Chapter 72 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

She hadn't left his side since this whole ordeal and despite the fact that Dominic, Valentina, Beni, Dante and the doctor had tried talking her into it, she was stubborn and dug in with both heels. The doctor had even gone behind her back, at one point, and told Beni and Dante that he thought she was suffering from PTSD,  because of her shooting of Viktor,  and what's worse is she has yet to deal with that little portion of this shit storm.

Alexi had been to see them and to personally thank her for ridding the world of his former second in command. 

"It was just self preservation, Alexi. That's all" she'd told him, knowing very good and well she got a small shot of power knowing that she received revenge for her shop as well. Sometimes she was so tired she felt like she was hallucinating but she would just shake her head and continue to push herself. 

Dino was nice enough to let her use his kitchen so she could make some homemade chicken noodle soup for Dominic; after it was cooked she would strain out some of the broth for him and then give the entire soup to feed the eight people that had been hanging out in the basement for almost three days. 

Dominic had spiked a little fever which prompted Dr. Marianni to keep him at least until Sunday morning or afternoon. She carried the broth down the stairs and into Dom's room. 

"Here you go, baby" she said tiredly. The way she looked didn't escape him at all. 

"Camille, honey. You're going to have to take care of you at some point. You can't keep going like this" he said concerned. 

"I know" she snapped, then sighing, she rubbed her face and immediately apologized to him. "Dom I'm so sorry. I know you're concerned and I promise as soon as we can bring you home I will sleep for a year."  She was about to break; she knew it, he knew it, everyone knew it.

She was glad to see him eat the broth and he finally had some color coming back as well. He'd drifted back off and she took the opportunity to take a nap on the small couch in his little room. It reminded her of that line from Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts says "Well color me happy; a sofa for two." 

She was so tired; mentally, physically and emotionally, so closing her eyes she laid her head down and fell into a deep sleep. She didn't feel like she'd been asleep for very long when large, strong hands were shaking her awake. Her first thought was Dom but when she opened her eyes she was looking at Beni, Dom and Dr. Marianni. 

"What?" she said, her voice very hoarse from lack of sleep. 

"You were crying out in your sleep, tesoro" Dominic said, his brow crinkled. She frowned, trying to remember what she'd been dreaming. 

"I can't really...I'm not sure...well shit" she said leaning back against the couch. 

"Ms. Giovanni, if I might be so bold to say but I believe you are suffering from PTSD regarding what took place and what you participated in at the warehouse. The last two days you've done nothing but take care of Dominic, which is not a bad thing at all, but you are neglecting your mental health" Dr. Marianni had thrown it all out there now. 

"What do you mean by 'what she participated in'?" Dom asked.

Well missy, you wanted to be in this life and now you got it my subconscious snarkily commented.  No way around this now; she will just have to come out and tell him what happened. 

She looked right at Dominic and said "I killed Viktor Aristov." He just looked at her, then Beni and then back to her. 

"She did what?" he asked through gritted teeth. Beni blew out a huge exhalation of air and closed his eyes. 

"She saved your life and Dante's, Dom" he explained.  She couldn't bear his anger or wrath right now so she got up and stepped out even though she could hear her name being called; she raced up the stairs, ran past Dino, Carlo and Cassie and flew out the back door, running down the path through the gardens in the backyard before collapsing and crying, huge racking sobs, guttural sounds, like a wounded animal. 

She was done, for now, withdrawing into herself, from extreme exhaustion and fatigue. She could feel herself being lifted from the soft grass and that someone was bringing her back into the house, down the stairs and gently laid her in the bed that Dante had used earlier. They brushed the hair from her tear-stained face while the far away voice told her to just sleep and that it would be okay. She could still hear herself sobbing but her eyelids were so heavy there was no way she could keep them open any longer.

She slowly started opening her eyes, blinking them rapidly until she got acclimated to her surroundings.  How did she get back to her and Dom's room and more importantly where was Dom?  She looked down at her clothing and she'd been changed into her cute boxer pj's and her hair smelled clean.  She was totally confused as she stood up, her legs weak from non-use.  She made her way into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Holy God!  She looked like death warmed over! 

She put her hair up, washed her face and brushed her teeth, pinching her cheeks managed to bring a little color to her skin and that made her look a little more human. She looked at her pack of birth control pills and couldn't remember if she was where she was supposed to be on taking them. She made her way down the stairs and to the kitchen being driven by the smell of coffee which told her it was morning; which morning was still to be discovered. 

"Camille?" she heard Dante's voice laced with concern as she made her way to the coffee pot.

"Hey" she croaked. 

"How do you feel?" he asked pulling out her chair. 

"Not sure. What's today?" she asked. 

He raised an eyebrow at her and replied "It's Wednesday, Camille."  What the what? She'd been asleep since Sunday? 

"Shit" she sighed rubbing her face again. "Where's Dom?" she asked. Dante said that Beni had taken him back to see Dr. Marianni for a check up and would be back soon. "Good" she said. "I think it's time for a little come-to-Jesus meeting."  And with that she stood up and went back upstairs to get herself ready.

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