Chapter 43 (Just revised)

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Inside I was boiling; a rage that I had never felt before and if I didn't kill someone and soon the little bit of control that I had was going to snap.  Someone had tried to take out my Queen.  You only did that if you had a death wish.  When Camille had asked me to leave her room I knew she was pissed off and hurt about her shop, hell I would be too. 

 I knew how hard she had worked to put that place together and when I found out who did this, the other side of the world would not be far enough to hide them from me.  When my mom came back to the waiting room saying Camille was ready for us to come back in, I had just gotten off the phone with Alexi and he had some interesting thoughts on the matter. 

 "Dominic, when I first took Viktor into my organization, he was with a two-bit hood named Yuri and the whole 'disguise a bomb in newspaper' was his trademark.  This can only mean one thing, my friend.  It was Viktor.  I know where his mind is at; he's thinking if he takes out what means the most to you, you will start to make mistakes because your thirst for revenge will be the only thing that fuels you.  Take heed and learn from someone that has been there, now you need to have a more level head than ever.  Don't go off looking for something to destroy, stay one step ahead of him; this will throw him off and he will fuck up, they always do.  We will get this son of a bitch, Dom.  I promise you that" Alexi vowed and I knew he would keep to his promise.  He's like me, you don't fuck with family.

After getting Camille home and settled in, she was in some pain, so I encouraged her to take a pain pill and try to get some sleep.  Carlo and Fino were at the basement with someone for me to question; they'd caught the douche bag who threw the newspaper at the store front.  I was going to get my blood today after all.

  I put on my old tennis shoes, black sweats, black tank shirt and grabbed my little black bag from my office which contained everything I liked to use when I would be interrogating someone at a slow pace.  My jaw was clinched so hard, my face was beginning to ache but the sooner I could get this done the quicker I would be back home, in my bed and with her.   We pulled up to Desideris and Beni opened the door for me, like so many times before except this time was different, this time it was for her.  I was met by Carlo, Dante, Fino and Dino; together we walked slowly down the stairs to where the fates had brought us together on this night.  

"Dino, Cassie is safe?" I asked.  He nodded. 

 "Yes, Boss.  She has agreed to stay with me, so she is safe" he replied and I nodded in approval.  One thing that made me sick was to see young kids getting involved in this business; if you are born into it, that's one thing but to deliberately choose to be, that's something all together stupid.  I had to put aside my emotions and my feelings because right now I was six foot four inches of a flesh covered monster; I wanted blood, I needed blood and I would have blood.  By the end of this night I would be covered in it.

The kid looked to be twenty if he was a day, but he made his bed and now he'd be buried in it.  "Do you know who I am?" I asked.  He nodded furiously, his mouth gagged by a dirty rag.  "Good. So you know when I say I can make you talk, you know I can?"  Again he nodded, swallowing hard.  I walked over to him and drug my very sharp knife down his face, cutting through the flesh and making it bleed profusely; his screams muted only by the rag. 

 "I'm going to remove this" I said referring to the rag.  "And you will answer my questions.  If I think you are lying, your death will be slow and agonizing; if you are telling me the truth, it will be quick" my voice like ice, devoid of human emotion.  "Now, let's begin.  Who sent you?" I asked him.  

He shook his head and said "I don't know his name."  Whether I believed him or not wasn't the point, I just needed to make someone bleed.  My blade came down on his pinky finger, severing it completely, his screams echoing off the concrete walls.  I leaned over and got in his face. 

 "" I asked again, my patience wearing thin.

  "There was a middle man" his voice trembling.  "I only know his first name" he said through gritted teeth, the pain making him want to pass out.  

"Well?" I snapped.  This fuck, making me ask for the name!  I slapped him hard because he'd passed out on me.  "The name!" I screamed. 

 "Isack...his name is Isack" he mumbled.  I thanked him for his sacrifice and began carving and cutting on him until every major artery had been bled. 

 "Get this filth cleaned up and take out the garbage" I shouted to Fino who'd already began the cleaning up process.

Walking over to the sink, I began washing my hands and my blades, taking comfort in the red swirling water as I watched it go down the drain.  I was one step closer to Viktor and my revenge.  After making sure everything was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected I rolled my knives up and prepared to go home; I couldn't wait to take a shower and wash this shit from my body. 

 Jumping in the makeshift shower I washed my body, making sure the water ran clear before getting out.  I took my extra set of clothes from Beni and got dressed, grabbing the ones I'd just been wearing, along with the shoes and put them in a black garbage bag so it could go out with the rest of the trash.  What I needed now, more than anything else, was to feel Camille's body laying next to mine.  She would be the calming force that I needed to bring me back down.

  I was still on a blood high but like Alexi said, I needed to be more calculating and exacting because Viktor would just be waiting for me to fuck up so he could swoop in for the kill; over my dead body. 

 "Beni, when we get home, call Don Giovanni.  Set up a conference call between him, myself and Alexi for tomorrow morning, our time.  Right now I just need to be home" I instructed by right hand man, my voice strained and tired.  I would be home soon and submerged in her scent and warmth; she would be exactly what I needed.

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