Chapter 47 (Just revised)

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I just stood in the doorway to her bathroom watching her drunk ass singing in the tub and thinking how completely sexy she looked doing it.  Then she saw me, said I was mean and stubborn but then most importantly she said she loved me; I got her out of the tub, dried her off, dressed her and put her to bed.  

Rolling over she put her head on my chest and said I smelled nice.  Boy she was going to be one pissed off woman in the morning when she realizes what all happened; and we were all at ground zero.  I made sure after she'd made it through the night without throwing up, I slipped from her bed and returned to our room.  It was still our room and I would have her back in it before the week was up or I would die trying.  

Coffee would be the first order of the day, so I slid on some sweat pants and went down to start some but Amelia had beat me to it already.  "Good morning, Mr. Dominic" she said sweetly. 

 "Amelia" I responded.  "We are going to need some of your pancakes this morning" I told her.

  She looked at me and flared her nostrils and asked "What did you do, Mr. Dominic?"  Why would she suspect that I had done anything at all?

  "What makes you think I did anything?" I questioned.  

She stifled a laugh and said "You only ask for pancakes when someone has a hangover and since all you gentlemen are down here and sober that only leaves Ms. Camille" she said too smart for her own good.  Beni, Carlo, Dante and Fino roared at Amelia's assessment of the situation. 

 "Would you all like to go and look for other jobs?" I gritted. 

 "Uh, no Boss" was the general consensus.

  "How long till breakfast, Amelia?" I asked.  She responded with twenty minutes.  "Let's go!" I barked and walked to my study.

"Report" I said stoically only using one syllable words right now.  Fino started. 

 "My contact in the police department lab says it was definitely a bomb in the newspaper.  They have managed to put together enough fragments that they might actually find what they call a signature.  Apparently they have a whole computer database full of that stuff from the FBI.  I should know more by the end of the day or tomorrow."  I nodded.

  "Isack?" I asked.  Beni's turn.

  "Nothing.  He and Viktor seem to be one step ahead of us and maybe I'm looking at it all wrong.  I need to go back and look at everything from a different perspective.  He's nothin, Boss.  We'll have him soon enough." 

 I scratched my chin, thinking for a moment and then said "Get Alexi's help on this as well; he's got some good insight on this bastardo.  Let's use him."  He nodded.  "Collections?" I asked Dante. 

 "Everything was right on time and to the penny, Boss" he answered.  Well thank Christ something was going right.  I made note that I needed to call Antonio and catch him up on everything; we collaborated and expressed some more ideas and opinions on what to do in the coming days, took a break and went to breakfast.  I could hear Camille talking with Amelia.

"Hey Cammie!" yelled Dante.  "How's your head?" he asked playfully.  

She turned and looked at him, sunglasses on her face and said "My head feels like Mt. Vesuvius but hey thanks for asking" she said sarcastically.  "Not another word from any of you, capire? (understand)" she said softly, rubbing her head.  I watched her walk over to the table and sit down, lowering her head to her arms. 

 It was my fault she felt like this; if I hadn't been such an asshole she'd never have gotten drunk.  I poured her a big glass of orange juice, grabbed some Advil and poured her a cup of coffee and took it to her. 

 "Here babe" I said sitting the items down.  

She looked up at me and said thanks but then added "You're still not off the hook." 

 I leaned down and kissed her head and said "I know, cara, I know."  We ate the rest of our meal in silence.  When we were done I watched Camille pick up her items and take them to the kitchen and then disappear back upstairs.  I gave her a five minute head start and then went up.

I knocked softly, heard her sigh and then she finally answered with "What do you want Dominic?" she sounded distant.  I pushed the door open a little and asked if I could come in. 

 "I don't really feel like talking and I don't really want to see you right now" her words stung.  I turned to go but she stopped me.  "You can stay but no speaking.  Not right now" she said.  I just said okay and watched her throw the sheet back inviting me to get into bed with her; I took a chance and slid over behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist, she tensed up but then relaxed and rested her hand on mine. 

 I kissed her shoulder, then her neck but not wanting to chance anything else I stopped and laid my head on her pillow trying to tell if she had drifted off or was just that comfortable at any rate we laid there for a long time and just like she asked there were no words spoken, at least not yet but I knew when she was ready to talk she would let me have it.  I didn't care, this needed to be fixed so I could concentrate on my businesses, I didn't need to have my head split in two different directions, not if I was going to catch Viktor and his fuck buddy Isack.

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