Chapter 18 (Just revised)

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As I began packing up I thought back to last night, seeing him so broken and vulnerable, needing me and he didn't even know it....or maybe he did and maybe it was his stubborn personality that took him so long for his heart to catch up and move into control, either way I didn't care.  He was here, now, and that's all that mattered to me.  

Part of me was excited about our talking but the other part of me was scared because I knew that it would confirm what I suspected all along...he was Mafia and not just any Mafia, Italian Mafia; not that any other kind of Mafia wasn't as dangerous.  He emerged from his shower looking refreshed and so beautiful, smiling at me causing my heart to flutter as I felt his emotions; he looked carefree and young and even if it was just for this moment I captured it with my mind and tucked it away for the day when I knew I would need to see it again. 

 "Hey baby" he breathed, kissing my forehead. 

 "Feel better?" I asked smiling up at him. 

 "I do and thank you for getting my clothes laundered" he replied. 

 I put my hands on his chest and said "Well I couldn't very well have my man looking less than spectacular."  His look became serious as he stared down at me. 

 "Your man, huh?" he asked.  I nodded.

  "Dom, we both know where this is going and I'm not interested in stopping it, unless you are..." my words trailed off and before I had a moment for my mind to start developing negative scenarios, he crashed his lips to mine, getting rid of any doubt I may have had.

  "Nothing or no one will ever take you from me again" he mumbled against my lips.  My body sagged in relief. 

 I hesitantly pulled away, saying "Let me finish up so we can get out of here."  He nodded and started to turn away.  "Beni called last night.  Apparently you had everyone concerned with your disappearing act.  I calmed him down but he wants you to call him" I said walking into the bathroom.  I could hear him talking to Beni, so I closed the door not wanting to eavesdrop.

I double checked just to make sure I had everything I came with and when I was sure I told Dominic I was ready to go.  He said that Beni would be waiting for us in the underground, private parking, I nodded and indicated that I was ready to leave.  He insisted on handling my bag, so I grabbed my key card and we left.

  I made a mental note to call Cassie and fill her in on everything but knowing from previous experience she would find out before I had a chance to tell her but still, she was my best friend so I would make that call hoping she would be supportive of me and what I was deciding to do regarding me and Dom.

  I got everything at the front desk handled and paid for, signed the receipt, thanked the staff for their great service and followed Dom to a set of elevators marked Private.  Sure enough as soon as we stepped off the elevators Beni was there in the SUV with our door opened. 

 "Ms. Camille" he said smiling and winking at me. 

 "Beni" I said returning the smile and wink; of course this little exchange was not lost on Dom at all.

  "Want to tell me about that?" he asked.  

"We talked last night; he called while I was in the middle of getting you cleaned up.  He was all 'chariots a fire' to come pick you up and I asked him to let me take care of you and maybe I hinted that he owed me at least that much, I just had to promise that I would tell you he called and have you call him back this morning" I ended, with a light kiss to his lips.  

He leaned into me and whispered "You have no idea the things you make me feel for you, do you, bella?" he voiced. 

 "No, but in our intimate and private moments I expect you to reveal your heart to me" I whispered back.  I could tell by the look on his face, he finally understood, that I knew where his feelings for me would come out and when they would not come out and in that moment the weight of the world disappeared from his beautiful eyes.  I settled back against his shoulder, my hand entwined in his, as Beni took us home.

The rest of the drive was in comfortable silence; Dominic stared out the window, Beni stared at us through the rear view and I watched Dom's thumb stroke my knuckles.  I realized we'd reached our destination when I heard the whirring of Beni's window as we stopped at the security guarded gate.  Beni moved us forward as the gate swung open and we made our way down the long tree covered drive and to the back of the house.  

After getting our door, Beni grabbed my suitcase from the SUV and followed Dominic and I into the house.  I noticed an older lady hard at work in the kitchen; she stopped and smiled when she saw us, she washed and dried her hands and walked over to us. 

 "Good morning, Mr. Dominic, Ms. Camille" she smiling warmly.  To say I was surprised would be stating the obvious. 

 I stuck my hand out to shake her's saying "It's a pleasure to meet you..." 

 She took my hand and replied "Amelia, Ms. Camille.  I am Mr. Dominic's housekeeper."  Then she turned to Dom and asked if we required anything.  

"Not yet Amelia, as a matter of fact I'm giving you the rest of the day off.  Just finish the tasks you were working on and then you may leave" he said to the smiling woman.

  "Thank you, Mr. Dominic!" 

 Then he turned to me and said "Come on, baby.  It's time to talk."  He reached for my hand and we walked up the stairs to his room, entered and shut the door.

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