Chapter 41 (Just revised)

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I was fucking pissed, at her, at myself,  but I couldn't be burdened with those emotions right now. I slammed my way downstairs and out the back door and into the car, leaving Beni just staring at me.

 "What?!" I snapped.

 He just held his hands up in a defensive posture and said "Nothing Boss" and climbed into the driver's seat; Beni got us to the airport in record time.  My phone vibrated, opening it I saw it was from Camille, I didn't respond; all in all she sent five texts before they just stopped.  I would answer her later; business was first and someone was fucking with my livelihood.

  When we finally landed in Miami, Raul's driver was waiting for us and whisked us off to his hotel.  Normally Raul was in a good mood but his had been soured like mine. 

 "Thank you for coming, amigo.  We need to get to the bottom of this" he said obviously irritated. 

 "What can we do to help?" I asked concerned.  

"We need to check out the warehouse and the inventory; see what, if anything is missing, misplaced or unaccounted for" his tone serious.  We all changed out of our suits into jeans and tee shirts and hit the warehouse.  After spending hours we came up empty; nothing was missing or misplaced.  What the hell?  

"Is it possible to look at the security footage?" Beni asked.  Raul's man said he would pull it to just give him a few minutes.

After staring at the footage for a couple of hours Beni came to the conclusion that the 'footage' had been spliced in, it wasn't the true footage.  He showed us where the pixelation looked off, where it seemed to jump in places; it just screamed bullshit. 

 "Raul" I said turning to him.  "Who first alerted you to this?" I asked.  He grabbed his phone and called for his second, Javier, to bring a young man by the name of Juan.  Right off he was sweating more than usual, fidgeting, no eye contact; all signs of something being off.

  "Juan tell us about last night" Raul asked.  The young man's story made no sense and finally after a few well placed punches Raul got him to admit it had all been staged to get us out of New York.  I got very concerned and started calling for updates.  Fino said everything was good at my mother's home; Vinny said Desideris was okay; Paulo said all was well at Belladonna and right as I was starting to call Dante, he called me.

I could hear sirens in the background and shouting. 

 "Dante!  What the fuck is going on?" I shouted.  

"Boss, you and Beni need to get back home, now" his voice eerily calm.

  "What is it damn it?" I asked, now screaming.  The words I never wanted to hear came through my phone.

   "Boss, it's Camille."  Dante proceeded to tell me that she let all of her employees go home and was straightening up outside.  When she walked a little ways down the sidewalk to pick up some trash, someone threw a stack of newspapers against the door to Coffeecakes and there was an explosion.  The police said if she'd been any closer we'd be having a wake.  They were taking her to Mount Sinai and they wouldn't tell Dante anything. 

 "We're on our way" I said tersely.  "Raul see if you can get anymore information out of this asshole" I said referring to Juan.  "Beni, now" I said snapping as we hauled ass to Raul's vehicle.

That was the longest plane ride ever, I was pacing back and forth, reading her text messages and hating myself for not responding.  She apologized in every one, said she was so sorry and she loved me.  I had called my mom and asked her to meet us there; finally with flight time and traffic, eight hours later we made it.  Dante picked us up and drove like a bat out of hell to get us there, letting us out at the ER entrance we saw Carlo, Dino, Cassie and my mom. 

 "Darling" she said hugging me.  "They won't tell us anything because we aren't family" she scoffed. 

 "The hell they will" I muttered angrily, stalking to the nurses station.  "I need information on Camille Devereaux!" I shouted banging my fist on the counter.  

"Sir, you must calm down.  Are you family?" the nurse asked. 

 "I'm her fiance" I announced.

  "Wait here please and I'll get the doctor for you" she said walking towards the automatic doors.  This waiting was killing us!

"Mr. Giossi?  I'm Dr. Mills your fiance's doctor.  Can we talk?" he said walking towards an empty waiting room.  "Camille sustained an injury to her right knee, lacerations, bruises and a pretty good knock on the head.  She's actually quite lucky, if she had been any closer to the cafe it would have been a lot worse.  I would like to keep her overnight and then you can take her home tomorrow; she's on some pain medication right now and sleeping but I will take you to her room" he finished.

Walking into her room was harder  than I thought it would be; her right knee was in one of those knee braces, her beautiful body covered in cuts and bruises.  I felt so guilty because of how we left things, knowing that I could have been sitting at a wake.  I walked over to her bed and when I moved the hair from her face, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking them several times.  

"Tesoro" I said gently.  

She swallowed a few times and managed to say "I'm sorry" her voice hoarse.  

"Shh" I said kissing her bruised forehead.  "We have all the time in the world to talk" I said softly.  "Sleep, baby" I told her as she closed her eyes once more; grabbing Beni I pulled on his shirt, my voice cold as steel.  "Find.whoever.did.this."

  "Absolutely" he said, pissed off as well. 

 "They are dead" I told him.

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