Chapter 55 (Just revised)

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Dino loaded up my things into the SUV while Dominic, Dante, Carlo and Fino looked through the debris in the storefront and Cassie's office; just in case there was something I missed.  My knives, mixers, pastry boards, cutting boards, etc. were all redeemable, they just needed a good washing off with soapy hot water.  I was getting to the point where I thought maybe we'd done all we could when I heard Dom call out to me from the front of the shop. 

 Walking in there I saw him holding up what used to be a frame but the contents, somehow were still intact.  It was the first dollar I ever made; through the fire and ash and water my first profit was saved. 

 "Wow" I said taking it from his hand. 

 "Careful" he said.  "Don't cut yourself on the edges" he warned.  I nodded, just staring at it. 

 "It's amazing this survived in here" I noted.  

Dominic kissed me on the cheek and said "It's a sign."  And he went back to work.  I couldn't help but smile at his kiss and his words as I walked back into the kitchen where I carefully wrapped a towel around it and stuck it on the top of an already full box; thinking to myself how neat that it was found.

I felt Cassie come up and bump my arm, grinning the whole time at me. 

 "What?" I asked playing dumb.  

"You and the Italian Stallion were looking pretty cozy up there" she said wiggling her eyebrows up and down.  I doubled over laughing at her nickname for Dominic; standing up and wiping a faux tear from my eye I told her she was just too much.  

"Yes, but you love me anyway" she singsonged. 

 "It's true!" I yelled back at her disappearing form.  "I do love you!"  I could hear her laughing at me from the other room.  I was pretty happy with what had been accomplished today and if it hadn't been for Dom and the guys it would have been harder on Cassie and I.  Wondering what time it was getting to be I pulled my phone out of my pocket and glanced at it; the day had flown by because it was almost three in the afternoon.  

There wasn't anything left for us to do now except be proud of what we had done while the next thing I had to do was meet with the contractors and give them the direction they needed, to start getting me closer to re-opening.

Everyone had congregated in the kitchen area where I had asked Dino to bring in the ice chest that we'd brought along.  Passing out beers to everyone I thanked them from the bottom of my heart for their help and said we were calling it a day; we'd done everything we could do.  Watching everyone relaxing, talking and enjoying their beer I walked back up to the front one more time, just for nostalgia's sake; walking over to the wall that had once held family pictures on it I stared at the melted globes, closing my eyes I had memorized what each and every picture was.  I felt strong arms snake around my waist and pull me closer; hot breath on my neck as his sweet words penetrated my ears.  

"You're such a strong person, Camille.  You will get through this" he said.  A single tear slid down my cheek as I nodded. 

 "I know I will."  

He started to let go when I said "Hold me a little longer?"  He tightened his hold around me and pulled me closer, if that was even possible, as we just stood in silence glancing at the wall of by-gone memories.

After getting everything loaded up in the vehicles we were ready to go our separate ways and I could instantly feel the loneliness already starting to take hold.  I would watch Dominic, Dante, Carlo and Fino drive away while me, Cassie and Dino went the other way.  Well it's your fault my subconscious reminded me. 

 "Bitch" I muttered.  I was getting ready to get in the back passenger's seat when Dom walked over and shut the door so we could talk. 

 "About dinner" he started.  Oh crap!  I hadn't given him an answer yet.  

"What time will you pick me up?" I asked smiling at him and then he smiled, something I hadn't seen ever; a real smile that reached his eyes, making him look...human. 

 "Seven?" he replied.  "And dress casual.  Nothing fancy, just relaxing, okay?" he asked.  I nodded as he bowed his head to kiss me again. 

 He opened the door, grabbed the seat belt and buckled me in, patting my knee he shut the door, went to Dino's window and said something that I couldn't hear but I did hear Dino reply "Yes, Boss."

After getting back to Dino's place and resting for the remainder of the afternoon I asked Cassie for help in picking out something to wear tonight.  

As we stood in the guestroom closet I turned to my closest friend and asked "Am I just flippin crazy to be doing this with him?"  I knew she would be honest with me even if the truth hurt. 

 "Babe you would be flippin crazy not to.  It's flagrantly obvious he loves you Camille.  Test it out, see where tonight goes.  Life is way too short and uncertain" she answered wisely and she was right.  I chose a cute black with peach colored flower print summer dress, thin straps that crisscrossed in the back, peach suede heels and Cassie had an adorable style she wanted to try out on my hair and she offered to do my makeup.  

She had really missed her calling as a hair stylist/makeup artist; she did my hair up with several twists, leaving it loose and beautiful and for my makeup she kept everything with peach tones, making my skin glow.  I loved the complete outfit and hoped that Dominic would too and Cassie assured me that if he didn't something was definitely wrong with the man.  I just laughed at her and went to wait for my date.

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