Over and Over Again

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Max and I are sitting in my room, listening to the wind and snow howl outside. Mom and David let us have the house to ourselves tonight, so they too can go on a date. Anyways, It's been about 10 or 11 days since Max woke up I was honestly worried that she wasn't going to. I haven't told her this yet but... during the three days she was out... we had to call an ambulance... we had too. Just to be safe you know... just to make sure she wasn't actually going to die. Thankfully, she fine, no hypothermia, no frostbite, no nothing, she just has a bad case of the common cold. The only thing that was odd; the paramedics said; was that Max seemed to have put herself into some sort of self-induced sleep state, no exactly a comma... but similar. She actually doesn't remember how or why she went to the lighthouse in the first place. "Are you sure you don't remember why? I mean, you've gotta remember something right?" I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. She sighs deeply and looks up at me, "I really don't remember, Chloe. You believe me... don't you?". 'Of course I believe you. I'd never doubt you for a second. It's just... I- I feel like there's something missing," I reply, "Something to tie this all together". "You'll be the first to know if I remember anything, I promise," Max says as she scoots closer to me. I smile at how lucky I am to have her in my life. I still kinda wonder why she decided to stay with me, I mean... out of the 7 billion people on this earth... she chose me. It really must be our destiny to stay together... we've come this far. "Hey, Max?" I say, realizing that she's starting to drift off to sleep. "Huh? *yawn* what's up babe?". 'Remember when you played that song for me on the guitar?". She nods and sits up a bit, "Sure I do.. Why do you ask?" I smile mischievously, "Well, I think it's about time I played a little something for you". Max giggles a bit, "Okay, but what are you going to play? We already mailed home all the stuff from my dorm... including the guitar". "Who needs instruments when you have 'Bluetooth'?" I reply, connecting my phone to my stereo. "Sick...", Max says, her smile beginning to grow, "so... whatchya gonna play?". "Patience young padawan," I say, "Patience":

'From the way you smile to the way you look

You capture me unlike no other

From the first hello, yeah, that's all it took

And suddenly we had each other

And I won't leave you

Always be true

One plus one, two for life

Over and over again

So, don't ever think I need more

I've got the one to live for

No one else will do, and I'm telling you

Just put your heart in my hands

Promise it won't get broken

We'll never forget this moment

Yeah, we'll stay brand-new 'cause I'll love you

Over and over again

Over and over again

From the heat of night to the break of day

I'll keep you safe and hold you forever

And the sparks will fly, they will never fade

'Cause every day gets better and better

And I won't leave you

Always be true

One plus one, two for life

Over and over again

So, don't ever think I need more

I've got the one to live for

No one else will do, yeah, I'm telling you

Just put your heart in my hands

I promise it won't get broken

We'll never forget this moment

Yeah, we'll stay brand-new 'cause I'll love you

Over and over again

Over and over again

Girl, when I'm with you I lose track of time

When I'm without you you're stuck on my mind

Be all you need till the day that I die

I'll love you

Over and over again

So, don't ever think I need more

I've got the one to live for

No-one else will do, yeah, I'm telling you

Just put your heart in my hands

Promise it won't get broken

We'll never forget this moment

Yeah, we'll stay brand-new 'cause I love you

Over and over again

Yeah, over and over again

Over and over again'

By the time the song ends, I can tell immediately that we're both crying. It's not that the song was sad or anything... it was fucking beautiful if you ask me. It was just... touching. "I love you so much, Chloe Max mutters, burring her face in my chest. I smile and sniffle a bit, running my fingers through her hair. "You cry easily... you know that, right?". "Says the person who cried for a solid hour after watching 'Marley & Me'" Max replies with a bit of a giggle, looking up at me with big blue eyes. I giggle too and kiss her. We hold there for about a minute before pulling away reluctantly. "Have I told you how much I love your blue hair?" She whispers, twirling a strand of my her around her finger. "Everyday since I dyed it again. I'm starting to think you have a weird thing for anything blue". She giggles again, "I have a weird thing for you". I blush Damn... I love how fearless and confident she's become... but at the same time... she's a nervous wreck. "What's your point, Caulfield?" I ask even though I know exactly what she's trying to do. "Just shut up and kiss me".  

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