Chapter 13 (Just revised)

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I had set up everything so Camille would see and stay away from me; I had to take care of things and she was a distraction, a beautiful one, but a distraction nonetheless. I played my part well, I destroyed her. I hated myself when she stomped in looking like she hadn't eaten or slept in two weeks and when she said I was dead to her the knife was plunged deeper into my cold heart. 

As soon as she walked away and got into the elevator I pushed the bitch from my lap and yelled at her to get dressed; it wasn't her fault. I gave her $200 to play the part, without asking questions she did. I'd sent Carlo to keep eyes on her while I met with Beni, Dante, Enrico and Fino; they had news about the shooting.

"Boss" Fino was talking. "We spoke to employees at Valentino's and they gave a description of Colette and the new bouncer from Desideris . I talked to several of the girls and they said this kid had a hot nut for Colette and would do anything for a taste of her pussy. Funny thing is both of them have disappeared and are in the wind."

 I took in what Fino said then I saw red. I picked up a half empty bottle of vodka and threw it at the wall watching it shatter.

 "I want that bitch found and that dumb ass. Nobody eats, nobody sleeps until they're found. I will deal with them personally!" I yelled.

My tirade was interrupted by my cell, it was Carlo. 

"What?" I snapped. "She what?" I yelled. "When?" "Well shit!" "No, stay posted there. I'll be in touch" I said ending the call and tossing my phone on the couch. 

"What is it, Boss?" Beni asked. 

I sighed, running my hands through my hair and said "Carlo said Camille packed a bag, took a cab and left." 

Beni was quiet for a moment and said wisely "Maybe it's for the best until you get this mess with Colette taken care of and then go to her and talk." 

I knew he was right but still I just couldn't help thinking about what I'd put her through and hoped she could forgive me.

I went to visit Alexi and was glad to find it was a shoulder wound only. He was nice enough to ask about Camille and I played that whole mess off. 

"Alexi, we know who it was. My men are searching but I want your guys in the mix and when they're found I want Viktor present when I hand out the punishment for this betrayal." Alexi was grateful and assured me that our relationship was intact and to keep him in the loop. My next stop was Desideris.

It was before opening and everyone there knew I was looking for blood and not to fuck with me. After conducting my own interrogations I went to the bar for a drink and soon found myself not alone and not in the mood. 

"Dominic" a dancer named Angel purred. "You look uptight baby, why don't you let me help you work that frustration out." Once I would have gladly let her suck me off but I couldn't think about anyone but Camille.

 "Angel kindly fuck off. I'm not in the mood" my tone pure acid. She took the hint though and huffed off. "Thanks for the drink, Barbie" I said to the bartender. 

"Sure thing, Boss" she said winking. Barbie was good people and loyal. I asked Beni to take me home. I was done for tonight. We had a busy day tomorrow; getting ready for the swap plus this Colette shit.

I let the hot water run off my body as I leaned against the shower wall and let my thoughts turn to Camille. Dominic Giossi you're dead to me...I kept hearing her words over and over. I slammed my fist into the tile, watching the blood drip down the shower wall and into the drain.

 I have never let a woman get to me like her; she was under my skin. I could see myself coming home to her at the end of a shitty day and burying myself in her because she would be the only one that would be able to make me feel human and not a cold blooded killer. I sighed, turned off the water and got out. I slipped into bed naked, laid on my back and just stared at the ceiling. "I'm sorry, Camille" I said out loud, sighing as sleep alluded me once again.

I was not in a good mood this morning but what's new, ever since that night nothing's gone right and my mood has suffered. I pulled on my underwear, dress socks, dress pants, dress shirt, buttoned it up, tucked it in and tightened my belt. I took one last look in the mirror and went down for coffee. Today had better be the day I get some goddamn answers.

"Talk to me" I demanded to my men.

 "Located the bouncer but he has been very hard to convince" Enrico said. 

"We have eyes all over the city and have had some credible sightings of Colette. We are tracking those down" Fino replied.

 "The swap details?" I asked.

 "Everything's ready, Boss. The Russians, Greeks and Irish will be there; I was at the warehouse until midnight getting everything squared away" Beni assured his boss. 

"Good. Any word from Carlo?" I asked. 

"Her friend has been running the business. She also told Dino she had only heard from Camille once and that she was doing as good as could be expected." I was bothered by that last statement but first things first; the swap, then Colette and lastly Camille.

 "Let's go" I commanded walking to the door.'s what I lived for especially when I had been stolen from.  Collette had stolen from me, not physically, but emotionally and I didn't like being fucked with.  She was going to learn tonight and I would be her teacher.

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