Chapter 2 (Just revised)

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My name is Camille Patrice Devereaux, I'm 28 years old, 5"1 and I only weigh 110 pounds, soaking wet, as my dad used to joke and I am originally from San Francisco, California.

I moved to New York eight years ago after my dad passed away. My mother left him when I was two years old, he did a fantastic job raising me and I know that I am what I am today because of him.

I was able to live out my dream by studying under some of the best pastry chefs in France and here in New York and all I ever wanted was to open up a little shop, bake pastries and live happily ever after; but that future would not come easy for me.

I had just finished my tenth interview with different restaurants and this one, like all the others went south. I was frustrated, disappointed, and leaving when I literally bumped into a girl that would soon become my best friend and business partner.

Her name is Cassandra Davidson, or Cassie for short. I had just gotten on the subway when we collided with each other, ended up going to coffee together and the rest is history.

She had the business know-how and the money, I had the baking knowledge and together we found the perfect space in Little Italy and Coffeecakes was born.

"Cassie you confirmed my meeting with Mrs. Giossi this morning, right?" I called out dusting the flour from my shirt.

"I sure did. She's expecting you at ten sharp" she replied, typing away at her computer.

"Ok, thanks again!" that gave me exactly one hour to get ready. I'd wear my normal black pencil skirt, the one that came just above the knees, my white button down dress blouse and my black Louboutins.

Those shoes and my car were the only frivolities that I splurged on when we finally started making a profit, the rest I invested and put into savings.

I was trying to think ahead and did not want to ever have to struggle the way my poor dad did, he always worked late hours in a job he didn't really like just to make ends meet.

That was not going to be me. He always said I deserved a better future and I loved him for saying that.

I always wore my hair up when meeting with clients because I took the food industry seriously and if I met with a client wearing my hair down, when I work around and with food, what kind of message would that send?

Keeping my makeup light, I chose mascara to make my eyes pop and nude lip gloss, thankfully I never needed to cake it on.

My skin had a natural light tan to it giving me a healthy glow, my lips were naturally plump, not Angelina Jolie plump, but pouty.

I had sea foam green eyes which I got from my dad and I hovered somewhere around a B or C cup depending on the bra I was wearing and my butt was a nice round size.

And if I wore a particular cut of jeans or dress pants, the looks I'd get made me blush every time.

I was very happy with how I looked and told Cassie I would be back after while.

"Well good luck" she said. "I heard that Valentina Giossi is a very sweet lady, a little dramatic, but she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. You should do great" Cassie added.

"I will come back and fill you in on everything" I promised as I walked out the back entrance of Coffeecakes; did I mention that my apartment is above the bakery?

Ah, there was my pride and joy; a 2016 pure black Camaro SS, it looked more like the Batmobile than a car and I guess that's why I loved it so.

The power I felt when I was behind the wheel made me feel exhilarated; I mean why else would anyone, living in New York, drive a car?

I carefully pulled out onto the side street, made my way to the main thoroughfare and soon I was driving on a beautiful country road heading to the Giossi Estate.

Singing along with my Goo Goo Dolls CD, I tried getting my inner kid out of my system before I had to come back down to adulthood.

My dad said that was one of my most attractive traits, was knowing when to have fun and when to knuckle down and work.

My mouth hung open, very unattractively too, I might add but I couldn't help it.

The 'houses' on this road weren't houses like you and I would think of, no these were freaking mansions!

I had quietly wondered if Mrs. Giossi was related to the Giossi family that basically ran New York, that would explain a lot.

How many Giossi's could there be in New York? I looked at the radio on my dash, I was twenty minutes early so I drove past the gated drive and decided to see what else I could see on this road.

As I drove by mansion after mansion my mind mused at the money behind these monstrosities and silently wondered what these people did for a living.

I also wondered if they ever did any charity work and helped out people less fortunate than themselves.

Oh well I thought as I slowly headed back the way I came, now having ten minutes to spare I pulled up to the gate and pushed on the intercom button.

A disembodied voice, thick accent, Italian I think, answered and I stated my business.

"Good morning. I'm Camille Devereaux. I have a ten o'clock appointment with Mrs. Giossi."

The voice came back over the box and said to pull through, take the long driveway, to the circular drive and park, saying thank you, I pulled through the opened gate.

I hadn't been aware of the black SUV that was pulling in behind me at the same time.

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