Chapter 89 (Just revised)

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(Third Person POV)

It didn't seem possible they'd been home for six weeks already,  but they had.  Life had returned to normal.  Coffeecakes was back open for business for about two weeks now and the money was coming in like crazy as people had missed the place and it seemed that word of mouth had traveled.  

She and Cassie were so excited to be back in their element, her back to managing, etc. and Camille back to baking.  She was still struggling with being exhausted and she told Cassie she felt like she was coming down with something.  

"Do you need to go get some medicine?" Cassie asked sympathetically.  She just shook her head and said no, that she would be okay but she didn't feel okay as a matter of fact the more the day wore on the worse she felt.  

"Cass, since it's almost four, I'm going to go ahead and call Dante to come and get me.  Will you be okay closing up" she asked her friend.  

"Absolutely!  Call me if you need anything, okay?"  Camille assured her that she would.  Pulling her phone from her back pocket she hit speed dial.  

"Cam, you okay?" Dante's voice concerned.  

"I just don't feel very good.  Can you come around back so I don't have to walk through the shop?" she asked as her stomach did flip flops.  

"I'll be right there" he said.  Camille hung up and stepped into the parking lot as soon as she saw Dante pull up and then he  jumped out to get her door.  

"Hey girl, you don't look so good" he said even more concerned after seeing her pale appearance.  "I'm putting you up front with me so I can keep an eye on you" he said and she didn't fight him on it either.  

Cam laid her head against the back of the seat and tried to get her stomach to quit churning; she was trying to hold on until they got home but they were still twenty minutes away, closer to Dino's house than her own when she begged Dante to pull over.  

Before he could put the SUV in park, she'd jumped out and emptied the contents of her stomach on the side of the road.  He offered her a bottle of water, which she gratefully accepted.  Taking a sip, she handed it back to him and reached for the door as darkness closed in around her.

"Camille, can you hear me?" a familiar voice asked her as she tried hard to focus and get her eyes opened.  She finally managed to get her eyes open and discovered the familiar voice was that of Dr. Marianni.  

"What, what happened?" she questioned, sitting up with his help.  

"Dante was taking you home when you asked him to stop, you threw up and then passed out.  He was closer to here and decided to bring you here.  You have worried the poor boy to the point of threatening to sedate him" he said smiling.  

"I'm so sorry" she said trying to sit up.  

"No worries my dear, but your husband is on his way.  Dante called him as soon as he got here with you.  Now, I have my theories but I want to ask you a couple of simple questions, if I may" the doctor said.  She nodded and he continued.  "Are you taking birth control or using any contraception?" he asked.  She shook her head.  

"We decided, together, right before we got married that since both of us wanted children right away it was kind of a moot point to continue with any methods of birth control" Camille told him honestly.  

"Good, good" he said.  "Lastly, when was your last period?"  His last question hit her like a ton of bricks when she realized it had been six weeks ago; she'd been so busy with everything, the shop re-opening, Dom, their family that she hadn't paid attention to the fact that she'd missed two periods.  

"Well because I have a small family practice on the side with female patients, I tend to carry pregnancy tests with me,  so" he said getting up and going to his bag, pulling one out, he handed her the box and told her to go to the restroom.

She walked in a daze to the bathroom wondering if she was carrying Dom's child in her womb and the idea of this excited her immensely.  Following the directions, she peed on the stick, set the timer on her phone for five minutes, sat down and waited.  While she was waiting she could hear Dominic's concerned voice right outside the bathroom as Dr. Marianni pulled him away from the door.  

Feeling her phone vibrate in her hand, indicating that the time was up, she picked up the digital stick, gasped, throwing her hand up over her mouth.  She was pregnant!  If she had to guess she was at least six to eight weeks along!  She needed to make an appointment with Dr. Goldberg immediately but first, her husband.  

Her beautiful, wonderful, sexy husband had knocked her up!  Giggling she grabbed the stick and shoved it in her pocket, threw water on her face and tried to tidy herself up.  Unlocking the door, she opened it slowly to see Dom, Dr. Marianni, Dante, Dino, Cassie, Carlo and Fino standing there just staring at her.

Dominic walked to her immediately, wiping her sweaty hair from her forehead, just gazing at her, he asked finally "Are you alright, cara?"  

She bit her lower lip, took his hand and walked him over to the corner for a little privacy.  Saying nothing, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the test and handed it to her husband; his eyes widened at the enormity of what she had just told him, then tears sliding down his face, he dropped to his knees, encircling her waist and kissing her belly.  

The curious looks we received from everyone else quickly went away when she held up the test.  "Oh my God!" Cassie screamed, throwing herself into Dino's arms and finally everyone else started to get what was going on.  

Her and Dom were having a baby!

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