Chapter 36 (Just revised)

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I laid in bed, wide awake; I couldn't sleep without Dominic. Our bed felt empty so I put his pillow up to my nose and inhaled deeply, his scent still lingering in the fabric. The prospect of going back to my apartment seriously depressed me; being with him helped take away the loneliness. Grabbing my phone and checking the time I took a chance and called him.

 "Camille" his voice husky with sleep. "Are you okay?" 

Sighing I said "I just really miss my boyfriend" yawning; now I'm tired.

 "I miss you too, tesoro" he commented. 

"Dom?" I said.

 "What is it baby?" he asked.

 "I like living here with you" I said honestly. It scared me for a moment because he didn't say anything then finally he answered.

 "Do you now?" My turn to pause.

 "Yes. The thought of going back to my apartment after spending all this time with you, well it's downright depressing" I said pouting a little.

 I heard his deep throaty chuckle as he said "I had already planned on talking with you about this when I got back but...move in with me, Cam. I don't want to be in that bed without you; tonight has already given me an idea of what it would be like not having you there with me and I don't want it."

 "Dominic Giossi have I told you lately how much I love you?" I said softly.

 "The last time was six hours ago" he joked. "But please, tell me again" this time his tone was serious. I knew he struggled with self worth and whether he deserved me and it was up to me to help him see what I saw.

 "I love your heart. It's good and kind and it loves me. I love your mouth. The words it says to me and how it feels on my body. I love your hands. They protect me and love me at the same time. I love your body. It's strong enough to carry me when I'm weak but loves me with a fiery passion. I love you.  All 6'4" of you.  I am hopelessly in love with you."  Hearing him blow out a strangled breath told me my words hit home.

  "I will never be good enough to deserve you but as long as I breathe, I will strive to be worthy of your love."  After talking a bit more we decided what we needed most right now was sleep, so we said our good nights and hung up.  I curled my arms around his pillow and closed my eyes.

My alarm woke me from a dead sleep, groaning I pushed myself from bed and dragged my body to the bathroom.  After brushing my teeth, putting my hair up, makeup on, I grabbed my Coffeecakes shirt, black skinny jeans and my Chuck Taylor's; dressed and ready I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys, headed downstairs.  Amelia had made coffee, waffles and fresh fruit...yummy! 

 "Good morning, Amelia" I said brightly.  Turning the housekeeper smiled and told me good morning and handed me a plate.  "Thank you" came between the bites. 

 "Camille" Dante said grumpily.  I almost laughed. 

 "Too early for ya, big guy?" I needled.  His answer was to frown while he reached for coffee.  Thanking Amelia for breakfast I walked outside and got into my car waiting for Dante and Carlo to follow me to the shop.

It was pure heaven being behind the wheel of my Bat mobile again; pushing play on my CD John Mayer Atmosphere came flooding through the speakers. "I don't think I'm gonna go to LA anymore..." I sang out. God I loved his music, it was kind of mine and Dominic's.  The anticipation was killing me, being away from my passion for so long, I needed to get my hands in some flour and create something; the thought made me smile.  Turning left I pulled into the parking lot of Coffeecakes and got very excited at the familiar Range Rover in the lot. 

 "Oh my God!" Cassie screamed, running out the back entrance.  We embraced and held each other tightly.  

"I missed you too, Cas" I said fondly.  We walked in arm-in-arm as she gave me the two weeks plus rundown; she had done a great job keeping it all together.  

"I'm going to take some of these fresh zeppole, raspberry sauce and coffees to Dante and Carlo" I told her as I filled a brown paper bag with the treats.  Walking out front I noticed the area needed a good cleaning and my staff had everything in control inside, so this would be my contribution for my absence.  Smiling as I approached the darkened SUV, Carlo rolled his window down. 

 "Fresh zeppole, raspberry sauce and two special blends" the men's smiles were thanks enough as they took the items from me.  "I'll be back at noon with lunch" I told them as I headed back into the shop; now for the cleaning supplies.

The tables and chairs really needed that hosing off I had just given them; next was the sidewalk area, the windows and then all of the potted plants.  I had really worked up a sweat but it was worth it to see the storefront looking so good.  Gathering up all the supplies and putting them away I told Cassie I was going to change my shirt before going back into the kitchen.

  The rest of the morning flew by as I greeted customers, talked to the older regulars, played with some of the younger children and rubbed a couple of pregnant bellies.  Life couldn't get any better than it was right now.  I noticed earlier we had some fresh ham and Genoa salami so I fixed the guys panini sammies, antipasto and fresh squeezed lemonade; it was the least I could do seeing as they were spending their days in a vehicle to keep me safe.

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