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*THIS IS NOT THE CANNON ENDING TO 'THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM'. This was the start to the original ending I'd come up with, but I discovered that I had a lot of loopholes that needed to be further explained. I will be posting the rest of the original ending as a separate story called "Aftermath". The main story will continue as planned, updating every four days or so. Too much work has gone into this ending to let it go, so hang in there and enjoy. ~Bender 


Things have simmered down between me and Chloe. I've started journaling again, writing out all my thought fears, dreams. I keep this journal from Chloe, knowing that she will most likely want to read it, but she can't know about the things I've seen or heard... it's for her own good. Anyways, tonight is our date night and Chloe is making us dinner. (We put Blue in the kennel for the weekend so we can get some privacy). Huh, who knew she'd be a natural born cook, I mean, she can make a pretty mean bacon omelet. Chloe looks so cute in the kitchen, wearing her 'Kiss the Cook' apron. "Don't tempt me," I tease even though I'd just kissed her a billion times. She sticks her tongue out at me and turns back to the onions she's cutting. I giggle to myself and walk back to the living room, but I freeze in place when I hear the knife clatter on the counter and Chloe cuss in pain, "Fuck". " You okay?" I ask, rushing up to her. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just cut myself" she says, hiding her left hand. "Let me see," I say, grabbing her hand and inspecting her injury. The cut itself isn't deep, but there's blood... and a lot of it. My first reaction is to rewind, but I haven't really used my powers in almost a year. I barely get anywhere because I cringe in pain as I lift my hand. The pressure in my head is unbearable. "What are you doing!" Chloe says, "You're going to hurt yourself!". There's so much panic in her voice that I power through the pain and continue to rewind. I stop just a few moments before Chloe cut herself, "W-Wait" I mutter weakly. She puts the knife down and turns to me, "What's up... whoa, you look totally pale. What happened?". "Y-you cut yourself," I reply. "Bad enough for you to rewind?". I shake my head, stumbling a little, "I- I panicked...s-sorry". I fall to my knees, too weak to stand. "Shit, are you ok?" Chloe asks as she falls with me. I nod and force myself to stand up, "Y-Yeah... I'm fine," I say even though I'm clearly not. She lets out a sharp sigh, "Dammit, Max, why do you do this to yourself?". "I-I'm sorry, okay. I don't like to see you hurting". "That isn't a good enough excuse," Chloe says coldly. I'm stunned, "My love for you isn't a good enough reason?". "No! Not if it means you're hurting yourself!". "Jesus, Chloe, relax, " I say, holding down the feeling of impending doom. "No! I fucking hate it when you do this...ugh," Chloe pauses, running her fingers through her hair roughly, "I'm not worth it, Max". I gasp lightly, "No... don't say that... y-you are worth it". "No, I'm not!" She yells. "Dammit... You should have just let me die, Max. I-I'm living on borrowed time! I-I should be dead, I never asked for this, I didn't ask to be saved!". My heart breaks when Chloe says this... and yet, I'm enraged, "Chloe Elizabeth Price, you take that back right now! Do you know how many times I had to watch you die? I wasn't about to give up the one thing I care about the most in this fucked up world!". "Everything that happened to us," Chloe says, her voice growing low and cold, "Everything is my fault. The accident, the nightmares, all the times you passed out... the fucking lighthouse, all of it was my fault. You deserve so much better than me, Max. Your life would be so much better if you had just let me die". I take a deep breath and speak slowly, "Chloe... if I had sacrificed you... I wouldn't be here". She looks at me blankly, "What are you trying to say?". I take another deep breath, " I'm saying that I would have taken the bullet for you, Chloe. I would have died... not you". "That's bullshit". "You think I'm making this up!" I yell, " I'm being serious, I would die for you... I really would". "Don't ever say that, Max. Ever. I won't let you die for me. I'm done, okay. I give up. I can't keep doing this, watching you get hurt," Chloe says as she grabs her jacket and heads for the door. "Where are you going?" I ask anxiously. "I said I'm done. I tried so hard to protect you and keep you safe... huh, I've failed pretty miserably at that. What's the point of staying if I keep fucking up everything". I swallow hard, "C-Chloe... y-you can't just leave me. Y-you promised you'd always be with me... you promised you'd never let go!". She freezes and turns to me with a glint of sympathy in her eyes, but she shakes it off immediately. "I know, and I'm sorry. I really am. I love you, Max... but I think my love is hurting". "Chloe!" I scream, watching as the love of my life walks out the door. I panic, 'No... No, this can't be happening'. I try rewinding all the way back before I even said anything but the pain is too much and I'm forced to stop midway into our conversation. I try saying something new, Chloe still leaves. I try saying nothing at all but she still leaves. Eventually, I fall to my knees, exhausted, blood dripping from my nose. My head feels like it's about to explode. I sit there alone in the empty apartment and cry for what feels like an eternity until I feel the light buzz of my phone in my pocket, It's a text from Chloe:

Chloe: If only I could stay with you forever, I would

I read it over and over and over again, trying to figure out what it means. Then, it hits me, I carefully get up and run to the room and start digging through a pile of papers on my desk until I find it. The poem Chloe gave me for our first Christmas. I sit down on the ground and read it as a whole:


'If Only I could shine in your life as you have in mine. I would.

If Only I could love you as deeply as you have loved me. I would.

If Only I could heal your heart as you have healed mine. I would.

If Only I could give you the hope that you have given me. I would.

If only I could stay with you forever, I would'

If this is really happening, If Chloe is really leaving me... then this truly is The End of Time Itself.  

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