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Max basically jumps for her camera the moment we roll into town, although I find it odd that she hesitates with each shot.

We drive around for awhile taking in the sights, all the pretty neon lights and small businesses illuminate the night. I've never been in Portland at night, hell I've never been to Portland in general.

It's kinda sad to admit, but this is actually the first time I've ever been out of Arcadia Bay.

An awkward energy settles around me which Max immediately picks up on, "Hey... are you okay?".

I nod and avert my eyes, "Yeah... I'm fine. Just... this place is really fucking pretty, ya know?".

She raises an eyebrow.

"Uh, not a pretty as you though..." I add quickly, feeling a blush crawl across my face.

I'm trying not to bring the town up in conversation, not wanting it to trigger any... not so good memories for Max.

I'm actually freaking out internally, she's like... handling this whole "I just killed thousands of people" thing a bit too well if you ask me.

I sigh and drum my finger across the top of the steering wheel, "So... you wanna stop somewhere so you can get some better shots?" I ask.

She shrugs, "I... I think I'm good for now. But... thanks anyway".

Yeah... photography is gonna be hella weird for my little hipster now, eh?

Hmm, 'My' hipster.... I like the sound of that, although, Max and I have always considered ourselves to be each others since we were like... 5 and 6.

Heh, it's fucking hysterical to think that all the cutesy shit we did as kids was us trying to start something with the other. I smile dumbly at the nostalgia, continuing to drive around aimlessly.

"We should probably find a place to crash for the night, huh?" I ask, hearing Max yawn a few times.

She nods absently and stretches out like a cat, "Yeah... ".

So, I pull up to the first hotel we see and park, thankful for the flashing "Vacancy" sign.

Anyways, Max and I both hop out of the truck and head into the little building to rent a room. A big burly guy with red curly hair sits at the desk, half asleep on his chair, a magazine covering his face. I trot up awkwardly to him, seeing no sign of those little bell things that are supposed to get people's attention.

"Uh... e- excuse me?" I mutter, clearing my throat audibly.

The man doesn't flinch, he just keeps on snoring and sleeping. "I said 'Excuse me', sir" I say, with more force this time.

He jumps a little, nearly falling out of his chair, "Hey, I'm up, I'm up!".

Max and I wait for him to regain his composure before asking to rent a room.

He eyes us funny, "Your parents around?".

Max takes a couple of steps back when he says this, guilt clouding her eyes no doubt.

"I'm 19, dude. I don't fucking need my parent's permission to crash in a shitty hotel".

And I just made things worse didn't I?

At least... for Max I did.

Did I have to bring up parents?

I groan irritably to myself.

"Listen, we've had a long ass day, we're tired and we'd like to get some sleep, so...".

I pause and look at the nameplate on his desk.

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