Chapter 61 (Just revised)

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(Dominic's POV)

I sat behind my desk, the feeling of evil nipping at my heels and that evil came in the form of Viktor Aristov, and why this asshole insisted on trying to start a war, I would never know and honestly I didn't give a fuck, I just wanted to find the traitor and dispose of him once and for all. 

As I tried to put those thoughts out of my mind, others would take its place. Knitting my brow together in contemplation, I reached under my desk and pressed a button causing a false bottom to open up inside the desk drawer revealing a .22 caliber pistol which I would be giving to Camille; grabbing an extra box of ammo I stuck the pistol in the waistband of my jeans where it kept my personal weapon company.

Walking back towards the kitchen I heard Dante ask Camille "Well you're back aren't you?" And she'd answered him with a "Yes I am." Her expression earlier wasn't lost on me as I knew her mind had immediately gone back to the last time we were in my study but I'd hoped to get her past that. 

"Beni, Dante, let's go. Carlo, let Dino know we're on our way and to get the range prepped" I barked. 

"Got it, Boss" Carlo replied. 

I stood in front of Camille and pulled the gun from my waistband and handed it to her.

 "Get used to how it feels in your hands. The safety's on and once we get to the range I will show you everything you need to know from gun safety to cleaning it, taking it apart, putting it back together, loading the clip and shooting with accuracy. 

Camille, if you point this at someone you need to be prepared to not just shoot them but end them. Capire?" I asked her. 

Her eyes were wide by the end of my speech but she nodded and said "I understand." 

I nodded and took her by the elbow and as we walked out I watched her take the pistol and slip it into her waistband; that was the hottest thing I'd ever witnessed.

There was no small talk as we drove to Dino's because everyone was busy with their own independent thoughts. Looking over at Camille's petite form I shuddered at the thought of what Viktor could and would do to her if he got his hands on her; she needed physical training as well, self defense tactics and I would do this as well. 

I didn't want anyone else putting their hands on her like that. 

"We're here, Boss" Dante announced. 

I just nodded and continued to look at Camille when she finally turned her gaze towards me. "Are you sure about this, tesoro?" I asked. She nodded and I patted her hand.

"Camille!" an all too familiar voice rang out. 

"Hey mama" Camille answered.

 "What are you guys doing here?" Cassie asked. 

Camille grinned at her and whispered "I asked Dom to teach me how to shoot." 

She giggled and said "You will love it! Dino already has taken me several times and let me tell you, there is nothin hotter than watching your man's muscles ripple while shooting a gun." 

Camille rolled her eyes knowing that her friend didn't get the vastness of the situation but let it go anyway. "It was good to see you Cas" she told her friend as I signaled that it was time to follow me.

We walked through an entrance that looked like the doorway to a basement but we stopped short of a wall in front of us, I flicked a switch and a heavy piece of wall swung slowly back and revealed steps that led downward. 

Camille followed me down into what looked like a basement out of a James Bond movie; there was a target range, computers, maps on the wall, tables and chairs. Seeing this, I saw that she knew now, more than ever, how little she actually knew about the man she was going marry. 

Putting those thoughts aside, I told her to sit at one of the tables, doing so I sat down across from her.

 "Take out your gun" I instructed. She complied. "Now, this is the safety" I said pointing to a small lever. "Your gun will be of no use if that is not taken off. Push this in" I told her and when she did the clip came out. "This is called a clip. It holds your ammunition." 

She was in awe of my knowledge but then again this was my life.  After an hour of dissecting everything there was to know about her weapon, she was able to take it apart, reassemble it, load the clip and put it back in.

 "Bene! (good)" I told her. "Now, you're ready to shoot it".

I led her over to a booth of sorts and straight in front of her was a paper target hanging from a mechanized pulley system. I pointed to ear protection which she put on, told her to lay her gun on the ledge and stood in behind her. 

"Pick up the pistol" I told her as I positioned myself behind her.  My hands were on hers, showing her what to do and for a second I was taken back to our night at Coffeecakes when she taught me how to make zeppoli, but instead of a kitchen and her turf we were in a basement on my turf.  

With my help she got to see how the gun felt when it discharged, how to hold her arms, etc. and when she'd emptied her clip, I let her reload the clip by herself and she did well, really well.  Now it was time to fly solo.  

I stepped away from her as she raised her arms, steadied herself, blew out her breath, put her finger on the trigger and pulled back.  She knew she'd hit the center of the target with every bullet; the hole that had been forged in the paper was indicative of each round hitting the same spot, every time. 

 "Merda" Carlo breathed.  

She laid her weapon down and removed the ear protection; turning to me she asked "Well?  Did I pass?" 

The look in my eyes was one of pride and then lust.  "You passed, bella" my voice low.  Dante and Beni were proud too.  

"I have more to teach you" I told her.  "Let's go home" I said heading to the stairs.  

Camille put her pistol in her waistband and followed me up the stairs, knowing her heart was skipping beats from the adrenaline rush.  Once in the vehicle, I leaned over, put my lips just below her ear and whispered "When we get home I'm going to fuck you, hard." 

 And with that statement I licked her skin, making her shiver.  I knew she loved when her Don took her to bed.

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