It's Really You

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"I-I can't believe it's actually you. I thought you didn't make it" Warren says as her tries to lean in and hug me. I take a step back and stick out my hand. "Oh... sorry" He says, grabbing my hand in a loose grip. As we shake I can't help but point out how cold and stiff his hand is. "Oh, yeah. That's probably because this isn't my real hand. Warren rolls up his sleeve to reveal a prosthetic arm that goes all the way up to his elbow.

'Oh ... I bet that makes you feel like shit huh? You did that to him. You made him lose his arm'

I gasp, covering my mouth, "No". "Hey, it's okay. I'm part Cyborg now," he says, resting his 'good' hand on my shoulder. I Immediately tense up at his touch, "You alright? You seem a bit on edge". "No no no, I'm fine. I'm just... really glad to see you" I lie. He smiles like a goon. Okay, that's not a lie. I AM happy to see that Warren is alive and well (for the most part) it's just... I can't help feeling responsible for the loss of his arm. "H-how?" I finally build up the courage to ask. "How did I lose my arm? Huh, well that's a long story" He says as I lower the tailgate for us to sit on. He goes on to tell me that everyone had made it out of the diner after it blew up. He had to run back into the burning building to save a dog, which I'm guessing was Pompidou. Anyways, he was able to get the dog out in time but got caught in a second explosion that knocked him out. He woke up in the hospital where they told him that he had severe burns on the right side of his body, resulting in the amputation of his arm. "So, yeah. That's pretty much it" Warren says rather proudly. I'm glad we're sitting down because after taking all that in... I feel nauseous. "So...." he says, inching closer to me, "You never did tell me your big secret". I swallow hard, "I honestly don't remember what it was... sorry".

'Go ahead, keep on lying. See where it gets you'

"Oh, that's okay. I'm sure you'll remember someday. *Ahem* so... are... are you doing anything later?". The fact that Warren is still trying to hit on me when Chloe can come back at any moment makes me extremely nervous. I know that she's the jealous type and if she sees him trying to flirt with me... she'll kill 'em. Not really, though... I hope. "I'm only in town for a week or two, and during that time I'll be with Chloe.... Visiting with her family". "Oh, I forgot about her. 'Chloe' was it? How is she?" Warren asks somewhat coldly. "I'm doing just fine, Waldo. How about you?" says a voice behind us.  

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