Chapter 88 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

The time they had been allowed to spend with each other was just what they needed; it had been the ultimate honeymoon.  Antonio had surprised her with the house, telling her that any time they wanted to visit this would be their home.  

Camille had met her aunt and uncle, their spouses and their children; having a whole other family that loved her had really made her feel complete.  She had Valentina, who loved her just like a mother should, her father, who tirelessly tried to make up for lost time and then there was Dante, Beni, Carlo, Fino and Dino, who were family and of course Cass, who would always be her sister.  

She had cried for a while when it was time for them to leave this paradise, this little corner of the world that, for a short time, had been their's.  Most of all her heart broke at leaving her father; they had grown very close in a very short amount of time and she felt like she was losing him all over again.  

"Camille, tesoro" he said gently.  "I will always be here.  No circumstance, anyone or anything will ever take me from you again.  I'm here to stay."  His words offered her comfort as she watched him from the window seat of Dominic's plane; he was so handsome and tall and who would have ever thought she would have someone that she could call father again.  

Dom felt bad for her and comforted her the best he could, for you see, in the absence of his father, Antonio had become a surrogate father to him as well, so he understood the loss that she was feeling at this moment.  He was able to take her mind off of what they were leaving behind by hooking his phone up to his laptop and downloading all the pictures they had taken on their honeymoon.  

They had some really beautiful ones that Camille said she wanted to frame and put up in the house; Dominic told her that she could do whatever she wanted with the pictures and that made her smile.  "I think I would definitely like to put some of us at the beach and the pool in your study" Camille said as Dominic smiled at her.

"Whatever makes my tesoro happy, you do it.  I love seeing that beautiful smile and knowing that I put it there makes me so happy" Dom responded.  Camille leaned over and placed a very sweet kiss on his cheek.

Marc, their pilot, came over the PA system and informed them they were about ready to take off and to make sure they were in their seats and prepared for the door to close.  Camille sighed and laid her head on her husband's shoulder and soon she was asleep; Dom would soon follow as his eyes grew heavy.

Their flight was very uneventful as they finally arrived back into New York on Wednesday and the hour was very late and they were exhausted, glad to be back home, but exhausted.  They received hugs from Beni, Dante, Dino, Cassie, Carlo and Fino; the whole gang came out to the airstrip to welcome them back home.  

Cassie had told her that their wedding photos were back as well and she'd just put them in Dom's study on his desk for them to look at whenever they felt like it.  It really was so great to be back home, seeing her family around them at the plane made her so thankful for all that she had.  They didn't have anything on the calendar except resting for the next three days and then they would be seeing Valentina for dinner on Saturday.  

"Ah, home!" Camille said dramatically as she spun around in the kitchen, grinning.  Two of the guys took their luggage up to their room while the rest hung out in the kitchen, just getting a little glimpse of their ten day stint in Italy.  "I am going to make a power point" Camille said, yawning for the fifth time.  "When I get it done, we'll have a big family dinner and we will show our pictures.  Thanks for welcoming us back home guys, but I am just really so tired.  I'm going to go to bed.  Dom, you coming?" she asked.  He smiled and said he would be there in a minute.  She gave him a peck on the cheek, turned and went up the stairs.

Dominic didn't mean to stay away for as long as he did, but his businesses didn't stop just because he'd been gone on his honeymoon.  Beni informed him of the shipments, collections, Desideris and Belladonna.  His men had handled everything expertly while he was gone and he couldn't have been more thankful.  

He trudged up the stairs, realizing how much the jet lag was already kicking his ass and couldn't wait to be wrapped around his beautiful wife and just sleep, no sex, just wonderful sleep.  She'd left the bathroom light on for him, so taking off his clothes he threw on some clean underwear, turned off the light and climbed into bed only to have Camille practically roll on top of him in her sleep.  

He stared at her, just barely being able to make her out in the dark and loved how he would never again have to crawl into an empty bed; his beautiful wife, this amazing creature, with a heart as big as gold, had filled every empty hole, crevice and spot within him.  He would never again know what it meant to be alone.  She truly was his strength and he loved her desperately for it.

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