So what... my help isn't good enough?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"No! God, I just... asking for help is hard for me, okay? It makes me feel even more pathetic".

I sigh and take a deep breath, "Look at me, Max".

She turns away for a moment, trying to avoid my gaze, but she eventually gives in and locks eyes with me.

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