Chapter 73 (Just revised)

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It was good to finally get a clean bill of health from Dr. Marianni and now maybe life could get back to our kind of normal.  I was still extremely worried about Camille;  I was so pissed off when I found out from Beni and the rest of my men that she had killed Viktor. 

I had never meant for her hands to get dirty, to carry the burdened around that you took a life is not something you should take lightly.  I was very proud of how she handled herself though and to hear Beni and Dante tell it she acted like a bad ass that day and to be honest I'm not really sure when she concocted the part of pushing Dante enough that the bullet hit his shoulder instead of killing him;  he was my blood family, my cousin and I will forever be grateful to her for his life but when I see the image in my head of her standing over Viktor, her boot on his chest, aiming and pulling the trigger it makes me shudder. 

Dr. Marianni said the best thing for her was when she broke down like she did, that it forced her body to shut down and rest;  she had been going on three days straight of taking care of me and my members without any thought or regard for herself;  it made me proud but it also scared me. My phone vibrating took my attention from Camille and back to business. It was Dante.

"Hey, Boss. I just wanted to let you know that Camille is awake and she's waiting for you in your study" Dante told me. 

 "How does she seem to you?" I asked my cousin. 

 He chuckled and said "I'm not sure but the only thing she said was it was time for a come-to-Jesus meeting, whatever that means." I smirked.  I knew exactly what it meant;  she was going to get pissed at me for the whole operation and not telling her about it, etc.  She should know better than to question why she wasn't told, but I also knew that I had to be honest with her because that's what she wanted and needed the most right now. 

"Alright" I said. "We're almost there" I said hanging up and trying to prepare myself mentally for this next challenge. The two of us hadn't really talked since all this shit with Viktor took place and I know she's going to ask me how I got shot if the warehouse was full of my men and Alexi's and I don't have an answer for her. Everything happened so quickly and I made the mistake of assuming Viktor would stick to his original plan of leaving me alive for leverage; assumption will never be a word used in my vocabulary again...ever.

We pulled into the drive, got out of the vehicle and taking a deep breath I was ready to face my queen. Dante had the door open for us. 

"Boss" he said nodding. 

"Study?" I asked, just making sure she hadn't gone back to our room. 

"She's still there" was his response. I strode confidently through the kitchen and approaching my study I noticed the door was open and when I stepped through the doorway I saw her standing at the window looking as beautiful as she ever has; she was wearing a blue silky short romper and her hair was down and that's when I noticed that it had gotten longer. 

I stayed there, frozen for a moment, just taking her in from her feet to her head, studying her petite frame and trying to imagine what she would look like pregnant. I had been wanting to talk to her for sometime now about getting married but then all of the shit with Viktor went down and since then we haven't had two seconds together alone. I was going to remedy that today.

I cleared my throat letting her know I was back and when she turned around I was greeted with that smile that I had come to know and love; watching her walk to me, feeling her arms around my waist, her body against mine, made me realize how much I had missed her touch. 

"I have really missed you" she said softly against my shirt. I lifted her chin so I could see her eyes, which were now glistening with tears, and told her how much I had missed her as well, then lowering my mouth to hers I let my tongue sink in between her already parted lips and engaged her in a sensuous kiss that left her lips cherry red and swollen. 

I didn't want to stop kissing her but we needed to talk and I wanted it out of the way before I took her to our bed. Taking her by the hand, I led her to the couch so we could sit down and get comfortable because I had a feeling this would take a while.

"What did Dr. Marianni say about your progress?" she asked. 

"He said I had healed nicely, he took out the stitches and signed off me being back 100%" I told her. I picked up her hand and brought it to my lips, closing my eyes I gently kissed her knuckles; I could hear the change in her breathing when my lips made contact with her skin. 

"How are you, tesoro?" I asked, looking at her intently. 

She shrugged and answered honestly "I guess I'm okay, I mean at least I don't feel as tired anymore. Who could after sleeping for I don't know how many days straight." 

I pulled her closer to me so her head was laying on my shoulder and commented "We are going to have to talk about what happened at some point." She sighed and it felt like her body had resigned to that fact already. 

"I know" she said and then added "So do you want to go first?"

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