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Max and I look at each other awkwardly for a second, processing the fact that we basically just made out with each other.

"I... um... heh, that happened".

She nods and smiles timidly again, "Yeah... s- sorry".

I can't help but laugh a little, "Heh, for what? Dude, I've been wanting to do that for like... ever".

Max blinks in disbelief, "W- what? What do you mean you've wanted to do that forever?".

"Max, I've had a crush on you since we were like 11. Have you seriously not noticed?".

She shrugs and blushes, "I guess not... sorry".

"Dude, seriously stop apologizing for shit. It's fine,".

"Is it?" Max quips, unconvinced.

I sigh, "Fine, it was a little annoying waiting for you to catch on. I was flirting up a storm in my room on Wednesday".

She giggles lightly, "You weren't even subtle about it. 'Oh, I don't think anyone is good enough for you... besides me' ".

I groan at the pure cheesiness and straightforwardness of my flirting.

"So you did catch on," I say, "but... why didn't you say anything?".

Max sighs and shrinks back into her seat, "Chloe... I... *sigh* we were so close to finding... finding Rachel and I... I don't know. Was I jealous? I wanted what you two had... whatever that was. But I didn't want to come between you two if we did end up finding her alive, so I guess I forced myself to ignore your advances".

"But, you kissed me," I point out.

She nods again, "Yeah... I know. I couldn't help it that time, you just... offered. It seemed rude to turn you down".

"Pfft, I honestly didn't think you'd do it. I mean... I didn't even know if you liked girls romantically or whatever,".

Max blushes and lets out a timid laugh, "Heh... y- yeah. I didn't exactly know that either. It just sorta... happened".

I sit up a little, watching as Max nervously fiddles her thumbs.

"T- this is still really new to me, Chloe" she mumbles, "but... a-all I know is that I like you... like, really like you".

I nod, "Ditto".

She looks up at me finally and smiles, "So... um, are you Bi?".

I blink, "Huh?".

Max blushes and looks away again, "Well, um I... I f- found condoms in your wallet and I just assumed since it kinda looked like you were with Rachel a-and...".

"Woah, Woah, woah. Chill, Max. I uh, I tried dudes for a while and uh, not my cup of tea if you catch my drift," I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"So... you're gay?".

"I'm whatever you want me to be, Max".

That seems to get her to relax. I watch as she takes a deep breath and turns to me again, smiling.

"Hey, Max?" I say, turning to face her, "When did you realize that you loved me?".

I need to know if what she said is true... I don't think I could handle another potentially heartbreaking relationship.

But this is Max, the person I've loved my whole life.

How could she hurt me?

Max looks up at me and smiles, "I... I've always loved you, Chloe... just not like this, not to this extent. *Sigh* When I passed out on the beach, I had this.... Nightmare or... daydream or something. I kept reliving memories of class before I saved you but... it was ten times worse. Birds were dying everywhere, I had to thank Jefferson for killing you a-and...-".

Max pauses for a second and lets out a small cry before regaining her composure.

"-I was lost in my own head, Chloe. In my own fears and desires. The people in my head wanted me dead, wanted you dead. Everyone who hurt us this week was out to get me. But I just had to keep going ... I had to get back to you-".

Max takes another breath as she takes my hand and continues.

"-I was tied up in the 'Dark Room' again, and you were there.... flirting with all these people and calling me horrible names... and.....".

I squeeze her hand tightly, "You know I'd never do that to you, right?" I say.

"I know, but... it still hurt".

Max turns away, I can tell that she's trying hard not to think about her time in the 'Dark Room', even if it didn't happen in this timeline... it still happened to her.

I try to change the subject by asking her who I was flirting with inside her dream.

"Pfft, only you would ask me that Chloe, " Max says with a small smile. "You flirted with Warren, Nathan, Jefferson and... um,".

She hesitates for a moment, which makes me all the more curious.

"And?", I urge.

"Victoria Chase" Max finally says quietly.

"What! Haha, are you serious? I was flirting with that skank!?", I start busting up because I remember her bitchiness from when I was at Blackwell.

I only stop when Max shoots me a look, making me remember that she was Jefferson's next intended target... next to Max that is. I shudder inwardly and shake my head, apologizing and waiting for her to continue.

"But uh, you didn't just flirt with her," Max adds with a tiny insecure giggle, "You two totally made out in front me,".

I absolutely lose my shit when she tells me this.

"I- it's not funny! It sucked. I... I wanted... I wanted it to be me" Max mumbles, her cheeks glowing red from embarrassment.

"Aww, alright, alright. We all get jealous... but uh, was that it? Just me macking on a bunch of people?".

Max shakes her head, "No... I... I was stuck in this maze where I had to collect bottles again,".

"Ooh, terrifying," I say, dodging Max when she whaps me playfully.

"I was in the dinner again after that, with everyone,".

I raise an eyebrow, "Everyone?".

She nods and hugs herself, "All our friends, people we grew up with... people I helped this week. They... they all wanted one thing... n- not to kill them. I- it was hard, you know. Listening to them beg for mercy when I already had my mind set on doing whatever it took to keep you safe. Th- that's when things got really weird".

"How so," I say, reaching out to her.

She retreats back into her 'safe-zone', not needing or wanting comfort at the moment.

"I met myself, Chloe... or, at least, another version of myself. She kept saying that I was using my powers for selfish reasons, to help myself gain popularity, but I didn't I just... I wanted to help people. I wanted to use my powers for good".

I nod, deciding to keep quiet as she finishes her story.

"Then you came in. You defended me by saying that this was our destiny, that this was all meant to be 'n' shit. And I just focused on that... on your voice, your presence and the 'other' me left me alone. After that... I was in this... this museum," Max says, using her hands for emphasis, "filled with the things we did this week. From you saving me from Nathan, to... to me comforting you after finding Rachel. I just... I couldn't stop thinking about you, and how much you meant to me... and not just as a friend".

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