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-October 15-

There is a big memorial in the middle of town. It lists the names of all the people who lost their lives due to the storm. I'm sitting in front of it now... alone. Chloe doesn't know I'm here, I snuck away while she and her parents had a bonding session. I know she completely avoids this side of town for a reason, she doesn't want me to feel any more guilty that I already do. The list isn't that long... but it isn't short either.

'Take a good long look' says the voice in my head. 'All these people had lives too, you know, people they loved and cared for?... Moms, Dads. Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Children and elders... all dead because you couldn't live without your precious punk-ass Chloe'

"She's worth it," I whisper to myself,

'If she's so worth it, why are you avoiding her?'

"She is worth it".

I continue to read the list... recognizing a lot of the names: Brooke, Luke, Trevor, Evan, Daniel, Hayden, Zachary...Nathan... and a few other teachers and students. Mark Jefferson's name is not on the list. I swallow hard, wondering if that psychopath is still out there. A cold chill runs down my spine, 'He could be dead, Max' I tell myself.

'Do you really think he's dead, Max,' The voice says, 'People thought you were dead and last time I checked, You are sadly still here'

That's true, Our names are on the plaque, too.... Chloe and mine. They're listed right next to each other. I trace my fingers over each letter. For almost a year, we were thought to be dead. "Figured I'd find you here," Chloe says behind me. I jump at the sound of her voice. Shit, how long has she been standing there?

'Well, if it isn't the bae herself'

She walks up and sits next to me. She doesn't say anything... we just sit quietly, staring at the memorial. The golden flowers surrounding it sway gently in the light autumn breeze. "This isn't your fault, Max. You know that... right?" Chloe asks, turning to me. I nod, "I-I know not... but I hurt a lot of people, Chloe. Especially you". It's true... she asked me to sacrifice her. She wanted her parents to be safe. She was willing to die so that I wouldn't have to live with the guilt of killing thousands to save her but I refused... I-I went against her wishes and saved her because she was the only person worth living for in my sad miserable life. It scares me to think what might have happened if I hadn't sacrificed her. I push that thought out of my mind immediately. "You didn't hurt me, Max... and, I don't want you to think that I blame you for the tornado because I don't," Chloe says, taking hold of my hand, "Like you said, 'Some things are simply meant to be'. All that matters is that you listened to your heart". I giggle a bit when she pokes my chest, making me crack a small smile. Maybe she's right...what if no matter what I did, The tornado was bound to happen? That seems really logical actually... Shit happens amirite? "I always know how to make you feel better, don't I?" She says, pulling me up to my feet. "Always," I reply, dusting off my jeans. As we walk hand in hand back to the truck that's parked a few blocks away, I suddenly start feeling very lightheaded. Almost like when I overuse my rewind... but I haven't used it in weeks... not since we saw Warren.

'Hey, dipshit! Slow down before you hurl all over the sidewalk'.

"C-Chloe... can we stop for a second?" I say, leaning up against a wall. My head hurts bad and the world is literally spinning. She's at my side in a heartbeat, "You alright?". I nod slowly, "Yeah.. yeah. I just....-". Then it hits me like a ton of bricks. The vision is quick, just flashes of images, The dorms, the woods, the lighthouse and the 'Dark Room', places like that. I can feel a slight sensation of cold against my skin. I can hear Chloe's voice in the vision and in real life, she screaming my name... just my name... but I know by the way she says, she's in danger I just know. Then, I see a shadowy figure lying motionless on a bed, Joyce and David crying violently above them. "Max! Max, oh, god... Max, Can you hear me?!" Chloe's desperate cries pull me back into reality before I'm able to see who the figure was, but it's obvious who it is. "I-I'm fine... just a flashback," I lie, holding my hand under my nose, feeling as blood drips onto it. She can't know what I saw, I'm going to do everything possible to not let it happen.



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