Chapter 1 (Just revised)

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Thank you to Rujula07 for the fantastic new cover for this story!

I just wanted to say that I have received a lot of criticism for my lead female character, Camille. Saying that she's too weak, she forgives too easily, etc. All I'm asking is that you give the book a chance. Camille will surprise you and just because she forgives easily, doesn't mean she's weak, it just means that sometimes she tries very hard to see the good in people and she is very naive in some ways. I based her loosely on myself. I fought for years letting people walk all over me, continually allowing the same people to take advantage of me and hurt me, time after time. I eventually put on my big girl panties! Just please, give the book a chance! Thank you!


I consulted my Patek Philippe watch once more, lightly drumming my fingers on the linen covered table.

I loved my mother, truly, but I hated how she was always late to everything; she was one for dramatic entrances.

Finally she came breezing through the door of the little cafe she'd insisted I meet her at. I stood like the gentleman she raised me to be, pulled out her chair, lightly kissed her cheek and greeted her with polite irritance "Mother, I trust you are well?" I asked as she seated herself in the offered chair. She smiled and responded "Darling, I do wish you wouldn't call me 'mother', it just sounds so uptight. I'm well and you?"

I assured her that I was doing fine and that I was truly happy to see her. I'd been extremely busy of late and hadn't seen her like I should and for that I did feel bad. My mind drifted for a moment, my eyes studying her features as I listened to her talk about this and that.

My mother and father both were 100% Italian so she had raven colored hair, an olive complexion, deep brown eyes and a bone structure plastic surgeons would kill to achieve; only she was an all natural, a 55 year old Italian beauty, standing 5"5', 130 pounds and naturally curvy. All attributes her and my father had passed on to me and then some.

I have midnight black hair, meticulously groomed stubble along my chin and upper lip, a physique I work hard to maintain for health and personal reasons, the same deep brown eyes, my father's sculpted facial features and height standing at 6'4. I weigh in right at 200 pounds of solid mass and despite my occupation I do not indulge in drugs, drinking to excess, or smoking for that matter. I eat right and try to get as much sleep as possible. And last but not least my ink, I have a scrolled cursive upper case G on the inside of my left wrist, a black sunburst on my right arm with Valentino (my father's name) written above it in cursive, a black crown on the inside of my right arm with famiglia written below it and one more on my side that kind of looks like a version of the comedy from the comedy and tragedy duo.

My name is Dominic Valentine (Valen-teen) Giossi and I am the boss of an Italian mob syndicate here in New York and heaven help you if you ever cross me.

"Mom I hate to cut this short but I have a business meeting that I cannot be late for" I said, looking at my watch for the hundredth time.

"Okay darling, I understand" she said, smiling as she stood. As I walked her out I was glad to see her driver waiting for her with her door open.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Giossi" Francis said, slightly bowing to me; Francis has been in my family's employ for over twenty years and besides those closest to me he was as loyal and trustworthy as they come.

"Francis. How are you?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"I'm well sir, very well. Thank you for asking. And you, sir?" he asked politely.

"As good as could be expected." I respoded

"Mom, it was good seeing you. I promise I will see you at the house this week, okay?" I said, leaning into the car.

"I love you, and please Dominic, call me when you can." She said as she patted my hand.

As soon as my mother's car pulled away from the curb my black Tahoe pulled up and my Under Boss, Beniamino Romano, or Beni as he liked to be called, got out. He was accompanied by my Captain, Carlo Marino, the family's consigliere or legal counsel, Dante Russo and two Caporegime or Capo, Enrico Abate and Fino Barone.

"Boss" Beni said as he held the door open for me, my other men checked our surroundings before climbing back into the vehicle and we drove off.

"Everything set, Beni?" I asked. "Si, boss" Beni responded.

"Alexi and Viktor will be meeting us at the club as scheduled."

Alexi Bazin and Viktor Aristov his second are the heads of the Russian Mafia here in the city.

"Good, good" I said and we rode the rest of the way in silence.

We pulled up to the back entrance of Desideris (Italian for Desires), my gentleman's club, a computer locked gate stood securely in front of us. Carlo stuck his hand out and placed his thumb to the pad, it beeped, turned green, and we watched as the gate swung open.

Beni jumped out first and grabbed my door; I stepped out and straightened my suit jacket buttoning it up before walking towards the club's delivery entrance.

I asked Carlo and Dante to go check the floor while Enrico and Fino stood guard by the door to my office.

The Russian boss and his second both stood as I entered the room.

"Alexi, Viktor" I said as I walked behind my desk and motioned for them to sit.

I grabbed a bottle of his favorite vodka and four shot glasses. "Salute" I said as I poured the clear liquid, "Salute" they replied as we drank.

Alexi ran his operation from Brighton Beach and we learned early on that it would behoove us to work together instead of fighting with each other and by doing so we had built stronger alliances with the Greeks and kept the violence down to a minimum.

Every once in a while some young hot shot trying to make a name for himself would try to prove a point. When these inconveniences would pop up they would, how you say? Disappear.

"Mandalar has a shipment coming in, via the ports, and it's due to be delivered on schedule, as per our agreement" Alexi said referring to our contact within the Greek mafia.

"Did you check out the product first?" I asked.

"I did, da. They are brand new weapons, untraceable and once we receive them into our warehouse the Irish will take delivery and have them delivered to California. Our cut will be the agreed upon shared 75%. Not bad, no?" he asked smiling.

I smiled. $7.5 million in my bank account? No that's not bad at all.

We discussed a few more business matters before I told them to follow me out, into the club.

The bass was booming as the DJ introduced one of our most requested dancers, Colette.

We took our places at my private table as she undulated her way out, half naked in slinky lingerie. She walked in front of me, grinding her lower body in front of me, licking her lips and giving me that look I'd seen from so many women, so many times before.

I'd dipped into many of them and her several times, she was an exquisite lover but I never wanted anything else from her or any of the other girls I employed or enjoyed.

They were simply a means to an end, a stress reliever, a little fun, nothing more. Never more. I hadn't found anyone that actually made me want...more, and that is what was missing from my life...MORE.

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