Chapter 71 (Just revised)

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I swear I was driving myself crazy pacing,  so I couldn't imagine how it was affecting those around me.   We'd been waiting for Dr. Marianni for four hours now, why was it taking so long? God if I could only get my hands on a cigarette;  I had gone through a one year rebellious period, my first year of college and smoked, then gave it up as quickly as I had picked it up. Jesus Christ! I was going to pull my hair out soon.  

I looked at Valentina and somehow she still looked put-together,  but you could see it in her eyes, this was her son, her only child and I know the weight had to be heavy on her heart.  Dante was still in the same chair only his head was leaning against the wall now and his eyes were closed. I was still mad as fuck at him, well all of them, but I could table that anger for now. My first and only concern was Dominic. 

Beni just leaned against the wall, looking very tired and I know from what Valentina had told me earlier Beni had probably been through this a hundred times.  Carlo and Fino sat at a table playing a hand of cards while Dino and Cassie disappeared upstairs to order some food; eating was the last thing on my mind even though my stomach would protest that statement.  Just as I was pacing back down towards where Dom's mother was the door finally opened and out stepped Dr. Marianni.

Valentina grabbed my hand as he started to speak. 

"Sorry it took so long, Valentina" he said apologetically to my soon to be mother-in-law.  She grabbed his hand letting him know she understood, I however, did not but I didn't say anything.

"Dominic is stable. The bullet was a through-in-through, so we didn't have to worry about it bouncing around in there doing more damage. It did nick his small intestine so we had a time cleaning all of that up and stitching it closed, the bullet also nicked a small artery which is why there was so much blood. 

He is under heavy sedation right now, breathing on his own, all other vitals are good and strong. He has a solid constitution and my understanding is you are the reason for that, young lady" he says turning to me, smiling.  I smiled the best I could but I wasn't interested in hearing about Dom and I's relationship right now; I just needed to know how to care for him, etc. 

 As if picking up on this, the doctor finished. "He will need to remain here for at least a couple of days, so I can monitor him, make sure that no infection sets in and that we keep the fever down; after that you should be able to take him home, Ms. Devereaux" he said. 

"It's Giovanni" I said looking at him. 

"I beg your pardon" he replied. 

"It's okay, doc" I said smiling. "It's something that just happened not to long ago and I decided to take my real father's last name." He patted my shoulder and said that we could visit Dom whenever we wanted to. I encouraged Valentina to go in first, then the rest of the men and I would be last; now that I knew he was going to be okay I didn't mind.

I pushed my earbuds into my ears and searched my phone for something that fit the mood and found my recently discovered Snow Patrol and pushed New York; as the soothing tones came through the earbuds I finally allowed myself to break down, it felt like a cleansing flood washing over my tired body. I knew I couldn't leave it bottled up in there, it had to come out someway and I was thankful that my brothers had allowed me this time to myself.  Besides I didn't think they wanted to deal with a very emotional female right at this particular moment. Valentina came out while Dante and Beni stepped in next. 

"Camille, you should really try and get some rest, sometime. Okay? I'm going to do what I always do and that's go home and take a bath. Beni said he would keep me updated and if nothing more happens tonight I will see you in the morning okay?" she said giving me a hug. I nodded and assured her that I would rest as soon as I could. Beni and Dante came out a short time later and then Carlo and Fino went in. My stomach started feeling like it was going to come undone as the realization that I would be going in there next hit me.

Dante came up to me as I stood, preparing myself to enter Dom's room. He held out his hand and looking up into his kind but sad eyes I took it, grasped it and squeezed it letting him know that we were okay; he didn't need to be worrying about our relationship.  

He had to heal as well. I pointed to a twin bed over in the corner and said "Go lay down, get some rest. You look awful" I said trying to joke with him. 

He just smirked at me and said "Yes m'am."  I watched him walk over, kick his shoes off as his large frame sunk onto the bed;  his eyes closed and soon he'd dozed off.  

"Okay, Camille" I said. "You can do this." I pushed the door to his room open gently and noticed the oxygen right away, the IV's in both hands, the heart monitor and the blood pressure cuff secured to his arm. "Oh baby" I breathed, my voice hitching as I walked to his bedside. 

Pulling up the chair and sitting down I noticed the huge bandage on his abdomen, grabbing his hand I lowered my lips so I could feel his warm flesh and know beyond anything that he truly was here, with me, and it wasn't some crazy dream my mind had devised to keep me from losing what little bit of sanity I had left. I let the tears fall once again as my head stayed by his hand; soon I had literally cried myself out and with heavy lids I allowed them to close letting sleep have her way with me.

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