Blast From The Past

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We head outside and load all the boxes onto the bed of the truck. There are only a few more things to get, Including Lisa; who miraculously; is still alive, so Chloe offers to go and get them. "Just stay here, okay,i" she says. "I'll go get the last few things and then we can kiss this school good-bye". I nod reluctantly, "A-alright, just... just hurry back, okay?" I reply, trying not to sound desperate. She smiles and kisses my forehead. "Don't worry 'bout, Max. I'll be fine. I promise". I sigh and kiss her back, "Okay". She walks off, glancing back at me every so often until she's out of sight. I start counting the seconds as they pass. One, Two, Three, Four. I grab a book from a box to pass the time. Five, Six, Seven, Eight. I take a deep breath. Ten minutes go by and she still hasn't returned.

'Quick, send out the search party! Hurry before something bad happens to her!' taunts the voice.

I close my eyes and decide to text Chloe instead of going out and searching for her myself:

Max: Where R U?

Chloe: ...

Chloe: Sorry, I sorta ran into kate again and we started to talk about shit... she thinks we make a cute couple btw

Max: Really?

Chloe: Yup. I'll b right there

Max: No. It's okay...I was just wondering what was taking you so long.

Chloe: Thx babe. See you soon <3


I laugh to myself and put my phone back in my pocket. God , I love it when Chloe calls me 'Babe'. It makes me feel so fucking special. I kinda wish I had a cute pet name for her since she has so many for me. Anyways, I turn back to my book and continue reading until I'm aware of a car pulling into the parking lot. I don't recognize it but once it parks a few spots away and the driver gets out, I immediately know who it is. Without warning, I shoot to my feet... every cell in my body is screaming at me to run and hide but it's like my shoes are cemented to the ground. I can't move. He notices me, "Max?". He comes closer.

'Run for the hills, dumbass' the voice says.

Believe me I'm trying to run but I can't, it's as if I've completely forgotten how to walk. "Max... Maxine Caulfield? Is... is that really you?".

'You'd better do something soon, he's coming closer'

By the time I regain control of my body, it's too late. He's standing right in front of me. I swallow hard and take a long deep breath, "H-hi... Warren".  

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